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Heroes Season [Volume] 2 (#34)---12/03/07-'POWERLESS' Mid-Season Finale (or the End)


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DonTadow said:
HE also has two new powers, some kind of virus healing ability and maybe the ability to shape reality.
I don't think so, he didn't have his power when he killed Alejandro or Candice. So, it's unlikely that he will show up with their powers.

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drothgery said:
And this is yet another reason why Peter (and Sylar) should have stayed dead. It's hard for the writers to keep track of which powers they have.
I have believed since half way through Volume 1, that Peter and Sylar need to be killed off. I like both characters but their god-like potential has to be delt with sooner or later.

Relique du Madde

DonTadow said:
Let's look at comic books, one of my favorite villians bane. In the 90s, bane was an awesome villian, my favorite villian arc still in the batman comics. NOw he's a second class villian, used as a henchmen to more powerful villians. I like this role for sylar. He's the new bane or killer croc, being used by other villians. Imagine if Adam finds him, what he can do to maniuplate him.

Sylar's motiviation is to be the only one with power. That is such an ambitious goal considering how far away from it he is to it. My idea, have sylar do what the house of m did, kill off all but the main heroes on the show. We still don't know how he takes power. HE also has two new powers, some kind of virus healing ability and maybe the ability to shape reality.

I don't see that happening since the moment Sylar meets Adam is the moment Adam dies. Sure Adam could regenerate but I seriously doubt he could regenerate fast enough to prevent Sylar from brain biting him if Adam's body is radiated and encased in molten steel.

In other words, Sylar and Peter must go and the must go soon because unless the series is going to do a massive superhero fight and make it compelling, there is no reason to have two characters that can do everything.
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Goobermunch said:
Actually, the reason this last episode felt so choppy is that it is an alternate ending they hastily filmed pre-strike. That's why Peter never gets closure with Caitlin. This was the last episode to go in the can.

There are no new scripts beyond what we saw tonight.

I don't believe that is true. I read that Heroes had shot up until the start of Episode 14 before the strike.

Yes - they did hastily reshoot an ending to Ep 11 to make is more of a season finale - that is accurate.

They are not going to show us anything concerning the few episodes more they have in the Can. Those will be held until Heroes - whenever that may be - restarts after the strike is resolved.

I would not be surprised for Heroes to do a remarkable about face and go off in a new direction in "Chapter 3". And by this - different than what they have hinted they would do. Tim Kring's comments indicate that he has rethought his direction of the show in the face of fans and ratings.


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Steel_Wind said:
I don't believe that is true. I read that Heroes had shot up until the start of Episode 14 before the strike.

Yes - they did hastily reshoot an ending to Ep 11 to make is more of a season finale - that is accurate.
Also, I heard that the 'reshoot' consisted of less than two minutes of the show. Not a lot changed.


First Post
Probably not Peter's. The regen power isn't inherrent to him.

That's why I think Nathan's really dead, not just mostly dead. You probably have to get the blood into him right quick to save him. Claire's all the way across the country, Adam's gone, and Peter doesn't have that ability that I'm aware of.

I can't like Hiro any more. What he did to Adam, even if Adam did steal his girlfriend and kill his father, was horrific to me. Buried alive ... *shudder* I can't hang with that. He should have just killed him, and if he didn't know how, he should have asked someone.

Hijinks said:
That's why I think Nathan's really dead, not just mostly dead. You probably have to get the blood into him right quick to save him. Claire's all the way across the country, Adam's gone, and Peter doesn't have that ability that I'm aware of.

I can't like Hiro any more. What he did to Adam, even if Adam did steal his girlfriend and kill his father, was horrific to me. Buried alive ... *shudder* I can't hang with that. He should have just killed him, and if he didn't know how, he should have asked someone.
Interesting side note: Adams "death" is pretty similar to the death of another show the same actor played in (Alias) - immortal but trapped forever...

I am still a bit disappointed that it's really supposed to be possible to kill Adam by blowing off his head. But we might never learn the truth about that.

I still like Sylar. I like how he is capable of manipulating people to gain their trust, and how he evil still manages to be.

Nikkis death made me sad. I liked the character, even if it was underused, and I liked the actress. :)

I hope that some characters act a bit smarter in Volume 3, and I hope that this is one of the lessons Kring learned. (If you think about it, this was definitely the case in Volume 1 to, and if viewers didn't want Volume 1 all over again, characters acting stupid might be an aspect. :) )

Kheti sa-Menik

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Goobermunch said:
If you want more Heroes, pray that the studios see reason quickly. Otherwise, it's likely that the show will not resume. It's not just Heroes either. Very few shows survived the last big strike.


Actually, I will "pray" that the lazy writers get off their sorry high horses and get back to work. They are not bosses, they work for someone else. When you work for someone else, they set the rules. If you don't like the rules, you are free to leave and find a different someone else to work for.
They have no right to demand anything.

Back to Heroes.....
I liked the episode but I thought I could it could have been meatier. Maybe an hour and a half or two hours. I wish truly they had been able to have the other 11 episodes to fill the season out.

I don't agree Caitlin is dead or stuck in a future that doesn't exist. She was deported back to Ireland right in the alternate future? I can see her having been put in a quaratine center in Ireland with a bunch of other survivors. Scared, but probably okay. Then Peter and crew change the past and it echos into the future, rewriting the future. Caitlin being from the past is like an island in the eye of a storm as the future shifts and changes around her as a result of the past changing. Caitlin is standing where her bed in the quaratine center was but now is a broom closet in a municipal office building. She is fine, physically, although probably mentally and emotionally messed up and still stranded in the future. A different future. Who knows what that future is like though? She's stuck there until Peter or Hiro come and rescue her.

I was hoping Maya would bite it.
I was hoping they'd treat Parkman a little better, give him a little more to do.
HRG going back to work for the company and believing the company would let Claire, his wife, and his son alone? Gullible.....unless he has something held over Bob's head that forces Bob not to move against his family.

I hope next season is tighter. Not leaving characters out in the dark to languish for multiple episodes. I think they need to reduce the cast size a little to make tighter stories.
Keep Suresh, Peter, maybe Nathan, Parkman, Molly, Sylar, Elle, Bob, Noah, Clair, and Hiro.
Keep Mother Petrelli and Ando too.

Send Micah and DL's family, including Watch-and-Do It Girl, off into the sunset, grieving for all they lost.
Make Maya vanish, exiling herself, not trusting herself around people without Alehandro.
Noah's wife and son (never can remember their names) go into hiding while Clair stays in the limelight.
Leave Adam to stew for a while.
Never bring back the Haitian.
Hit Flying Boy with a tactical nuke.

Interweave the remaining cast's stories more and bring back some old side characters from season 1/2 for occasional story arcs...Clair's natural mother, the Invisible Man, Parkman's dad (who isn't dead but locked in his own mind), Caitlin.

I liked this season, though it may not sound like it and I will be tuning in next season. I just want more meat with my meal is all.


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Felon said:
By your espoused line of reasoning--namely, that you "expect better of TV" than comics--yes, that would seem to be the case. Everything "TV" is of a certain level of quality and everything that's "comic book" is of a lower level of quality.

Some comic books suck, some don't. Some TV shows suck, some don't. It is, of course, much more reasonable to "expect better" based on more substantial qualities than the medium through which a story is delivered.

Posting while distracted, so let me start from the beginning. There are good comic books, and bad comic books, their are "story driven" comic books, and "pulp" comic books. There are TV shows with careful plotting, or just thrown together. We can have TV shows with good dialogue or bad.

So, I find it odd that Heroes seeks to emulate the worst parts of comic books. "No ones dead unless you see the body" is a staple of comics, sure, but just the pulp stuff churned out by people that regard others continuity as a chalk board rather than set in stuff. It's a BAD staple to emulate in a series about "humans dealing with the world as they learn about powers".

By the same token, comic books are brief capsules of time, where plotting can take a year to play out, TV is longer episodes and shorter seasons. I expect that a relatively high budget, well reviewed show, would spend the time to think out their story arcs and plot and plan better than a comic book. It's disappointing to me that they can't live up to the standard they set mid season last year.

I would simply expect to combine the best of comics and the best of tv's virtues into a show I can get behind, rather than seeing it fall apart.


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DonTadow said:
I"ll never understand why people force themselves to watch or be into things they naturally aren't and then complain about how bad an experience it was. I don't like scrapbooking. So I know for a fact that watching a scrapbooking tv show is probably not going to be my cup of tea. If you don't like comic books why watch a show about comic book characters.

Force themselves?

I watched season 1 and liked it a lot. The final 2-3 eps lagged, and the finale was bleh, but I figured they'd plot out season 2 better from the start so they didn't run into the snags of the first.

I'm not watching Heroes to complain about it, I gave it through the end of a plotline to turn around and improve to where I'd hoped for.

The simple fact is, a lot of folks DIDN'T, and Heroes ratings took a dive. I gave it the benefit of the doubt (or, more appropriately, hoped against all reason) and gave it time. I don't like it anymore and so I'm out.

Now, why do I discuss it? Because this is a discussion board and I'm disappointed, same as I've posted occasionally about gnomes being killed off. I've also posted about things I like, but no one says there "hey, why don't you keep your opinions to yourself". (Not that you are here of course.)

As for comic shows, I've watched and enjoyed many comic movies, and I don't think what makes a comic movie is bad plot, pacing, stupid characters, and many of the other hallmarks that folks complain about comics in general. If I've been to every XMen movie, seen many others, and still find Heroes "comic bookness" to be a flaw, then I think the intended audience is quite a bit different.

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