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Destiny's Tears-Prologue: A Jewel in the Shadow Part I

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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Molpe Lilypetals: Limnad/Female (Siren)

* Molpe grins up at the captain, to her it was just amazing that he understood her thoughts and feelings so perfectly at a time like this, and she throws herself into his embrace offering a hug of complete jubilance accompanied by the giggling laughter of a very happy girl. *

“Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

* The embrace didn’t last long, and no doubt didn’t go as far or as long as the captain would like, as Molpe offered a grinning wave to the rest of the nearby crew and turned to leave. *

“Bye! It was really fun!”
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Rystil Arden

First Post
"Always happy to do a favour for the Seelie." the captain replies, "Your folk were very kind to me, when I was a young sailor, first exploring the Spheres. Besides, you were a pleasure to have on board the ship, full of youthful exuberance and beautiful songs to inspire the crew."

*The crew and captain wave back at Molpe as she walks off the gangplank into the docks. She looks around in excitement. The city is very strange, even compared to the wonders she had seen when she first set eyes on the Royal Palace of Seelyne. Buildings of all shapes and sizes are smashed together, almost on top of each other, and there are only small avenues of egress between them, stretching forward in a maze as far as the eye can see like an artifical forest. The only clear area seemed to be the docks, where Molpe was currently standing. Hundreds of Spelljamming ships crowded the dock space, even more than the expansive docks seemed built to comfortably hold. It seems that Molpe wasn't the only one who had come for the convocation. Even so, the docks were somewhat more empty of people than they were of ships, most of the other arrivals already having entered the city proper via one of the three expansive gates opposite to the docks, leaving only the dock workers, longshoremen and dockmasters, bustling about and tending to their jobs, some cheerfully and whistling a sea chanty, others dourly with less enthusiasm. A small, slender man with slanted eyes and a gentle white belt is resting against some crates, seemingly asleep. He turns out to be more alert than he looks, however, for as Molpe passes by, he looks up at her, and his expression changes from a lazy smile to a look of awe.*

"Huiyin, Li-ha Larhongi?" he says in a strange tongue, then after you don't seem to understand he continues in Eldish, in a heavy accent, "No, I sorry. You no understand my language. Herro and wercome to Erdiz, most radiant one! Tluly your beauty outshines even that of the Jade Empless of the noble Unicorn Clan herself, that it does. I am Wei-Han, a humble initiate in the martiar art of Ryuko, and my noble Guardian Spilit told me that if I meditated on the docks today, the good spilits would bress me with a vision from the Cerestial Palace of the Four Winds. Now I understand that Byak-Ko must have been speaking of you!"

"How may I be of service to you, my rady? From your joyous wonder, it seems that you have come to the city for the first time today, that it does. Would you accept this humble servant as a guide who can show you the sights of Erdiz? It would be my honour, and bling much honour in the eyes of my honoured ancestors, who were said to have met the lovely Spilit Folk one day as they descended to our world, and it was they who red the Spilit Folk across Xarata. Thus it is only fitting that I be of service to one who is, if not a Spilit Folk, then even more noble and honourable than they."


Abdiel Lyanthra, Mojiin Preserver

"Greetings Amity. I heard that there would be a gathering of people today to discuss the formation of a Spelljamming exploration group. This intrigued me, and seeing as I would like to see other places across the Spheres, I thought that I would see if I could join." He replies in Mojiin. "By the way, I like the color of your hair, it marks you apart from the other humanoids. You all look so alike to me."

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Greetings Amity. I heard that there would be a gathering of people today to discuss the formation of a Spelljamming exploration group. This intrigued me, and seeing as I would like to see other places across the Spheres, I thought that I would see if I could join."
"Ah, the convocation! Yes, that does make sense. Welcome to my humble inn! It may not look like much on the outside, but you'll find that it is more spacious than it looks, and there's even an entrance to the second section of the common room over there in the corner if you prefer. We serve a wide variety of drinks and meals from across the Spheres, even some Mojiin specialties if you are looking for a taste of home, or more exotic fares if you prefer a sense of adventure!"

"By the way, I like the color of your hair, it marks you apart from the other humanoids. You all look so alike to me."

*Amity blushes.*

"Yes, one of my friends teases me that I'm too perky to be so good at doing blue. Your scales are quite a beautiful hue though. Hmmm...if I may?"

*She examines Abdiel's scales and then closes her eyes and concentrates. Her hair shimmers and shifts, becoming a silvery-blue to match Abdiel's scales.*

"There, what do you think?"

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Molpe Lilypetals: Limnad/Female (Siren)

[sblock]* Resting her arms behind her back in each other hands Molpe swayed side to side as she bushed deeply enough to match the pink water lily that accented the turquoise blue her that it was intertwined in. *

“Oh wow,” replied a mesmerized Molpe, she hadn’t understood most of what he had said, nor would she claim too, but she was intimately familiar with flattery and knew when she was being praised, “that would be very nice of you and I too would be honored to have your assistance, mister Wei-Hon?”

* She said his name questioning and with an apologetic smile, she didn’t trust her pronunciation of it and would have felt bad for mispronouncing it. *
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Abdiel Lyanthra, Mojiin Preserver

Rystil Arden said:
*Amity blushes.*

"Yes, one of my friends teases me that I'm too perky to be so good at doing blue. Your scales are quite a beautiful hue though. Hmmm...if I may?"

*She examines Abdiel's scales and then closes her eyes and concentrates. Her hair shimmers and shifts, becoming a silvery-blue to match Abdiel's scales.*

"There, what do you think?"

*Abdiel laughs - a very deep throated laugh, that would probably sound quite evil coming from a humanoid*

"It is an honor to meet you, and you may color your hair that way as long as you like. It is nice to see someone else with such great taste in coloring."

"You remind me of a type of bird from back home, that could change color to match its surroundings so that you could not see it - unless you were particularly sharp-eyed that is."

*Abdiel pauses slightly, as it occurs to him that she may not like to be compared to a bird.*

"Of course, you are much friendlier than the Peratok ... it would probably have tried to gouge out my eyes by now."

*Slight chuckle and a pause*

"I believe that you mentioned that you had food from Arris. I would love some Modari stew if you have some. It has been way too long since I have had a taste."

"Do you know where this convocation will be held, exactly? You are correct when you say that this building is larger on the inside than it appears from the outside. Of course, I am still not quite used to the idea of buildings ..."

*Abdiel's voice fades a little as he looks around at the crowded room filled with as many people as his entire village contained.*

Rystil Arden

First Post
*Wei-Han smiles and gives a deep proskynesis towards her, bowing his entire body over until his face is on the ground at her feet, and his kisses the toes of her shoes, clutching the hem of her skirt gently, and then he releases and rises once more.*

"Then it is my honour to act as your humbre servant, my rady! Prease, ret me show you around the city, that it is. Where would you like to go first? There are shoppes and walehouses aprenty in the Merchant's Ward, and the Noble's Ward has the houses of the wearthy. The Duke's Ward has the govelnment buirdings and the Ducal Parace, and there are smarr communities alound each of the embassies here. The Grand Bazaar is a prace to buy and sell things from all across the Spheles, if you prefer the hawking vendors to the shoppes in the Merchant's Ward. The Traveler's Ward has inns and other selvices for visitors, and the Festive Ward has enteltainment, festhalls, music halls, game stadiums, and mole things. Thele is arr this and much much mole hele, that there is, so terr me first what it is that you are most excited to see!" [/SBLOCK]

Rystil Arden

First Post
"I believe that you mentioned that you had food from Arris. I would love some Modari stew if you have some. It has been way too long since I have had a taste."
"Modari stew? Then you've come to the right place; we have the best Modari Stew in the Traveler's Ward! But I've never seen a Mojiin order a Valsian dish before. You are clearly a very special person Abdiel," she says smiling at the Mojiin kindly.

"Do you know where this convocation will be held, exactly? You are correct when you say that this building is larger on the inside than it appears from the outside. Of course, I am still not quite used to the idea of buildings ..."
"I hear that they are holding it in the Grand Amphitheatre in the Ducal Ward, by the palace, but not much else. Apparently, whoever is behind this wants to be a little bit secretive, but then, we're like that sometimes, I guess, but don't worry. It doesn't mean we don't want to be your friend!" she replies, with a twinkle in her eye.

Amity ponders a moment and then asks her new friend, "What's it like, being a Mojiin? I've often wondered, but its something that I'll never be able to truly feel myself. It must be wondrous to feel the flow of life around you!"[/SBLOCK]

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Molpe Lilypetals: Limnad/Female (Siren)

* Molpe giggle nervously as Wei-Han kisses her feet as that was something she hadn’t really experienced before but her nervousness is quickly forgotten as she listened to the places they could go. She had heard of shopping, it was like the bartering of favors she knew but unlike at the same time as it used a material possessions to track what someone owed, and though it sound enticing but she knew she didn’t have any of the currency that would allow her to enjoy it. The festive ward sounded like a wonderful place to go but Molpe was first and foremost a naiad and her true desire first and foremost was to find a lake or pond to soak in. *

“Ahhh,” she thought out loud as she tried to chose, “well, it was a very long trip, Wei-Hon, and it’s been so long since I’ve had a chance to frolic… So does the city have any lakes or ponds?”

* She smiles hopefully and enthusiastically as she waits for the answer. *
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Rystil Arden

First Post
*Wei-Han's eyes slip to the ground in shame, as his smile wavers slightly*

"Sadry, one of the things I miss the most here is the beautifur rakes and folests of Lara-Kai. They do not have any natulal rakes here...but!"

*His eyes light up*

"They do have many rovery fountains acloss the city, and the Festive Ward has some of the most soothing bathhouses in the Spheles! Come, would you rike to see?"

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