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The Shackled City - Golarion Prelude


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When the group moves closer to the doorway, it is apparent that the door is being held open by a stone wedged between the door and frame. The room is pitch black beyond what little light scatters through the narrow opening from the hall into the room beyond.

Caytis and Svexyn flank the door way, while Marcus stands at the ready. Marcus nods to Nia, who then gently places the spider on the smooth stone floor. The hunting spider softly skitters across the ground, moving quickly and silently. Nia stands motionless for a moment, allowing her thoughts to become one with Shelob. Her eyes roll back into her head and suddenly, her senses are replaced with alien senses.

For a moment, her stomache lurches from change in visual input as her mind races to make sense of eight eyes. Nia quickly adapts, having spent plenty of time sharing the mind of her companion. The hunter’s instincts of the spiders mind sharpens her awareness. The sharing was exhilirating, addictive even. Some of the jungle folk had been known to get lost in the sharing, forgetting their true self and never returning to their human shell.

While Nia had no direct control over Shelob, she could make her desires known in the mind of the creature. It was almost like a strong suggestion or compulsion. This time, however, Shelob knew what Nia wanted without even having to be asked.

Shelob raced over the doorframe and immediately Nia panicked.


Nia barely choked off a scream. It took her a moment to realize the thoughts were not her own. She calmed herself and then soothed the spider. The smells Nia detected from the room beyond were intense. Dead spiders lay in several piles on the floor. More half eaten carapaces lay strewn about the room. However, there was another smell distinct from the reek of spider carnage.

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A wave of protectiveness surged up in Nia, and she let it spill over into Shelob; letting her know that it would not be her fate to join the others there. She 'tugged' slightly on the bond between them. come back...come back to me...

Then the world was color and she could see far into the distance. Smells receded and the air no longer lay like a blanket over her that she could sense each movement of. She breathed through one big hole; the same she ate through. The oddness of that passed quickly.

"Dere be more of dose tings in dere," she whispers darkly. "More den one. Be ready."

She pulled a throwing spear from the sling over her shoulder and prepared for a fight.


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Caytis Maggerin, half-elf magus

At Nia's warning, Caytis nodded. He hissed out words in the alien tongue his companions now recognized, green vapor issuing forth again to coalesce into its shield form and disappear from view.

[sblock=actions]Assuming we're planning to enter, Caytis casts Shield prior to that.[/sblock]

[sblock=mini-stats]Caytis Maggerin
HP: 10/10 AC: 15(19) AC(T): 12 AC(FF): 13(17)
(values in parenthesis with Shield active)
Init: +02
BAB: 00 CMB/CMD: 00/12 ACP: -1 ASF: 00 Spot: +05

Conditions: Shield (1 minute)
In Hand: Quadrens

Saving Throw Total Base Mod Misc Special
Fort: 03 2 +1
Ref: 01 0 +2 -1*
Will: 03 2 +1

* -1 Reflex (Wyrm Blooded trait)
** Conditional: Immune sleep, +2 vs enchantments, +4 vs acid

Weapon Attack Damage Critical Special
Quadrens +2 1d6 19-20/x2 1 pt bleed on crit
Quadrens, Spell Combat +0 1d6 19-20/x2 1 pt bleed on crit
Composite Shortbow +2 1d6 20/x3 Range 70 ft.

* Conditional: +1 attack with Arcane Pool enhancement.

Arcane Pool: 4/5 remaining

Spells Prepared:
* 0 Level (3): Prestidigitation, Detect Magic, Light
* 1st Level (2, DC 15): Shield, Shield[/sblock][/QUOTE]


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The group prepares themselves, readying themselves for the ambush they know lies on the other side the the door. Protective magic blankets the group, and the soft whisper of blades being drawn is muffled by the sound of running water.

Marcus bracers his shield against the wall and rolls the gear door the rest of the way into the wall, opening the passage completely and allowing more light into the room. The piece of shattered stone work that was bracing it open clatters to the floor now the it is no longer held in place by the door. Looking in, the room appears to have been some kind of barracks? Perhaps the quarters for the watchman that might have kept guard over the entrance to the city.

A dozen small cots and chests line the walls of this ten-foot-high dusty room. Cobwebs blanket many of the cots and chests, and tiny spiders scurry about. Two rough-hewn tunnels, each five feet in diameter and tubular, breach the eastern and southern walls. Stony rubble covers th floor near each tunnel. The shadows cast into the room are long and eerie, giving the room a creepy vibe.

The piles of spider carcasses lay in the middle of the room in various stages of consumption. Pools of dark ichor drain into the cracks in the stone floor beneath them. However, there is no sign of the grey Skulks.

Marcus picks up his shield and carefully enters the room.

<rolls incoming>


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Marucs scans the room, looking for the camouflaged opponents he knows are hiding some where in the room. He check's the corners by the door, knowing the fiends tried that trick before. Then, for a moment he notices the wall shift slighty...there in the corner...Skulks!

OOC: Combat Map Incoming. Have to step away from the computer for a bit.


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A skulk nearest the drilled passed screams, bits of spider flesh still on his face.

We are seen, KILL THE INVADERS..

He draws a rapier and backs towards the tunnel.

The other two skulks brace crossbows on the beds and prepare to fire.

Voidrunner's Codex

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