• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Long Journey Home

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First Post
Ghost nods slowly

As far as I'm concerned so was Reaper, using another of his tricks to evade me. He was resourceful, I'll give him that. Those aliens are definately real to my eyes, as well as their weapons.

His rifle steadied, not moving an inch.

OOC: We were kinda trying to be pseudo professionals and clear the building of threats and or personnel before searching thoroughly. If you prefer we can do each room in turn, I was just currently working on the basis of being able to search the place once it's safe and not get ambushed or surprised, it's one of the reasons why I was covering the stairwell. We didn't intend for it to seem like we were just going "here is a magical mystery gizmo...Nightshade can't do that".

OOC: I don't mind if you wish to move on, was just making sure you were fine with it instead of just leaving all the tech behind :p I will do an update when more people from Bunker have posted.

J. D. Tsuba

First Post
OOC: Well I for one don't really want to leave my fun new toy behind, can I attach it to my armour somehow? you say it floats, so i could just drag it behind me on a rope, no?
I also wish to stack the papers and put them inside my suit jacket

'I'll be right there Aleks, there's no point leaving the papers on the floor though, I can pick them up and carry them with us, in case we need to make a quick exit later. Better to take the time we have now than hope we have time on the way back.'

As he says this, he picks up the papers and stands up. Once ready (possibly after attaching the hoverpad? - Universal Narration) he follows the small tactical group through, further into the building

OOC: [sorry mikhail, I thought what you said was audible. If it wasn't, pretend I fell unconscious again and was talking in my sleep)


First Post

While Alexander was taking time to patch the alien up, Rey decided to kill two birds with one stone. She tried talking with the alien, keeping it focussed and alert but also trying her best to get a baseline for their communication, using objects in the room, on her person to try and get anything she could.

I figured considering we can't really talk to the thing yet, I don't need to Roleplay out point at things and making noises, at least until we can actually understand each other

Rolled a 6, spending 2 destiny to make it a pass by 1, willing to spend up to 3 more

Alexander nods slowly, content with his patchwork.

"Okay, I think we've done all we can for this one. His life is in god's hands now. We should forge forward. Arthur, any word on the risks ahead? Bunkers like this should be filled with security mechanisms; at least, assuming their approach to warfare is anything like ours."

Arthur Campbell

First Post
I don't think there's much in the way of defences left in here, or anything for that matter. Most of their traps seem spent He gestured towards the expended mines.
If my guess is correct I'd also guess that the main thing these were all defending was our friend, or possibly these things he held up one of the data drives.
But I'll see if there's anything else.

I'll have kaboom take parts from some of the more intact mines so I can recreate them at a later date, like the infra red systems or anything that looks interesting. This probably doesn't need to be spoiler tagged but oooooooo mystery. Kaboom stealth check 9-7= 2 DOS

OOC: I'm pretty sure we've found everything in here but just in case. Using ultrasound and a whole bunch of random skills, is there anywhere else to go deeper into the bunker? doors/hatches or possibly a sealed/hidden exit of some kind.
Perception: 9-8= 1 DOS
investigation:10-7= 3 DOS
traps:6-5= 1 DOS
Last edited:


Rey manages to quickly grasp the basics of their language, it is difficult at first mostly because her mouth shape is different to the aliens but she at least has the basic grammatical structure down. Probably a few more rules to learn and more words but she can at least know how to learn it well now. Given more time she can definitely pick up their language.

There is a way further into the bunker past this room, this seems like the first defense line. Or last depending on how you look at in, when Arthur arrives at the stairwell further down the creature leans over shaking his head. Arthur can hazard a guess that the alien is telling him it's dangerous down that way.

Alexander looks over Arthurs notes and realizes most of the defensive mechanisms have been spent, maybe by battles this lone creature has seen or others more recent.

Passing down into the stair well the place isn't well lit, Echo squad lights up their torches on their MDAs or weaponry to search the nearby area. It is hard to see much further ahead but the previous scans that Arthur took can tell them that they are closing in on more movement. Possibly those that the alien was fighting against. Either way Echo starts to feel on edge and ready to take on a fight.

OOC: Map going up shortly, it will be in google docs but do me a favour and don't move the fog of war. Kinda will spoil the effect.


OOC: No need to re-roll stealth checks.

The group goes up the stairs, J.D. Tsuba taking his little disk with him. Sierra start to clear room after room, all empty. There are some destroyed bots in them and some other suits of armour but that seems to be it. Eventually Sierra reaches a room that is being run on more than emergency power, standing inside is a creature with 6 legs, a taur body and humanoid upper half. On the ends of her legs instead of hooves there are three large claws. It is kneeling in front of a large capsule making a periodically wailing noise, the capsule itself doesn't look like it is being powered. The creature is slamming its hands onto the ground periodically and saying something in an alien language. Cracks start to appear in its skin seemingly eroding away.

OOC: Map going up shortly for this group too.

Boarded up building

Ghost is pointing his gun readily at the group of aliens. The aliens are shouting something at him and pointing their own weapons at him with none pointed at Raymond. One of the creatures, quite a bit smaller than the rest walks up to Raymond and pokes his MDA. It says something in its alien tongue, it seems to be quite sad as it says it. Then it points at Ghost. Most of the rest of the group is looking quite agitated and ready to jump on Ghost.

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