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Dr. Si's Curse of the Crimson Throne - Seven Days to the Grave


Seeing that the nearby ratmen are seemingly distracted by the clash at the room's other entryway, Majenko stealthily slinks around the corner and behind the nearby column to his right. Raising his sinuous tail, the pseudodragon carefully reaches forward and hooks its barbed stinger around the ratman's bare ankle.

OOC: Seems 1, 2 and 3 may be suffering a distraction penalty, so Manjenko will take advantage of the opportunity to move behind the column to use it for cover from 1 and 2 as he attacks the flatfooted 3.

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Dr Simon

Majenko sneaks forwards and stabs at the ankles of one of the wererats. It is just a glancing strike, a mere scratch, but the wererat screams in terror.

"It bit me! It..." The ratman slumps to the floor. Its companion on the other side of the doorway steps back, whiskers twitching nervously as it sheathes its sword and draws a crossbow instead, keeping a bead on the area near its friend as it loads. From the way its tiny black eyes are darting, it can't see the pseudodragon.

Meanwhile, the other two ratmen move to support their leader, short swords deftly slipping past Brindom's defences and drawing blood.

Makenko attack 9+6=15, hits for 1d3-2=0 damage. Were rat #3 fails save vs. poison.

Wererat #2 moves and attacks Brindom, hits for 9 damage.
Wererat #4 attacks Brindom from flank, hits for 11 damage.

Next in initiative order:


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Dj'hân worms his way out of the liripoop in clutched in Majenko's teeth and, leaping atop a sudden updraft, quickly rises to the ceiling up over the subdued ratman. Surrounding himself in whirling vortex of ice motes, the urchin spins and unleashes a blast of enveloping arctic air at the three clustered ratmen.

OOC: 5-ft step diagonally up and south. 15-ft cone of cold on 2, 5 and 4; 1d6 damage; Ref DC 15 half; entangling exhalation feat. FYI, creatures always deal a minimum of 1 damage on attacks, regardless of penalties.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Finally free to act without worrying about stealth, Manachan moves into the fight. He slips around Edmond and Brindom and attacks the nearest ratman.

[sblock=Actions]Move to the square just south of Brindom, use Flurry of Blows (+1/+1, 1d6 Damage each attack)[/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
Brindom nearly surrounded jumps forward between two of the rat men as Manachan moves into the fight. Hurt from the rats attacks he keeps his shield up as he swings, hoping his swordarm can help.

[sblock=Actions] 5' step NW then attack on the defensive ratman #5 (short sword -1, 1d6/19-20x2) AC now 22[/sblock]

HP: 23/48
AC: 22
Fort: +5
Reflex: +4
Will: +6
BAB: +3
CMD: 16

longbow +8, 1d8 (arrows 20/20)
short sword +3, 1d6

channel energy(2d6) 2/5
Touch of Good 6/6
Calming Touch 6/6

holy water: 2/2
potions(2) clw-1d8+1
scrolls(2) cmw- 2d8+3
wand of remove disease 50/50

0- create water, guidance, purify food&drink, stabilize
1- protection from evil, deathwatch, cure light wounds, shield of faith, d- bless
2- status, lesser restoration, cure mod. wounds, d- shield other

Dr Simon

With fist and steel Brindom and Manachan force their way through the were-rat lines, whilst Dj'hân flanks with a blast of frost. Only Manachan manages to get a solid hit and that doesn't seem to faze the ratman that he hits. Dj'hân rimes their fur with frost, but they duck and dodge the worst of the icy blast.

I've had to modify the movements somewhat, since Manachan's chosen destination was blocked by ratman #4, and Dj'hân's is a solid column of rock.

Manachan flurry 19+1=20, 1+1 =2, one hit on #4 for 1d6=2 damage.
Brindom defensive attack 9-1 =8, miss on #5.
Dj'hân's ice breath 1d6=2 damage, all ratmen make their Reflex save.
Just waiting for [MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION] to post for Edmond.


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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
It always falls to me to do some serious damage :)

Edmond swings Deathwail and again turns it to hit with the flat of the blade at the last moment. Weak light shortly bathes the ratman as it infuses his skin.

"Let us through, we want to talk to your leader, not fight every last one of you before we get to him! Consider this your last warning, I WILL start killing if you try my patience for too long."

Channel Touch of Fatigue (Fort DC 12) with Deathwail (silvered, non-lethal)
IF by attacking through Manachan square Edmond incures any penalties then damage is LETHAL so he doesn't get double penalties.
to hit +9
damage 2d4 +6
critical 20/x3

Dr Simon

The ratman in front of Brindom easily ducks Edmond's attack, and his outline seems to shimmer as he does so. Deathwail brushes his armour and there is a flash as Edmond's spell discharges, but the ratman seems unaffected.

"Human fool!" it snarls. "I am the leader. My name is Girrigz, and the revolution starts here." It attacks Brindom savagely, and the young cleric falters under such a ferocious barrage of attacks. Although his armour saves him from a deadly thrust of the wererat's rapier, he feels blood running down his side, and a pain in the shoulder where the creature has managed to bite him.

"If you've come for the witch-woman," snarls Girrigz as he steps back to admire his work on Brindom, "you're too late!" He licks his chops suggestively.

Edmond attack on wererat #5, 10+9-4=15, succeeds as touch attack. #5 makes save against touch of fatigue.

Wererat #5 (Girrigz) attack Brindom. Rapier attack #1 hits for 12 damage, rapier attack #2 misses. Bite attack hits for 1 damage.

Next up:
Other wererats


Majenko launches himself at the rearmost ratman with a powerful downbeat of wings. Hissing, the tiny dragon arcs up and descends upon the monster, whipping its barbed tail at it from above as ratman is distractedly cranking back the winch of its crossbow.

HolyMan said:
Brindom can't get by the DR unless he crits.
...or if he bother to use either the silver arrows or dagger that Dj'hân gave him beforehand.

Voidrunner's Codex

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