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Where's the weirdest place you've ever found YOUR name?


devilbat said:
I always have a billboard running with my name and picture on it. It's a marketing and advertising tool related to my business. I hate driving by it. It's so freaky to see my big head amongst the clouds.


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der_kluge said:
This was several years ago. I was probably in high school at the time.

I'm sitting at home, sitting in the recliner, reading the reader's digest (probably the jokes) and this ad for Reese's peanut butter cups comes on.

This was one of a series of ads about how different people like to eat their Reeses Peanut butter cups. And this little black boy comes out with a cow and it says "so-and-so eats his Reeses Peanut Butter Cup with milk" and the boy says "come on, milk!"

It really freaked me out. Only a handful of people have ever seen that ad, though.

:uhoh: I remember them!
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My real name is "Guy" (pronounced like the word, not 'ghee') so people are walking around using my name all the time; usually towards other people, but sometimes me. I've tried to figure out, in vain, how complete strangers know me many a time. :confused:


First Post
Well, when I was bored at work one day I Googled the names of everyone in my gaming group. One of the guys has the same name as a gay porn star, which we will never let him live down. As for my name, one of the first links to come up was for The I Hate Dave Stebbins Club, which is completely unrelatred to me and based in a state I'd never visited (a different Dave Stebbins, presumably the one to be hated, was the Vice President of the Club). Unfortunately, the tongue-in-cheek website seems to have disappeared in the year or two since I looked it over.



I did look up what my name means...It's greek for young goat. I wish I hadn't looked it up in front of my friends. I'll never hear the end of the "goat-boy" comments...



ENnies winner and NOT Scrappy Doo
Not my name, per se, but my likeness.

I knew a friend of mine worked on the CyberPunk CCG. I *didn't* know that there was a card with my image on it.

So, whenthe game came out, I picked up a bunch of starters... and there's this common card in several of them called Junk Yard Doc - which is an illustration of *ME*- the name tag even says "Hound"

Talk about surprised!

Here's the weirdest thing of that nature that has happened to me:

I was walking around on campus at UK one afternoon, when I hear a stern voice behind me call out: "Cadet Osborne, why are you out of uniform?" This really gets my confused attention because I'm not a Cadet, but my last name is Osborne.

I turn around and there is a somewhat upset ROTC instructor standing there, he looks stern at me for a moment, looks closer, then his eyes widen and he apologizes and says I looked just like one of his cadets.

Now, the weird thing was, I was in the ROTC for a while, about two years before this, and apparently now there was someone on campus who was a near doppleganger, with the same last name, and was an ROTC cadet (while I was a former cadet).

To a lesser extent, I once have a friend come up to me and ask if I know anything about a certain odd font he found online, an alien script from an old Star Trek episode. I said I knew a little about it, and I asked why. Apparently some screen captures and research I did based on that script to figure it out (about five years prior) that I e-mailed to somebody I was talking about it on rec.arts.startrek.tech was turned into a font of that script. He gave me full and prominent credit on his web page, but it was just kinda creepy to see that an email exchange from years ago had turned into a web page crediting me, and a friend finding it independently and pointing it out to me.

Mr. T

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My real name (Nissen) is the name of a surgical technique used to cure hiatal hernias caused by Gastroesophegeal reflux disease. The full name of it is a Laparoscopic
Nissen fundoplication. Now, if I only knew what that was suposed to do for me.

Voidrunner's Codex

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