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Heroes: (Volume Three: Villains) The Second Coming--Season Premiere


Ok but I think there's just TOO many storylines flying around. And I was going to shout at the screen when
yet another painter who can see the future pops up

The false deaths, particularly for
Nathan Petrelli
, also grated.

Have mixed feelings about the
supervillain team
but we'll see.

I still think it's all too busy and overwrought.
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Yeah, the number of prognosticators is about the same as the number of immortals. Namely, way too many. But at least one of them got killed off early on. (The first one in the good ol days of season one. ;))

I'm really not sure how this is "fixing" the show. As has been pointed out the show already has too many characters and they just keep piling on more. How can they possibly write a cohesive story line when it takes an hour just to touch base with HALF of them and ignore the other half until the next episode? It feels to me like there's a lot of rushing about - but not much is actually happening. There is a notable absence of tension, probably due in large part to having to deal with so many characters all the time.

Next gripe is that they seem to be overly fond of time travelling and very BAD at making it actually interesting. Is the routine for the remainder of the series going to be:
  1. Go to the future and see something is wrong.
  2. Return to the past and in trying to fix the future actually CAUSE the future to be wrong.
  3. Fix the error in step 2 and goto step 1 in a vain attempt to verify success?
With so many characters their interactions are too frequently haphazard, confused, forced and superficial. I keep watching because I was captivated by these characters in season 1. Season 2 came DANGED close to killing my interest. While the opener for Season 3 is not at all a failure it certainly is NOT as strong as it needed to be. Things had better get kicked up a notch and FAST or I will NOT be watching this show by mid-season. I'll boycott it for being BRILLIANTLY conceived and TOTALLY bungled starting with the end of Season 1.


I liked it. Then, I didn't completely hate Season 2, either, so take from that what you will.

I think Nikki/Jessica/Tracy is/are the same person. Doesn't explain how she could have gotten in with the governor so quickly...but in a world where super-clandestine organizations have access to folks with mind-control...I suppose anything's possible.

Nikki Sanders is dead. The producers have been VERY clear about this. Nikki has been dead for a lil less than 36 hours at the time we are introduced to the Governor's parmour and confidante, Tracy.

So no - no time to forge that power relationship.

Nikki is dead.

It's not that the producers did not like Ali Larter as an actress on Heroes - they just realized that the charater as written was not working in a long term story arc. The writers took real risks with Nikki since the inception of the show. Some of it paid off initially - but it was not a story arc that transferred well out of the "discovery" stage. Nikki had too much baggage.

Kill her off for real; bring her back in a different form, minus the baggage of DL and split personalities.

So this really wasn't a split personality Nikki in another diguise. Whether this was her natural "twin" (Jessica never died?), or more likely, an outright clone resulting from a Company breeding program, will be revealed later in the season.

But - if Beeman and Tim Kring are to be believed - she isn't Nikki or any split personality of same.

While Micah seems to be staying with the show in some capacity, it does not look good for Monica. Rumour has it she's being written out of the show this season.


Tim Kring needs to keep apologizing after that episode, AFAIC.

Hated it. Made no sense, a huge number of despicable characters and actions, and out-and-out moments of idiocy.

It's only worth watching for Hiro and Ando - everyone else has become annoying gits, and Sylar's continued overexposure is going to help stink up the joint.

I really don't know why you continue to watch the show.

Don't get me wrong; you are perfectly entitled to not like it or criticize it all you like. Take as much from the Hate table as you'd like; fill your boots.

But time after time on these forums, you continue to vent about Sylar as if the reality of the shows fans was something other than what it is.

Look: Zach Quinto has become one of the three principal stars of the show. That may not sit well with you - but it happens to be true. Thinking they are going to somehow make him less of an emphasis when he is so damned popular isn't just misplaced hopes - it's downright delusional.

You don't have to like it; but complaining about it as if your complaint had a reasonable prospect of being satisfied is becoming a little trollish.


Oh, and
I am okay with them thinning out Maya's accent (it needed to be to avoid her continual over-emoting from sounding comic) but they needed to find a way in-show to explain it. Teaming her up with Mojinder is a bonus since it cuts the time they use up on screen by half each episode. I am hoping they spend at least half the season handcuffed to one another, or tied up with some dynamite, or sharing a padded cell in Odessa, or etc.


First Post
You don't have to like it; but complaining about it as if your complaint had a reasonable prospect of being satisfied is becoming a little trollish.

Not even close. I complain about the show, too. IT has flaws and it is fine to have people in a discussion thread to discuss those flaws and what they don't like about the show.

I think the worst thing the show did to Sylar was show his face and give his backstory. He was cool as the killer of heroes and before he was understood. The show does do characters well which is a shame.

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