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Heroes Season [Volume] 2 (#24)---9/24/07-'Four Months Later'

Relique du Madde

Steel_Wind said:
Some interesting tidbits upon video review:

Theory #3

Peter Petrelli had his mind erased by the Haitian. That is why he cannot remember who he is - and why the Haitian’s necklace is around his neck in the container.

Theory #4


That theory is extremely likely, but the question is why would the Haitian do that? I wonder if Peter is an other piece of the Bennit's plot against the company and that he was planted in the container so that a ex-company member/mobster can find him.

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Here's a few things...pure speculation, so I don't think they're spoilers...well, I'll be safe.

[Sblock=Speculations]Peter came into contact with Niki/Jessica at the end of Season 1. Suppose that "mirror split" thing isn't just Niki's MPD...suppose Jessica (as was vaguely hinted at) really IS somehow a different person? Niki's sister, who died...but managed to live in her sister's reflection/soul? Does that mean Peter absorbed that? If so, what happens if Peter dies...then regenerates back to life? Mirror Peter (who exists as he was before he regenerated) and Original Peter (who came back to life and healed himself...then either got mindwiped or accidentally mindwiped himself after absorbing Haitian's power)? Or maybe he lacks his memory because his memory -is in the reflection-?


Another possibility. This one is...more farfetched. What if Nathan's power isn't really flying? Maybe he's more like Peter. He might have gotten flying from a brush with someone else (did he ever live in Costa Verde? :)), but for some reason his power to absorb might be more limited, or have a worse mental block than Peter's did... But then when Peter blew, he got access to the other powers he absorbed. So he didn't die...etc etc...

If the face in the mirror is Nathan, it's hard to see how it's happening. It can't JUST be a disguise. That kind of severe burn would at the very least have him in agony and require constant treatment and anti-infection therapy and skin grafts. More likely it would be fatal. All I can figure is that Nathan took Peter up...and Peter used Hiro's power to teleport away or something. Nathan's therefore guilty because he -intended- to die heroically...but instead his brother, the noble one, died and he couldn't save him. He was denied the redemption he sought...the redemption he needed for having ever gone along with Linderman's, and his mother's, plan.

...he may be trying to get that redemption now via other means. Muahahaha.

Edit: Oh no...I think I know! Super Secret Speculation: PETER is the Hooded Man...in Nathan's body! Burned, Bitter, Dead Peter...tainted by rage, taking out those who plotted not only HIS demise, but the death of millions!

Interestingly, redemption is something Mr. Nakamura also mentioned. Perhaps this season isn't about becoming a hero (as last season was) but rather about the redemption of heros.[/sblock]
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I am excited that the show is back. I thought it was a good episode over all. To echo others sentiments the kid West is a little out there.

I haven't seen any one post about the latin kids running through the jungle. I really want to find out what her power is, and if her brother's power is to counter hers or does she just panic and unleash her power. I thought they were putting a lot of emphasis on them staying near each other, so I am leaning towards the former.


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Taelorn76 said:
I am excited that the show is back. I thought it was a good episode over all. To echo others sentiments the kid West is a little out there.

I haven't seen any one post about the latin kids running through the jungle. I really want to find out what her power is, and if her brother's power is to counter hers or does she just panic and unleash her power. I thought they were putting a lot of emphasis on them staying near each other, so I am leaning towards the former.
I agree with this theory. I think the girl's party "is" the plague.

BTW glad i wasn't the only one who thought "legacy virus".

I really hope Hiro doesn't stay in the past, I like him intereacting with other heros.

I'm glad you guys are enjoying it. I wasn't impressed. Too much stalkerage from underage boys, too much Mohinder McPreachifiedExposition, too little of the enigmatic illegal immigrants.


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RangerWickett said:
I'm glad you guys are enjoying it. I wasn't impressed. Too much stalkerage from underage boys, too much Mohinder McPreachifiedExposition, too little of the enigmatic illegal immigrants.
Too many?

Wasn't mohinder only in 3 short scene, the last kinda justifying his preachification. The boy only seemed stalkerish in the last scene, looking into her window, and I've seen that done on smallville so much I'm pretty much numb to it.


I haven't read any other comments yet, I want to post my thoughts untainted.

It focused on Clair a bit too much, but it makes some sense. She is now the double outcast, really delivering the theme of the show. You are different. You don't belong. That is not only echoed in her abilities, but now in her social standing at school. I have to admit I was a bit surprised to see flying boy. I didn't expect it (although I should have) but also I think it is the first time we've seen someone with an already known power. That makes me think there is a finite list of abilities, perhaps.

I loved the Midas touch and the fact that Mohinder and HRG are working together to infiltrate the company.

Peter at the end in the Cork docks...cool.

I at first thought that Nathan was the one who gave Hiro's dad the picture, but I guess not. I loved the balance of how he tried to push his son versus what Nathan and Peter's mom did.

Nine others?

Who was it who killed Hiro's dad?

No sign of Jessica and family.

I liked Parkman more in this episode than I had.

What's the deal with Nathan's burned face????? I had to rewind that a few times.

Everything about Hiro's story just kicked butt.

Overall 4.5 out of 5 stars.

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