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The Sky Breathes All Life - OOC


Jonathon Vars is a craftsman, and a damned good one.. He could make almost anything from a creme pie to a masterfully crafted sword to a wagon.. What he couldn't make was any sense out of his muddled memories. Jonathon was found in a field near <Insert capital Human city here>, wearing torn bloodied clothing and near death from wounds made by finely crafted swords. Since waking, he's been unable to remember much of his past.. It's known that he's been good at everything he's tried to date, though what he's best at is defending himself, as some bandits found out a few months ago.
Jonathon was travelling with a merchants caravan between cities, selling goods he'ld crafted himself. They were assaulted by bandits and, after refusing to hand over their loot, were attacked. He took three of them out bare-handed before finally getting his hands on one of their swords.. and then he dispatched the rest with what the others called "Unbridled Fury". So skilled, quick, and... 'scary' were his movements that the caravans guards didn't realize till it was over that they'd missed the entire fight. After the fight, Jonathon was so shaken that he had to be carried back to his home and it was only b/c of the imminent threat of the Elven attack that he was even convinced to wear a sword... ONLY for protection.
This raised even more questions, just what WAS Jonathon doing before his Amnesia, and with his obvious skill.. who or what could possibly have left him so near death in a field?

And so eventually Jonathon found his way aboard the airship. The captain personally asked him to join, and he agreed on one condition - He would NOT join as one of the guards, but as a handyman, smith, and general worker.

(I'll be looking at an Expert/Fighter/Barbarian, lots of skills, good fighter, etc.. this's a characte I've been wanting to play for a long time.. Got the idea listening to Linkin Park. (I always pick a theme song for my characters... Jonathon's theme is Linkin Park's "Breaking the Habit".)

Character levels:
doesn't work lvl 1... LVL 2 = Brb/Expert. LVL 3 = Brb/Expert/Fighter
LVL 4 = Brb/exp/fgt2 LVL 5 = Expert/Monk/Fgtr2/Brb (Ex-monk)

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Lord Wyrm

First Post
Vaeris: Additional Background

Staus reports from the official dossier of Vaeris, templar to his holiness:
"...the boy is growing strong in his work on those ships and the training with the chains is proceeding at an accelerated rate. This one shows much promise, he wholeheartedly commits himself to us, his sense of honor is as strong as any of his trainers and he is as cold-blooded as any of our priests. This morning while I oversaw his training in the holy grove I had to briefly return to the temple in order to heal one of our faithful injured in battle. During the time I was gone acolyte Tirden was killed by Vaeris as they sparred, by the time I returned Vaeris had nearly concluded the death rights and was ready to continue his training against a more experienced opponent. The boy almost scares me."
~High Templar Crozi

"...upon return to the clearing Vaeris and I had set up camp we discovered our comrades bodies. While I inspected the injuries Vaeris kept watch. I determined quickly that the acolytes had been slain by elvish arrows, these pointy ears continue to get my temper to flare. Due to my skills at following tracks I led the chase while Vaeris guarded from several yards back. The tracks steadily began to converge with our own from the morning patrol. A few hundred yards from where we turned back to camp earlier we spied the elven village. Waiting until nightfall we crept into the village, while I warded myself with spells Vaeris went about killing the guards. When several of the best defenders of the tree top settlement were dispatched I called upon the burning power of his holiness and sent the central tree ablaze. With the many panicing elves running about the defenders had a hard time distinguishing friend and foe. Vaeris cut down several more warriors while I quickly suppressed the elves limited magical support. After the fight we allowed the children to fend for themselves and forcefully ejected them from the village after telling them to flap. The women's lamentations nearly drove me insane but Vaeris chained several of them. After two days travel several were dead but upon return to the temple thirteen were auctioned off to local nobles. The remaining two were kept by Vaeris and myself as trophies of the hunt. Those fool elves, we had intended only a few elk but instead managed to bring down two hundred "immortals"..."
~High Priest and Master Tracker Vorsic of the Irontooth Orcs

"...after my interview with Templar Vaeris (promoted upon my orders) I have determined the following to be true:
One: Vaeris, while an effective scout and infiltrator, is not at his best in these roles.
Two: The changing of his name in all records past and present is required considering his new title as "follower of the roads".
Three: His skills at eliminating lone opponents, even powerful ones, at beyond even mine. While his skill at destroying a crowd is not impressive his tactic of using one brutally mauled corpse as a sign to the mob that he will do the same to them has dispersed several riots and even forced a hobgolin detachment's surrender. He should be placed in our Black Guard.
Four: Upon his likely assignment to the Black Guard he should be given command of elimination and assassination missions. He's too good to waste under an incompetant commander and shows good command potential himself.
My recomendation of his new post should be taken extremely seriously..."

~attributed to Veril, follower of the road of the moon.

A little additional background on Vaeris, and a physical description.

Physical Description: Looking no older than twenty four and standing a little over 6'1" Vaeris strikes an imposing figure in his black cloak and studded leather armor, although he has been leaning toward chain shirts recently. He is well toned and, upon the unlikely event he is seen without a shirt, could be described as "cut". He weighs about one hundred sixty pounds and tries to maintain a light gear load. His hair is black peppered with grey on the temples, a leftover from his previous appearance in his fifties despite magical rejuvenation. His face and somewhat angular in appearance but not overly so. His eyes, a stone grey shade, seem to be those of a man far older than he appears outwardly. His main distinguishing feature is a large scar over his jugular, incompletely healed from his fight with Rimris even after magical aid.

Lord Wyrm

First Post
I was paging through my copy of Races of Destiny and found a feat that Vaeris and a few other character may find interesting:

Able Learner<Racial>
You have great aptitude for learning
Prerequisite: Human or Doppleganger
Benefit: All skill ranks cost 1 skill point for you to purchase, even if the skill is a cross-class skill for you. The maximum number of ranks you can purchase in a cross-class skill remain the same.
This feat does not effect the skill point cost to learn a language or to gain literacy (for a barbarian or other illiterate character)
Normal: Cross-class skills cost 2 skill points per rank.
Special: This featmay only be taken at 1st level.


First Post
Iron Lizzie

Ahh, life on the sea was a fine fine thing.

Of course, that was before the debts started to catch up with her.
And the threats. First in dark alleys, and then, eventually, in open

It wouldn't have happened if she'd been a little wiser, or a little
more diplomatic. But she'd never been strong on either of those
points. Oh, she could get along well enough with the salty dogs on
her ship. She could visit the local tavern anywhere she went and
leave the graybeards at the captains table roaring with laughter, a
great smile on their faces.

She'd been brought up with sea-folk, after all. The sea shaped her
first steps, her first words. She teethed with a rough hemp rope
clutched in her tiny fists. She was born to the sea, and she knew it,
and the old graybeards knew it, too. They could see the ocean depths
in her eyes, and knew that the sea had her just as it had them.

But the sea never meant that much to merchants, their fat fingers
dripping with rings, who hired ships by the score. And that... well,
that made life as an independent captain more than a little bit hard.

The first time one of her contracts was broken, there wasn't much
pain. The ship had to take on a little less water, a little less salt
pork. The grog still held, and the crew held with it. She nearly
spat in the man's face when he told her he'd found a faster ship--a
better ship--a ship captained by a son of a father.

The spitting didn't help one bit.

The second time, the merchant had heard about the first. He sent a
lackey around to make his excuses. She barely found a bit of cargo to
pay the ship's way back to home port... and the hands were thinner by
the time she reached home.

The third trip tore it--they'd taken a loan to get a full load of
supplies for the trip, and had a written guarantee of goods at their
destination. A storm took them on the way, and they had to tow their
boat to a small island to cut replacement masts. While they lay
sheltered in a small cove, ten of their men were taken from camp,
without leaving a sign. And that's what made her a legend to them.
Although the rest of the men clamored to get gone and make their trip
on time, she commanded that they set out to rescue the missing hands.

That night, the drums echoed across the small island, as they made
their way to rescue the missing crew. Their abductors, it seemed,
were small, wiry humanoids, their skin wrinkled, their hair like
porcupine quills. It was a night of fire and madness, but in the
midst of it all, her booming voice maintained order.

At the end, none of them came out unscathed. Most of the men walked
together, practically carrying each other. But she walked in the
lead, a triumphant smile upon her face--she had brought her men home.
No regrets for the torn and bloodied jerkin, no regrets that her
rapier had been broken midway through the battle, and she'd had to go
the rest of the way with her longknife and a spit she'd taken from the
fire... She'd brought them home.

Three weeks later, when they finally limped into port, they found a
merchant's lackey waiting. This time, she'd had enough. She grabbed
the lackey by the neck and frogmarched him up to the merchant's
quarter. When she'd found the merchant, and he *still* refused to
pay, she beat him bloody, and spent the rest of the day in chains.
And then the next day.

The third night, her men came and broke her out. The law had come to
claim her ship, they said, but they were having none of that. *She*
was their captain, and no fat man's dandy was going to have them as

She embraced them, and they took the ship out under quiet orders, and
ate wind on the way home... Home, where the debts, and the rule of
law were even then laying in wait.

After that, they took to piracy, of course. It seems that after all,
the merchants didn't want an independent working for them, so she may
as well work against them. She had crew to feed, and debts to pay to
some of the darker elements in town by this point. She even learned a
little bit how to be diplomatic, as it doesn't pay to spit in a
thief's soup any more than it does to spit in a merchant's.

They had a good time of it--ten years later, the merchants still
didn't like her much, but she'd earned their dread, and that's also a
kind of respect. The old graybeards who'd once laughed at her bawdy
jokes now grimaced and spat as they muttered her name, and told the
story of how she was driven to piracy. The new young-bloods made
secret plans of how they'd fight her off to the last breath if she
tried to take them. The smart ones thought again when she stood on
their decks.

Yes, they were good days, until they were brought short by the man
she'd taken for a brother, he being raised on the same deck as she.

He understood why she had had to turn pirate--the sea was in her
blood, and the landsmen wouldn't let her have the sea any other way.
And she had a responsibility to the crew of course, and they to her.
Sea salt makes for family closer than blood.

And she understood why he had to take her in. She remembered what a
pirate was to a merchant captain. And even though she'd tried to
avoid the greatest excesses associated with pirates, there'd been a
few times when the tide ran high and they'd done what they had to do.

And so here she was, jailed again, bound more likely for the gallows
than for prison, when the call went up for crews to sail against the
bloody elfs. She heard that, even from the depths of her cell.

She stood, then. Her joints creaked from the damp as she stretched,
and then walked towards the cell door, still with a bit of swagger in
her step. Her clothes were ragged, but her graying hair was still
neatly pulled back in a sailor's queue.

"You there, boy!" her voice rang out. It was tinged with the tones of
command, even here. "Tell your masters they might have some good of
me, yet. If my name makes their bowels turn to water, just imagine
what it will do the elfs!"


Iron Lizzie, human swashbuckler (or fighter), most likely. She is smart,
charismatic (in a voice of command kind of way), and tough. She is
faster than she is strong, and while the life of hard knocks has
taught her many lessons, she's still a little more foolhardy than she
should be.

She's getting on in years--she was probably in her late 20s when she
made captain, and it's been more than ten years since then. They
weren't kind years, but the washed out the dross as well as battering
her bones. This might make application of the Middle Age stat changes
(-1 str,dex,con and +1 int,wis,cha) appropriate. Probably depends on
how other stuff goes, with character creation.

The swashbuckler class from CW is my first pick for this character, as
it's a fighter class with more emphasis on fighting smart and fighting
quick than with bashing away. It also provides more skills than a
fighter would. Fighter/rogue is a possible alternative, as is
straight fighter. The Dread Pirate PrC from CA is also an eventualy
possibility, but, well, the name's a bit cheesy, and I'm not sure it's

Access to the Leadership feat *might* be appropriate eventually,
as Lizzie's former hands come back into the light to fight by
her side once again.

I think that level-wise, any level could work here, although 3rd+ is
probably more workable than lower. As for how to relate level to
the fact that she's and older hand than most of these folks, well,
most people don't have any class levels at all. ;> Perhaps doing
something new will pump new life through those veins.


Of course, all up to the DM whether this concept is even workable. :)
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First Post
Er. And just in case it wasn't clear, yes I realize (and Iron Lizzie realizes) that this is going to be airships, and likely they won't be quite the same thing as ships at sea.

Still, there's probably enough in common to learn the ropes.

Or, as Iron Lizzie puts it: "Sure, it ain't the sea. But it's a damned sight better than bein' hanged by the neck until dead."

I'd imagine that Iron Lizzie would be involved either as a special sort of NCO (she's irregular, but she's seen a hell of a lot of fighting in her time, and she knows how to deal with low men) or as a special expert adviser to some of the higher ups (although it's harder to imagine them being willing to work with her, unless perhaps the brother who captured her is among them) on tactics.

Alternately, they decided to just plain enlist her, since she so nicely offered, and she's a grunt herself. Commenting, no doubt, about the "Weak watered ninnies up in the high seat who couldn't see the use of a rope if it up and started hissing and rattling its tail."

Heh, and the final solution I can suggest: Lizzie is being transported for trial on this airship, and her brother is also aboard. (Though I can't see why it would be near the front in that case, I suppose I don't know where the elves attack.) Since I've no idea what will happen when the attack occurs, I can only speculate on what might happen after that--from the brother releasing Lizzie to gain the benefit of her experience, to Lizzie escaping in the confusion (and probably choosing to help the humans.) Both of these scenarios could lead into the possibilities described above.
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That Able Learner feet looks interresting, fits very well with my concept, I might have to grab it... in fact I might take it instead of the Expert level... hm... must contemplate...

Anyways I just had another Idea... I'm thinking it would be kind of cool if one of those on the Airship Recognized my Amnesiac Jonathon.... From BEFORE he lost his memory..



Valandil Telrunya could not believe it. He would not believe it.

All things have a cause. And an effect. And his bretheren have forgotten this simple, natural fact.

Valandil's life was both simple and complex in the Order of the Starless Sky. These men (elves, actually) were both loved and feared (out of respect) by the elven community. Loved, because their purpose in life was to uphold the traditions and heritage of the elven people by protecting them from their enemies. Feared, because to become a member, one must sacrifice all semblance of freedom for the greater good... and those who sacrifice everything have nothing to lose. They go where they please and do whatever must be done. The best members of the Order leave no trace of any kind.

At least, this is what the Order would have its enemies believe.

The Order is, in fact, a network of elves who dedicate their lives to the study and pursuit of a special kind of justice... one that adheres to a concept of Natural Law. In short, this concept monitors how sentient beings coexist with nature. The concepts of racial preservation, protecting they who cannot protect themselves, and taking no more than is necessary to survive are carefully monitored by the members of the Order. Living in harmony with nature is the Order's tenet, and their justice is swift to those would work against this Law.

But now, it seemed that the Elven race itself has deviated from its own Law.

To the Order, the union of Man and Elf was “undesirable”. Elven purity needed to be preserved so that the Elves would not lose themselves to the selfish and greedy races that always threatened their borders. The lifestyle of these races disgusted the Order. Over-fishing, over-hunting, excessive mining for precious metals and stones… the “other races” that take and squander Mother’s precious gifts for their own decadence were the bane of the Order. Were Elf and Man to breed, it would only be a matter of time before the Elves would become just like the people they hated so.

But, as nature would have it, there came a time when an Elf and a Man had union, producing a new race, or “half-breed” as it was called. And the product of the union was not at all “undesirable”, at least to its parents. As more half-breeds came to fruition, the Order became more aggressive in its pursuit of racial purity. And the more aggressive it became, the more Valandil came to realize that maybe, just maybe, the half-breed had its own part in the natural order.

The Order did not listen to Valandil’s arguments for the existence of the half-breed. Rather than pursue the matter in a rational and practical manner, the Order chose to expel Valandil as a heretic and a traitor to his own people. He was publically branded – a searing hot iron pressed to his forehead, leaving an inverted crescent moon on his forehead, points facing downward – and forced out of the elven community at large. Weeding out the "weak" was also a harsh reality of Natural Law... a side that Valandil had not seen before.

Before he left, however, he was privy to the knowledge that the Order had big plans. They were going to use their influence to motivate the Elven people to lash out against the race that created the aberrant half-breeds: the humans.

Valandil fled with this knowledge and brought it to the attention of one of the nearest human colonies.

He was not well-received… or rather, he was repelled at the gates and fired upon.

Undeterred, he waited until nightfall and began to ply his trade. Silent as a cat, he padded up and over the city gates and, with a quick prayer to the All-Mother, ran like the wind towards what he believed would be the means of unraveling the mystery… a human airship. He stowed away in the cargo hold and waited until the ship began to take flight. Then, he presented himself to the ship’s captain…


This is a first attempt at my background, but I think my DM side got the better of me and there is more background stuff of the Order than my actual character. But, I have a plan. :)

I hope to pull off revealing more of my chatacter's background as the story progresses in the form of memories... kinda like the "Kung Fu" tv series. What he learned in training he later applies to his current situation. I don't know how this will work in a PbP, but I do love a challenge.

I hope to play an Elven Monk/Druid. Ideally, I would like to use the Wild Monk variant from Dungeon Magazine (which I will post in a few days -- my internet is dependent on whether I'm working, and I'm off until midnight Thursday) which allows free multi-classing between Monk and Druid. If I get two levels in each class, or 1 and 3, that would be super.

I hope to advance into the Investigator PrC from the splatbook "Masters of the Wild". I see this character sort of adapting himself to the community on the airship and becoming a sort of "urban druid" and protectorate of the city and its people. I chose Elf as a race because I enjoy RP challenges (an Elf among humans at war against Elves). At least he's not a Drow. :p But he'll still have challenges and constantly strive to prove himself worthy of the people's trust.
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First Post
Alright! So after checking out everyone's backgrounds, I realized that the 6 priority members are all up, and I'm thinking of taking up to two more. I'll leave it open until this weekend and peruse the others, which is when I will post the final decision about who is in/out. This is going to be hard, I like everyone's characters! I'll get back to you guys soon, and we can start the game hopefully by the end of this weekend!

Nonlethal Force

First Post
tylermalan said:
... and I'm thinking of taking up to two more.

Forgive me for assering myself, I don't mean to make a fool of myself. But 8 is a considerably large party for a PbP game. Depending on how often people post, how much character development occurs, etc ... a single round of combat may take several RL days to get through. If character development is going to be deep, a single conversation could take three or four RL days or more.

Just something to think about. When I was creating my homebrew, I had 9 characters that all wanted to play. So I created a game of four and a game of five and am running them seperately. But, it totally depends on how much combat is going to occur, if the party will be able to split up into smaller groups ingame, etc. If there will be little combat (except at the beginning of course) party size may be irrelevant.

But like I said - I'll play regardless, it's a DM decision and I'll support whatever the party size is.

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