• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Long Journey Home


The alien moves on its floating disk and calls out to some others, that then chase the other creature down the tunnels. The rest of the aliens there then return to their posts, other aliens are coming out of hiding seeing that the danger is for naught. A group of five aliens with weapons go out the tunnel, presumably to find what triggered the alarm. Other than that the aliens go back to their daily routine of surviving down here.


Rey you only need to spend 1, Aleksandra hasn't posted in a while so I will assume the other alien comes down.

Rey keeps the alien conscious by keeping it awake through conversation. After talking with it a while you understand that it is trying to lead you somewhere safe, or at least safe according to it. Another alien this one smaller than the wounded one approaches. The pair of aliens start up a conversation and Rey can understand that they are explaining each others predicaments to each other. It also seems the pair do not know who each other are as there is an exchange of names. Afterwards the smaller one takes the wounded alien under one of its arms then the pair get up and walks past the rest of the squad who are talking amongst each other. The pair follow Mikhail to the abandoned boarded up building. Once they get there they wait for others to follow:

Doesn't matter who goes where, just pick one option and stick to it. I hope that you pick one then run with it, don't peek at both of them before choosing.

[sblock=For those following]
It goes through a series of corridors sometimes taking pieces of the wall and opening them up into new corridors. This is quite a maze of weird interlocking tunnels. Arthur if he follows notices that there are traps here and this alien is taking routes to avoid them. The alien eventually reaches one trap that is untouched but the group can see there was a scuffle here and a large amount of blood. Someone was shot here and it wasn't an alien. The alien is really confused by the sight of red blood. The alien makes a series of clicks worriedly and hastily moves along through the tunnels until reaching a group of five aliens that are patrolling. This group draws weapons on them, your alien is shouting something at this new group but the new group is not letting down. They seem to be overly paranoid about something.

[sblock=For those not following]
Snowdrop powers up again, the barrel of the main cannon turns around and points to whomever is standing around. The group scatters as a shot is fired. Snowdrop begins to move diverting it's attention to across the people who were left behind. There is a short static sound filling up the area, the group outside can hear the sounds of aircraft coming in. To all those outside Remi opens up a comms link.

"Hey you guys on the surface, I've only found you guys on radar I hope the others aren't lost. You have incoming of a robot vessel similar to the ones that attacked the wanderer. Be Careful!" Remi states.


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Mikhail Zhukov

First Post
[sblock=the cool group]
This might have been the spot where Ghost shot the twin. Did they get lost in the tunnels, shot one another and then get captured or did they get captured first and then did some blue on blue. Could of course be somebody else's blood but the cold reception does suggest that Ghost is somewhere nearby.

Mikhail holsters his rifle.

No point in antagonizing them any further, even if we come out on top I am not sure we can find our way back in this maze.


Ray Ray

First Post
Ray relaxes a little as the security seems to die down, and makes his way back towards where he'd dropped off his little friend, hoping they were still around somewhere. There were lots of other aliens around him... but he felt he needed to protect the little one, for whatever reason. If he was a girl he'd blame his mothering instinct, but, well, he had nothing to blame but his capacity to just be goshdarned caring. Chicks dig hard muscled, soft centred guys,right? At least, thats what Raymond was telling himself right now.

For the group going in
Alexander stands proud as the weapons are aimed upon him and the group. However, with the microsecond that it would take for them to pull the trigger, he was confident that he could catch all five bullets, and crush them between his armoured fists. Assuming they fired bullets, anyway...Either way, as they lowered their firearms, he bowed his head in a sign of greeting. Still, the sight of red blood in the corridoor worried him. Humans bleed red...

J. D. Tsuba

First Post
[sblock=brave advance squad (not the chickens)]I stand there looking small and sciencey, i.e. not a threat.
I think about how great I am.
That is all.

Arthur Campbell

First Post
[sblock= indoor group] Arthur fell into step behind his captain as the group headed into the boarded up building.

Noticing the traps he Opened his comms with his squad Sir, these corridors are riddled with traps. Though our guide is circumventing them I'm curious as to where it's taking us, whatever it is it's well guarded.

OOC: Traps: 9-5= 5 DOS. Are the traps similar to the ones found in the bunker? and I guess any other prominent features I notice about them
As they progressed down the corridors he tried to remember they way back out taking the occasional backwards glance to better orientate himself as well pinging his ultrasound to get a better idea of the layout and any other movement there might be.
As the tensions rose with the aliens Arthur maneuvered slightly behind Bauhdrics large frame, drew and concealed a smoke grenade, if a fight started they wouldn't be caught in the open. [/sblock]


First Post
OOC: Oh god, sooo many spoilers ^^. Oh that reminds me has destiny recharged for me yet? Or is this still considered the same scene?

After watching the group's of aliens head off in separate directions, Ghost decides to follow the group that started to head towards the tunnel where the alarm was triggered, if there's any chance, no matter how slim, it was Reaper, he wasn't about to give it up. He picked up the pictures pointing a claw to himself, then he motions to the tunnel the aliens just went down, and picks a picture of two aliens following each other. Before the leader has a chance to respond, Ghost nods and moves off. He looks for the looming figure that is Ray and picks him out easily.

I'm following their scouting party, we need to find a way out of here. If you intend to stay here private can you try to find out where our weapons are, I have a feeling this isn't over just yet. Something caused that alarm to trigger, and I can almost guarantee it wasn't friendly. I'm trusting you private not to leave me behind should our squads find us before I return.

He takes on a serious look..

However, if things get bad make sure you escape. You're no good to anyone dead, plus who'll let the squads know that I'm still down here if you die? If I find anything I'll let you know.

As he turns to walk off he stops briefly, then turns back to Ray

One last thing private....Cute kid, he looks just like you.

A slight hint of a smile creeping onto his face as he turns away and walks towards the tunnel the alien scouting party went down. On internal comms..

Sarah, lights out.

They both fall into shadow and catch up with the scouting troop.

OOC: Ghost stealth: 6-4 = 2DoS
Sarah stealth: 3-7 = -4
Ghost Perception: 8-5 = 3DoS
Sarah Per': 5-5 = Flat pass
Ghost Unseen sense: 7-8 = -1 (spending 1 destiny to make it flat pass)
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After all those introductions and shaking of hands and everything else, Nicholas decided to stay outside. Not because he was a chicken, but he figured that he might as well keep watch to prevent stealthy backattacks on the group going in. They were of course, in a hostile situation.

That's when he heard the comms link going off and he listened carefully.

"Do we have any more info or are we to just assume that we shall... how do the Americans put it? Bust a cap in their asses should they approach us?"

J. D. Tsuba

First Post
heya chaps and chapettes, I will be roaming the counrtyside for the next few weeks, and thus unable to post, so Tsuba will find a nice corner in one of the return shuttles and nap for a few minutes/hours/days
I'll see you all again when I'm back in internet range

Voidrunner's Codex

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