Dr. Si's Curse of the Crimson Throne OOC

Dr Simon

Re: Guard's equipment. Dj'hân and Edmond, as local boys, know that all the mundane equipment is standard issue guard items. The magical stuff (silver dagger, arrows and potion), not standard issue.

Re: Liripoop of Holding - sure, I'm happy to go with that. Spend whatever fraction you like. It will take a few days of game time to procure the services of an enchanter, and then some more time for them to actually make it, don't forget.

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Yes, Oni, that was wonderful idea especialy if we can keep tabs for few days to detter any 'disturbances'. And we still need to determine what was that side job that those two dirty guards have. If Verrik knew about it, he would probably beat the s**t out of them. Maybe we can use that somehow?

Edmond is tired after fighting and wounding, he would like to sleep too, but this needs to be thorough job. He'll let Lynn speak, even if she decides not to hint to side job. She knows better then he.


It will take a few days of game time to procure the services of an enchanter, and then some more time for them to actually make it, don't forget.
No problem. So who might Dj'hân know that would take such a commission, or do the details not really matter?


How's everything going? People busy? I hope we can get some traction and build up some posting momentum in this game if possible. I'm enjoying it and am intrigued by how the story is developing. Hang in there everyone! :)

Dr Simon

The Acadamae has shut its doors during the "troubles", and they probably wouldn't deign to help anyway. His best bet is to try Theomenexus College across the river. I think we can probably hand-wave it since they are likely to take the commission for cash, but we can play it out if you like.


Going to the Theomenexus College sounds a bit daunting for Dj'hân. Might he know of any kindly hedge mages in the Shingles that could do the work? Otherwise the college sounds like it'll do in a pinch.

[sblock=Doc]On the other hand, if you're willing to hand wave the entire issue, then might you consider simply allowing Dj'hân to enchant his liripoop himself? We could simply assume that he's expended the appropriate amount of wealth on the proper materials and he, by virtue of his nature, somehow succeeds in ensorcelling his cap. Urban fairies, like brownies, were often reputed for their magical crafting skills after all. ;)[/sblock]
However it's done, I don't think an extensive post exchange is necessary. Though it would be nice to read a brief summary of how events unfolded to bring about the end result. :)

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