Upward from Land's End


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
... Cormorant... punch the lizard in the head... focuses his will...
... Antapkos risks launching one before continuing to encroach.
Cormorant: 19(aggression) + 18(accuracy) + 19(fury) + 71(d100) = 125 + 100(2nd opponent) = 225
Antapkos: 19 + 19 + 18 + 73 = 129 + 50(range) = 179
Javelineers: 14(finesse) + 12(accuracy) + 10(clarity) +
Lizard: 28(aggression) + 16 + 67 = 83 + 100(holding) = 183

Cormorant: 17(defend) + 18(avoid) + 17(analysis) + 71(d100) = 124
Anatapkos: 19 + 19 + 18 + 73 = 129
Javelineers: 12 + 10 + 62 = 84
Lizard: 28 + 16 + 62 = 106
Antapkos: 21(bending) + 18(muddle) +
Cormorant: 19 + 19(thump) + 32(d100) = 70

Lizard: 28(conditioning) + 22(d100) = 50
JS1: Body: 7 - 1 = 6, injured. Mind: -1 - 1 = -2, unconscious.
JS2: 179 - 84 = 95% * 8 = 8 - 2(tunic) = 6. Body: 9 - 6 = 3, injured.
JS3: Body: 1 - 1 = 0, incapacitated.
JA: 183% * 5 = 9. Body: -3 - 9 = -11, dying.
L: 225 - 106 = 119% * 2 = 2 x 2(head) - 1(soak) = 3. Mind: 1 + 1(recover) - 3 = -2. unconscious.
The marsh lizard pulses its hold on the Ansylin guard, severing his femoral artery, causing the guard to lose consciousness and begin to bleed to death. Cormorant punches the lizard square on top of its head, just behind its eyes. The force of the blow surprises the young men. The lizard's eyes roll back and its jaw falls slack, releasing its hold on the guard and causing blood to spill faster.

The movement of the remaining Shimadow javelineer is severely hindered by the mud. Antapkos launches a recovered javelin, punching it through the padded tunic and causing significant harm. The guard staggers and turns to face his assailant. Antapkos decides to let loose the remaining javelin, which stabs into the guard's gut, incapacitating him.

One Shimadow guard is floating unconscious, face-up in the water. The other two are unable to move, yet conscious. The Ansylin guard is bleeding to death as his body begins to slowly drift with the tide. The lizard is unharmed, yet unconscious. Antapkos and Cormorant are merely winded, surprisingly to them, having sustained no injury.
Antapkos: full wellness
Cormorant: full wellness
2 clams: currency

Marsh Hen Feathers: 2 sets: ??
Marsh Hen Feet: 2 pair: ??
Marsh Hen Skulls: 2: ??
Marsh Rat Feet: 2 pars: ??
Marsh Rat Skulls: 2: ??
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide a random roll.

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Posting for @Dana McCoy
Being unaware that Cormorant has temporarily subdued the lizard, Antapkos neglects the two guards and turns to help his friend. He will finish the two guards, after, and pull the floating one to the mud.
OOC: 97+18, 31
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Posting for @Eitan Olevsky
Understanding that the lizard is merely unconscious and concerned that it could rapidly wake, Cormorant calls to Antapkos. "Hey, this lizard is just unconscious. We need to see if we can kill it, while it is out. I will roll it over. See if you can punch one of those javelins into its vitals."
OOC: 66, 40
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
... Antapkos neglects the two guards... help his friend... finish... guards, after, and pull...
... Cormorant calls to Antapkos...
Cormorant: 19(aggression) + 18(accuracy) + 19(fury) +
Antapkos: 19 + 19 + 18 + 115 = 171
JS1: Body: 7 - 1 = 6, injured. Mind: -1 - 1 = -2, unconscious.
JS2: Body: 9 - 6 = 3, injured.
JS3: Body: 1 - 1 = 0, incapacitated.
JA: Body: -3 - 9 = -11 - 1 = -12, dying.
L: 115 + 100(prone) = 215% * 8 = 17 - 6(deflect) = 11. Mind: 1 + 1(recover) - 3 = -2. unconscious. Body: 8 - 11 = -3, dead.
Temporarily ignoring the fallen guards, Antapkos makes his way over to Cormorant, who rolls the lizard over in the water. Antapkos stabs a javelin into the centerline of it abdomen where he thinks it will punch its heart. The blow kills the lizard, but the beast thrashes about so much in its death throws, that it manages to scratch both men but nothing significant. That javelin also breaks.

When the lizard quits moving, the guards are easily dispatched and, with more difficulty, pulled into the mud. Antapkos and Cormorant find that they have sustained only mere scratches, and those were from the killing blow to the lizard. They are now in possession of four boats, 3 javelins, 1 dead lizard, and 4 dead guards. The Ansylin guard shows obvious marks of having been killed by the lizard.
Antapkos: full wellness
Cormorant: full wellness
2 clams: currency

Marsh Hen Feathers: 2 sets: ??
Marsh Hen Feet: 2 pair: ??
Marsh Hen Skulls: 2: ??
Marsh Rat Feet: 2 pars: ??
Marsh Rat Skulls: 2: ??
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide a random roll.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Posting for @Dana McCoy
Antapkos discards the broken javelin and takes assessment of the situation. He uses one javelin to carefully score around the shaft of another until he can make a clean cut only about a hand and a half from the attached blade. This will provide him with a knife and a javelin. He will then commandeer any protective clothing he can use from the Shimadow guards and search them for valuables. He asks Cormorant to help him roll the lizard into one of the four skiffs.
OOC: 68
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Posting for @Eitan Olevsky
Cormorant keeps the third javelin. He helps Antapkos roll the lizard into a skiff. He will them take any useful protective clothing from the Ansylin guard and search him, as well.
OOC: 74


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Antapkos discards... takes assessment... commandeer... search... asks Cormorant... roll...
Cormorant keeps... helps... take... search...
The guards are all dressed similarly in loose fitting, quilted tunics that provide some protection to the wearer. The tunics of the Shimadow will easily fit Adisakti. The tunic of the Ansylin will readily fit Cormorant, leaving two extra tunics. Perusing the various pouches attached to their belts, 7 ocrin coins, known as clams, are pooled along with 1 other ocrin coin each, stamped with an unrecognized symbol. It is deduced that these are their district marks.

Additionally, one of the Shimadows has a talisman made from a collection of songbird feathers that piques the interest of Antapkos. The Ansylin guard has a bird skull trinket that draws the attention of Cormorant.

While the battle only took about a minute, the sun has traveled considerably along its circuit, giving notice that it has become late afternoon. The likelihood of being noticed becomes greater as others will be heading for the Pavilion from their daily collections.
Antapkos: full wellness
Cormorant: full wellness
2 clams: currency

Marsh Hen Feathers: 2 sets: ??
Marsh Hen Feet: 2 pair: ??
Marsh Hen Skulls: 2: ??
Marsh Rat Feet: 2 pars: ??
Marsh Rat Skulls: 2: ??
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide a random roll.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Posting for @Dana McCoy
Antapkos divides the coins and marks between him and Cormorant. He takes the extra coin and flips it with his thump over his right shoulder, into the water. "For luck!"

Feeling some compulsion to keep it, he ties the feather talisman to his belt, planning to analyze it later, then keeps the one but strips the second Shimadow guard of his tunic, causing the tunic to heat until it ignites, tossing it into the water before the flames burn his hand. He takes a deep breath to steady his resolve then eviscerates both Shimadow guards. One he leaves in the mud. The other he pushes back into the water, now that it will not readily float. He starts to ignite one of the extra skiffs but then thinks the better of it, concerned with the amount of smoke it might make. Instead, he drags it further up into the reeds and leaves it.

"Let's take this lizard back up to the Pavilion."
OOC: 79
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Posting for @Eitan Olevsky

Cormorant nods as he sees the coin fly and hears the words. "I think it helped last time we did that. Hmm... Hey! This incident may be just the thing we needed to escape this mud hole. Let's cut open one side of that last guard's tunic and put it over the leader here. I am going to take his tunic. I don't think it has to be that convincing. With a lizard that size, no one is going to think we did this. We could pretend to be javelineers, here; but like you, I want out of here. We take the lizard and the Ansylin back with us. We keep the skull of the lizard as proof and take the dead leader here back over to the harbor district. We should have no difficulty trading some meat at the Pavilion to have that lizard cleaned and skinned for us. Anyway, let's get moving."

Cormorant keeps the bird skull to examine at a more convenient time, changes out tunics, helps Antapkos stage the area, and begins poling his own skiff back to the Pavilion, carrying the dead Ansylin guard in the boat with him.
OOC: 85
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Antapkos divides... flips... ties... keeps... eviscerates... drags...
Cormorant nods... take... pretend... take... keep... keeps... helps...
The tide begins to turn and flow out to sea, making it easier to pole the vessels back to the Pavilion, Antapkos carrying the lizard and Cormorant carrying the Ansylin guard. It is not unheard to discover abandoned skiffs or dead bodies in the marsh, and little concern for what remained from the battle quickly fades from mind.

The arrival of two "javelineers" with a dead lizard and a dead guard at the Pavilion causes quite a stir. Everyone wants to see, and everyone starts talking about it, drawing others to the scene. Some locals are suspicious and keep their distance, being satisfied with just a look. Others give thanks and congratulations to Cormorant and Antapkos, not knowing them as two of their own. One of the four swordsmen who guards the clerk comes over to help carry the lizard to the group of elderly who do the butchering of local game.

The swordsman claps each man on the back of the shoulder. "Congratulations! That thing probably put up one Maelstrom of a fight. You brought one back with you. You have had to leave your fourth man. That sucks. More blood in the water. Since you are bringing the one back. I guess he was your band leader."

Though the other guard asked no questions, he looks expectantly for a response. The elderly look from the lizard to Cormorant and Antapkos, waiting for instructions.
Antapkos: 20(alchemy) + 23(analysis) + 79(d100) = 122, success
Time: 10 days / 122 = 2 hours, success
Songbird Talisman: Persona +1
Cormorant: 18 + 22 + 85 = 125, success
Time: 10 days / 125 = 2 hours, success
Songbird Skull Fetish: Persona +1
Antapkos: full wellness
Cormorant: full wellness
2 clams: currency

Marsh Hen Feathers: 2 sets: ??
Marsh Hen Feet: 2 pair: ??
Marsh Hen Skulls: 2: ??
Marsh Rat Feet: 2 pars: ??
Marsh Rat Skulls: 2: ??
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State responses, mystical actions (if any), and intentions and provide a random roll for each.

Voidrunner's Codex

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