Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Antapkos: 31(observe) + 42(smell) + 70(d100) = 143
Siofrita: 31 + 29 + 70 = 130
Cormorante: 26 + 44(hearing) + 70 = 140
Britta: 41(perception) + 29(tuning) + 70 = 140
Sprthnt: 41(observe) + 34(hearing) + 70 = 145
Kuwaia: 31 + 28 + 70 = 129
Siofrita: 31 + 29 + 70 = 130
Cormorante: 26 + 44(hearing) + 70 = 140
Britta: 41(perception) + 29(tuning) + 70 = 140
Sprthnt: 41(observe) + 34(hearing) + 70 = 145
Kuwaia: 31 + 28 + 70 = 129
Antapkos: 28(readiness) + 32(speed) + 42(clarity) + 65(d100) = 167
Siofrita: 34 + 42 + 29 + 65 = 170
Cormorante: 33 + 27 + 31 + 65 = 156
Britta: 34 + 31 + 27 + 65 = 157
Sprthnt: 28 + 31 + 31 + 65 = 155
Kuwaia: 42 + 32 + 25 + 65 = 164
Ravens: 80 + 78 = 158
Siofrita: 34 + 42 + 29 + 65 = 170
Cormorante: 33 + 27 + 31 + 65 = 156
Britta: 34 + 31 + 27 + 65 = 157
Sprthnt: 28 + 31 + 31 + 65 = 155
Kuwaia: 42 + 32 + 25 + 65 = 164
Ravens: 80 + 78 = 158
During those four days, Kuwaia proves the most effective at snaring local running birds for food. While parts of these animals do have mystical potential, all are less effective than items already carried. Cormorante, on separate occasions, comes across a wildcat and then a pack of jackals. Neither of these could be a threat to the party, and they run away.
Sprthnt, who seems to be the most adept or most misfortunate, comes across a party of eight Faethrins, on the shorter side of average, with dark, coffee colored skin. Known as Da’Roneh, they are somewhat agrarian, forming hidden, isolated communities from which hunting and raiding forays are launched. They have some advancement in textiles and leatherwork. When encountered, they are very warlike and aggressive, being known headhunters that are able to naturally manipulate waylines. They are also known to revere carrion birds, especially the black vulture, which is observed to bully other carrion birds. Based upon their number and apparent age, the group is likely those called Ravens. There are six females and two males. They are clothed in simple cloth and armed with bone clubs and slings. Seen at about 40 strides, the group immediately takes action to attack the party.
Antapkos: full wellness
Tunic: 58
Siofrita: full wellness
Cormorant: full wellness
Tunic: 59 - 2 = 57
Britta: full wellness
Tunic: 58
Sprthnt: full wellness
Tunic: 47
Kuwaia: full wellness
Tunic: 53
Tunic: 58
Siofrita: full wellness
Cormorant: full wellness
Tunic: 59 - 2 = 57
Britta: full wellness
Tunic: 58
Sprthnt: full wellness
Tunic: 47
Kuwaia: full wellness
Tunic: 53
Coins: 113 clams
lacquered elytra: 12:
prickler quills: 8: (Health + 2)
tranquility: 1: {Identity x 2}
sulfur: 8: {Heat x 3}{Ionize x 3}
aluminum: 1: (shock x 2)
nickel: 1: (shock x 2)
lacquered elytra: 12:
prickler quills: 8: (Health + 2)
tranquility: 1: {Identity x 2}
sulfur: 8: {Heat x 3}{Ionize x 3}
aluminum: 1: (shock x 2)
nickel: 1: (shock x 2)
Ekimmard Village