WotBS (conversion to Pathfinder) OOC


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Ok - News to me. Wasn't aware that Aaron was not playing his character.

Uh, I don't think any of us said Aaron wasn't sticking to his values/playing his character. It's more the super-strict adherence to those values that makes Barrik question of his state of mind and the future of the mission with Aaron around.

He's an Inquisitor. Loyal to his Patron, rooting out those that are against his Patron. He's all for ideals and loyalty. Barick came in as blatantly stating he was only doing this for his own reasons, and did not seem to care about what was going on. Aaron is on a religious journey.

And it was later (effectively) revealed Barrik's reasons were out of loyalty to his family - a merchant family, not warriors. And the half-orc did say something to the effect of 'I'll stick around and at least see this through' (it's been a while, and I'm not going to dig up the post right now).

The combo did not go well apparently, BUT, I think Aaron has begun to accept Barick, as well as stating it in small doses. Stating Aaron was not helping in battle after he hewed down a string of skeletons did not seem like a valid point, and Aaron stated it. If that did not go well with you, then so be it. It wasn't intended to be antagonizing, but Aaron's beliefs are his own, and he will stick to them as much as he can.

I think things were (slightly) better between Aaron and Barrik before the battle at the cottage. The ambush, the road attack - both fights went through with reasonable teamwork, cooperation and the like, and didn't give either one doubts about the others convictions.

Where I see the character conflict starting is when Smiley took the door (just before slicing Marda) and Barrik was having a hard time with the soldier. He called for assistance and didn't even get an answer... He's not such a hard-ass that he can't ignore one little thing. Then the business with Marda getting dropped and healing came about... I think that's where Barrik really clashed with Aaron. Aaron ordering Torrent in at the expense of Torrent's safety didn't sit well with Barrik (similar to the expression of 'throwing good money after bad'), especially after Barrik gave a perfectly-good reason and explanation for having Torrent hold off.
BTW, Barrik does understand wanting to see your friend healed and survive (and said as much). It wasn't a lack of compassion. And it was also at this point that Barrik took a sniping shot at Aaron:
Barrik said:
Unlike you, I've got the safety of everyone on my mind, rather than the safety of one dwarf and one pretty little girl!
That got Aaron to call Barrik selfish, which also prompted more argument.
Torrent stepped in, healed Marda and nearly got herself killed for it. Next few lines of speech (notice how they're all between Barrik and Aaron? :p):
Barrik: "Have a little thought for strategy and consequences, dammit! And Aaron, were I as selfish as you paint me, I'd have left when we got through the mountains and you'd be dead already. So mind your blasted tongue!"

Aaron: "I gave my oath. You challenged my word when this fight started. I have kept my oath, as well as taken down the foes with Shade here. What have you done?"

Barrik:"Gods above! You are one incredible piece of work, in a zealot's package. As blind to the truth as you are adhered to your ally-destroying madness. I and my summoned beasts have fought just as hard as you, and you question my worth? You've got a lot to learn about people."

And that was more-or-less the end of the exchange between the two, thanks in part to an interruption by Torrent. By this point, they're each effectively wondering about the values and priorities of the other, and the steps they will take to achieve them (Aaron even momentarily considered attacking Barrik, I might point out). And I'm actually assuming very little about that, seeing as how it was at least alluded to in our own posts.

I'm not saying what Barrik said was fair or right, but it was what he said, given what he had seen (Aaron's extreme devotion being the biggest factor). I also would like to note a couple of things relating to this (re-quoted from above):

Fangor said:
Stating Aaron was not helping in battle after he hewed down a string of skeletons did not seem like a valid point, and Aaron stated it. If that did not go well with you, then so be it. It wasn't intended to be antagonizing

Barrik never claimed Aaron wasn't helping in the fight. In fact, it was Aaron who questioned Barrik's contributions! :p (According to the IC speech, Barrik challenged Aaron's oath - I'm guessing the one about protecting Cyrstin - by... calling him to help another ally, when Cyrstin wasn't being threatened by anything else. That also feeds into Barrik's opinion of Aaron being a blindly dogmatic fanatic.)
As for your comment about the intent, allow me to say this: personally, it was not antagonizing to me. Barrik, on the other hand, did not like the assertions made about him, his motivations, and his contributions. Having gamed with you a little while now, I'm quite sure you quite understand the separation of character and player values/opinions. :)

I think the group chemistry is pretty good for now, as we are all 'strangers' to each other, and have to weight the good with the bad. If everyone got along, it would be a bit boring, IMO. But, that's just me. With Barick and Aaron, I only see potential, not barriers. Hopefully that grows, and they see each other as respectful allies. But, time will tell...

Personally, I think I'd like it more if this little group got along better than it does... At this point, I think Barrik and Marda are the most-open characters (which isn't saying much :lol:), but there hasn't really been a lot in the way of talking between the PCs or sharing of histories/experiences. Part of it is likely the hurried aspect of the adventures - we're kinda on a time limit, after all. The other part (IMO) seems to be a lack of interest all around. Our group was brought together in a semi-mysterious way, with only a vague sense of just who the others are, and our characters all appear to be somewhat content to leave it that way.
In any case, my comments in the OOC sblock were relating to the earlier posts and my view on the situation. If Aaron cools down a bit, I don't think there will be significant issues. Tension probably, but a little tension doesn't break groups. Not trusting the guy who is supposed to have your back breaks groups. Not liking the other players (which is not the case here, at all, in the slightest) breaks groups. Clashing characters can certainly add another dimension to the game. It's when the clashing makes things difficult to continue with the characters that it becomes a problem.
(BTW, I'm no stranger to potentially-clashing characters. Fangor, you read through some of the earlier Off to War, right? Check out how Jareth started out... Talk about clash! ;))

On a semi-related, somewhat lighter note: *looks up* ... Wow, I didn't quite realize I had Summon Wall of Text on my class list. :lol:
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Thy wounds are healed!
Summon Wall of Text ... IS NOT on your class list of spells (unless it is somewhere in Ultimate Magic and I haven't seen it yet). :p

And I got home from a crummy day at work and got to sit back and enjoy the interplay of the group so I wish to say thank you. This will be a fun part of this saga I am sure.


@ WD you asked about the spell/potions of Stand the Heat. Yes there should be enough to give to your familiar as well. I was just reminding you that for the next day (or extras) that you could use the spell with one casting being for both.

Familiars will be a slight liability in this for sure as the only trees to hide behind during a fight are all on fire. So this should be fun to see how that plays out.



First Post
Summon Wall of Text ... IS NOT on your class list of spells (unless it is somewhere in Ultimate Magic and I haven't seen it yet). :p

Why shouldn't it be on my class list? It's obviously of very situational use (and it's a Summon spell). ;)

And on a different note, does anyone else think "Innenotdar" sound like "in and out door"? Maybe it's just me... Or maybe I'm planting the idea in your heads now too. ;)


First Post
((Really I cannot recall the summoned critter speaking before.))

Figured I'd respond to this here... The eidolon doesn't speak often, so I can't blame you for not remembering. I just thought I made it fairly clear when it was speaking. Anyways, it certainly has before. Here's the proof (it's mainly spoken in foreign languages and so I sblocked them). :)

As the strange pair heads down the stairs, it growls out, "Pothoc vaecaesin. Vargac Barrik!" followed by a series of short, raspy barks. Barrik starts to laugh.

And the Eidolon is speaking Draconic. It translates to "Stupid elf. Battled Barrik!" :p

The eidolon barks something in a harsh, cruel-sounding language...

Master, let me finish this one and join you! To slay the foes of Barrik!

The eidolon walks over to the group, snarling at the lookouts and crossbowman. The beast then rasps out a handful of words...
"Look at the silly humans. Can't ever get things done fast, must talk and talk. Should kill leader."

The dog-thing grunts once, lazily. During the trek closer to the Fire Forest, the creature's fur seems to have absorbed some of the minuscule ash in the air. It sniffs the air, then points its nose toward the strange girl. "Smell like smoke... Don't like smoke."

The strange beast rests its head in its master's lap. It opens one eye lazily, gives a raspy sigh and closes the eye again as it mumbles, "Girl easy prey for hunters..."

I think this latest bit (greeting Spirit/Finder) is the most it has ever said at one time. :lol:

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Is draconic making some noises that we did not understand? What does draconic sound like, to someone that has not really heard it as a language spoken?

I was in the same boat as SD, as I did not remember any of those posts with the Eidolon speaking. Now I wish I HAD remembered them. Honestly, I don't know how I missed them, otherwise Aaron would have made SOME mention of them.

Sorry, missed the posts somehow. I need to REALLY pay more attention. Thought I was... oops!


First Post
Is draconic making some noises that we did not understand? What does draconic sound like, to someone that has not really heard it as a language spoken?

I was in the same boat as SD, as I did not remember any of those posts with the Eidolon speaking. Now I wish I HAD remembered them. Honestly, I don't know how I missed them, otherwise Aaron would have made SOME mention of them.

Sorry, missed the posts somehow. I need to REALLY pay more attention. Thought I was... oops!

Maybe I should have chosen a bolder color for the eidolon's speech. :lol:

Anyway, Draconic is usually described as a pretty harsh-sounding language, even with the sibilant hisses throughout (usually a result of the speaker's own tongue). But in the first quote I listed ("Pothoc vaecaesin. Vargac Barrik!"), that's how it is pronounced and heard by those around. The only word there that isn't Draconic is "Barrik" and for good reason. ;)

Of course, this also gives you the chance to do a double-take IC. A "How did I miss that?" sort of thing. :p

This is, after all, the third time it has spoken Common in front of you. Third time's the charm, as the saying goes. ;)


Thy wounds are healed!
Don't forget the matching runes on the summoner and eidolon's foreheads. It is mostly assumed that all class abilities are known through rumor, bar talk, or maybe meeting a member of that class before by all PCs.

WD said:
Didn't he use one in the last fight? It is the same day, right?

Sorry WD it is a new day. You should have all your acid darts.


Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Lol, but does Barrik sound the same in Draconic? I can say a name in English and Spanish, and they sound totally different. Most of the time, they are somewhat similar, but not always. Yeah, a double triple take might be coming up here soon!

AH! Just saw HMs reponse! That makes this a LOT easier! Now that we can assume we know of all class abilities, then it makes more sense to know what it can/can't do. Will have to note that for future.
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First Post
Lol, but does Barrik sound the same in Draconic?

Maybe a little more guttural, but I think that would be the extent of the change. Not actually being fluent in Draconic, I can't say for sure. :lol:

I can say a name in English and Spanish, and they sound totally different. Most of the time, they are somewhat similar, but not always.

I'm curious to know what names you are referring to. And if you mean Mexican Spanish or European Spanish... There's differences between them, just like American English and British English. It's amazing how languages that began the same way turn out so different from one another... But that's an entirely different subject. :)

Yeah, a double triple take might be coming up here soon!

Maybe even a "I must be dreaming... this is all a bad dream. Talking ghost-demon-wolves..." :lol:


Thy wounds are healed!
[quote] OOC: Should I take that potion now or should I put it off? How long does it last? What does it do exactly? I couldn't find such a spell on the cleric's lists. Is it special? Is it any different to Endure Elements? Is it worth it casting both at the same time? Are they complimentary? Re Elves: So they all left the forest? So Spirit pretty much just has the wrong end of the stick, right?[/quote]

Sorry was going to answer these questions last night, but Enworld wouldn't let me on, and I forgot about them.

Let's see.

The potions are of Stand the Heat. It is a campaign spell I believe came about because of the fire forest. The duration is 24 hours so you can take it right away. Description is below and it is an allowable spell for you to pick up.

I would say they work in tandem but since the effects are nearly the same they don't give extra protection. Stand the Heat is a little better as it has a longer duration and protects your equipment as well.

Wanted to add some stuff to what you have been doing to help out with the adventure. When the spirits speak to you it is in a multitude of voice and one "over-voice". It is this "over-voice" that taught Spirit magic. Taught him how to interpret the spell book he kept. And this voice was adamant about learning fire magic (specializing in it) from the get go as...

"The only way you will survive to seek me out."

They (the spirits) do say your father is in the forest still. But Spirit may have misinterpreted what "still in the forest" means to these spirits and will find out much as we adventure. (Note: I have changed the background of the module around a little to accommodate the character and his connection)

OH and Torrent is a woman but you would never know by her gruff demeanor, short (man-like) hair style. Or the armor she wears. :p

[sblock=Stand the Heat]
Stand the Heat
Level: Clr 1, Drd 1, Pal 1, Rgr 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 24 hours
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

The touched creature and all equipment it carries suffer no harm from being in even extreme heat. It can exist comfortably in temperatures as high as 500 degrees Fahrenheit.This protection is sufficient to endure the oven-like heat of a forest fire, though neither the creature nor its equipment is protected against fire damage.

If the affected creature catches fire, it can put itself out automatically by spending a move action.

Material Component: Ten gold coins which have sat in a fire for at least one hour.[/sblock]
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