The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

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All threads except this one should be capped at 25 pages. There's really nothing more to say about anything related to role playing games after that point
Hell, I end up not following threads I've created myself after 5-10 pages. People get bogged down in pointless debates about minutiae, or the topic devolves into something that has nothing to do with the initial question...

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For some reason my ears are burning. :p.

I am getting better though. I find myself hitting that unsubscribe button more and more often of late.


For some reason my ears are burning. :p.

I am getting better though. I find myself hitting that unsubscribe button more and more often of late.
Thing is, I get mired in those pointless debates myself (well, either that or I end up joining a thread well into its 25th-30th page and the topic has already changed), so I am absolutely not pointing any fingers to anyone. It's more like a collective fault that you can only explain at a group level.


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
All of these threads on D&D art, and I had completely forgotten I had a copy of the Art & Arcana book of D&D art! (Getting ready to move things to some new book shelves, and there it was sitting between books it has no relation to!)
Reading my copy of the Tomb of Ra-Hotep was a really nice bonus on that thing.

@Snarf Zagyg Have you read it? Did you know it's the origin of your beloved Sphere of Annihilation?


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Bob: "Hey look, this cool new Kickstarter is probably going to break a million!"
Ed: "Ugh, it's all just marketing. They work the numbers to make their project look more attractive."
Bob: "So they're just trying to sell their new product?"
Ed: "Yes! Exactly!"
Bob: "Like everyone else in the free market?"
Ed: "Um....yes."
Bob: "And that's bad?"
Ed: "...look it's the principle, okay? They're doing it wrong!"
Bob: "A million dollars' worth of wrong, from the look of it."

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Reading my copy of the Tomb of Ra-Hotep was a really nice bonus on that thing.

@Snarf Zagyg Have you read it? Did you know it's the origin of your beloved Sphere of Annihilation?

I was fortunate enough to see a certain Art & Arcana author (Witwer) during a book tour in the before-times at a literary festival I try to go to every year.

I missed the last two years (ahem, one because it didn't exist) but I am looking forward to this year! That, and a concert tonight.

I feel like I just emerged from a sphere of annihilation.


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
If anyone else is excited by the Tomb of Ra-Hotep, as a reminder, the WebDM crew got together with Wandering DMs for a live play of it for Halloween 2020. I thought it was pretty great, even though I'm not a big fan of watching streamed D&D.



Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
Is WotC producing "pap designed to offend nobody" or is it producing material that spurs creativity in the community and allows the community the freedom to cater to everyone?
I think they started out doing it that way. The DMG shows that kind of spark. But they've been changing their methods slightly with each product release. Tasha's had some of that, but also some patches to "fix" things in the PHB. With Fizban's Treasury of Dragons, they drastically changed how monster statblocks will be produced, which is a tweak that impacts subclasses that were previously designed.

Ultimately, they have to figure out how to profit from the D&D franchise, while still allowing people full scope to tinker and customize. It's absolutely doable (it's been done by other game companies in previous years), but I don't know how easy it is to do in an era of Twitch streaming, and VTTs, and online subscription models.


Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
Is WotC producing "pap designed to offend nobody" or is it producing material that spurs creativity in the community and allows the community the freedom to cater to everyone?
Why not both?


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