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TUW: Welcome to the Jungle


Gamer Extraordinaire
Sannit frowns as he considers the problem of two hostile groups. "We should learn more about these people and their ways. Maybe we can come to peaceful terms with them, but if not we can at least know how better to fight them. If we use Way to search for people, we should be able to stay a step ahead of them." Inspired by his own idea, he will use Way to search for other people in the surrounding area, using the other Seekers as conduits if he can't use himself.

Bolo says, "In case there is no one else in range, I will ask Turtle to find any new scent of people."

Turtle sniffs around eager to find these other people and please Bolo.

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 238: San-Bolo

The more specific a search inquiry, the greater chance of expanded development and specific results on my part. To wit, the fact that the origin of the lump of coal was to be investigated led to the development of this hidden valley with its two warring clans.

Sannit frowns as he considers the problem of two hostile groups. "We should learn more about these people and their ways. Maybe we can come to peaceful terms with them, but if not we can at least know how better to fight them. If we use Way to search for people, we should be able to stay a step ahead of them." Inspired by his own idea, he will use Way to search for other people in the surrounding area, using the other Seekers as conduits if he can't use himself.

Bolo says, "In case there is no one else in range, I will ask Turtle to find any new scent of people."

Turtle sniffs around eager to find these other people and please Bolo.
Having thoroughly searched the immediate area, it is still possible to see farther into the jungle than the any member of the party can yet detect things. There appears to be no people in the vicinity and no good places to conceal any.

The path up the hill, which the party descended, splits here to proceed in each direction around the lake. The lake itself appears to be a length that would require a day's travel to cover the distance. A few paces from the split, each separate path is marked with totems of fallen dead displayed in grotesque and disturbing manners so as to discourage others from passing the given point along the path. Each separate path, evidently, marked with the body parts of the opposing clan.

Turtle is able to separate the scents and indicates to Bolo that two differing peoples still occasionally travel out of the valley by this path, but not recently. It is decided that the westward direction is occupied by some clan of Mhytre, while the eastern direction is occupied by some clan of Faethrin. Greater specificity cannot be determined by examining the dead on display. The remains are too old.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 238: Proceeding East


After some discussion, the crew decides to examine the east side of the lake area first, which was determined to likely house a clan of Faethrins. A regular path fairly near the lake's edge is located that continues in the desired direction. If Merin's estimate is correct concerning the length of the lake, it should take the party 5 hours to make the midpoint. Once the party is organized and moving deliberately, Sheldon asks the crew,

"How should we proceed here? We have become a rather large crew with 8 of us, a bear, and 11 horses. We now leave quite a footprint while traveling. It seems that this valley is occupied by 2 warring clans. Surely they will have scout parties or sentries."
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Sannit strokes his beard as he thinks. "Some of us can scout forward while the rest stay with the horses. I will stay with the horses, although I would really like to find out if we can communicate with these clans or if they are hostile to everyone."

Bolo says, "I will be one of the scouts." She will use Way to augment her own Motility (which I believe will increase her stealth ability?)

Turtle yawns. Sannit will increase the bear's Motility so he can keep up with Bolo.


Vadin thinks about what he wants to do, and figures he probably would be better use scouting. "I will join Bolo in scouting." Vadin will likewise use way to make for a more stealthy approach. He will also use way to sense any presence close by, and use his hunting skills to find any tracks.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 238: Making Preparations

Sannit strokes his beard as he thinks. "Some of us can scout forward while the rest stay with the horses. I will stay with the horses, although I would really like to find out if we can communicate with these clans or if they are hostile to everyone."

Bolo says, "I will be one of the scouts." She will use Way to augment her own Motility (which I believe will increase her stealth ability?)

Turtle yawns. Sannit will increase the bear's Motility so he can keep up with Bolo.
Sheldon uses a piece of cord to tie his hair back from his face. He agrees to go ahead with the scout party. Indigo will stay and tend the horses.
[sblock=Stimulate]Range: Touch
  • Essence + Confluence ++
  • Mind + Knowledge + Will ++
  • Collegiate + Aberrative/Academic/Theologic
By actively manipulating Way, this increases the natural rate of recovery for the loss of Motility in the intended target. This is applied to the Commercial Task of Render Aid. Also, this can be used to temporarily increase the effective Motility, if performed on oneself or an uninjured target. The duration of such is one minute per cumulative Health ability when performed on oneself and one minute per cumulative Will ability when performed on another.
Bolo: 73, Motility = 26, Duration = 9 minutes
Sannit: 64
Turtle: Motility = 11, Duration = 9 minutes[/sblock]
San-Bolo wait until the others are ready before augmenting any abilities.

  • Inversion (Collegiate Task) +
  • Body + Motility +
  • Commercial + Obscurative + d100
This active task is applied when attempting to obscure oneself from view or to dampen and, ultimately prevent sound while moving. This takes into account any attempt to add camouflaging material to oneself.
Bolo: 36(inversion) + 49(stealth) + 96(d100) + 63(luck) = 244
Turtle: 0(inversion) + 32(stealth) x2(natural fur) + 83(d100) = 147
Sheldon: 46(inversion) + 34(stealth) + 92(d100) = 172[/sblock]
Bolo practically blends into the jungle as the scout party departs.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 238: Adding to the Scout Party

Vadin thinks about what he wants to do, and figures he probably would be better use scouting. "I will join Bolo in scouting." Vadin will likewise use way to make for a more stealthy approach. He will also use way to sense any presence close by, and use his hunting skills to find any tracks.
  • Inversion (Collegiate Task) +
  • Body + Motility +
  • Commercial + Obscurative + d100
This active task is applied when attempting to obscure oneself from view or to dampen and, ultimately prevent sound while moving. This takes into account any attempt to add camouflaging material to oneself.
Vadin: 31(inversion) + 35(stealth) + 73(d100) = 139[/sblock]
OOC: The game mechanics for this are such:
When a creature or person is encountered within its range of detection, their observation or perception task total is compared against that of the stealth total of the party member. If the stealth is higher, the character remains unnoticed. If the perception or observation is higher, the character is noticed.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin says to Sheldon and the others: "If the encounter turns hostile, our friends might come running back this way in a hurry. We should all hide, so as to be able to surprise anyone who might chase them back here."

Tor nods in agreement. "Most wise. And tether the mounts off the trail, where they will remain unnoticed."


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 238: Scouting Ahead

The best laid plans of mice and men are often fraught with mishap and disappointment. The extra precautions rapidly prove a lesson in futility, as the party is forced to change tactics due to the progression of time.

It is just over 3 hour's time before the portion of the crew scouting ahead returns with any news. Fifteen minutes or so of the range ahead the scouts noticed a permanent looking sentry site within the trees, with egress points attached to other trees, all with a look of efficiency and regular use.

The post was manned by 3 people who are described as short Faethrins, having coffee colored skin. Bolo offers her confirmation that they are Da'Roneh.

GM: The general knowledge of Da'Roneh familiar to the party members is that, of the 27 tribes of peoples, they are 1 of the 3 that can actively manipulate Way. This power facilitates their particular propensity for hostility and aggression.

Merin offers a warning.
"I think we may have been seen, but we were at a significant enough distance that we would not be readily identified. We would have seen them more clearly than they could have seen us."

Sheldon makes a rye expression.
"At least they are not known to be cannibals. All kidding aside, also, it tells us that, since there is a stalemate, whoever is on the other side of this lake is equally dangerous."
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin offers, "Perhaps we should avoid this area; if it is heavily patrolled, and home to two warring factions, then we are in increasing danger the longer we stay here. Even if they haven't identified us, if they are aware of our presence, it won't be long before they come to investigate."

Tor nods. "At the very least, we should probably explore the other side; if the Da'Roneh can manipulate Way, they will use it to detect us. But on the other side, there are Mhytres. As far as we know, they lack the ability to manipulate Way. We could get closer to them than we could to the Da'Roneh."

Voidrunner's Codex

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