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airwalkrr's Rise of the Runelords (IC)


She then turns her attention back to the mercenaries.

"Gentlemen," the sorceress says, with irony thick in her voice. "Any other night, I would be happy to show you all such a time that you would all be lying insensate on the floor, smoldering, by the end." Her smile was a sharp thing, like a scimitar's edge.

"But alas, this is a special night for me, and not one I am willing to sully so. I am here with friends for a quiet evening of conversation. Find another table to pester."
The mercenaries stare at Talashia a bit awestruck for a moment before bursting into laughter. The drunken one who had propositioned her laughs most heartily of all. "Oh, ho ho! She takes us fer gentlemen when I name her a strumpet! Imagine that? Me, waving me colors like a lord."

The men all have a good laugh at that as well. "Well, come on then, gentlemen," the drunken man japes, "let's see if our new title impresses any other comely wenches about. This one's obviously got a stick up her arse."

With that, they depart, laughing at their own silly joke.

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First Post
Vhir rips into another chunk of meat held in both hands; forgoing the eating utensils on the table. The huge shoanti is on his second plate and looks like he has yet to slow down. Grease is smeared deep into his goatee where it mixes with sloshed mead. Setting the remains of his meal down he wipes his face with the back of one hairy arm before letting out a loud belch. "Good food, good drink, and good company. This is the best way to travel, yes? He grins at his fellows around the table. The uncivilized barbarian from the northern reaches of Varisia had a generally friendly nature which was in stark contrast to his warriors rage that would overtake him in the heat of battle. When not crushing the skulls of his opponents he made himself useful around the caravan in whatever role they needed.
He reaches for another bread roll and tears it in half to use the other to sop up some grease from his plate. "Mafebe fandpoiunt don't need helfp." he says around a mouthful of bread. He chases it down with another swig and tries again. "Maybe Sandpoint don't need help. Maybe they are another sleepy town. What work do we find then eh? Kill rats for innkeepers? Feh!" He jabs his other piece of bread into his plate to punctuate his words. "Maybe there will be bandits we can kill!" He looks around the table with a gleam in his eye to see who is with him.


As the mercenaries approach, Vandalin shifts back from the table just a bit making sure he has room to draw his blades if needed. He leans in after the mercenaries move off. "The louts are out in force this evening. I suspect there will be trouble here before the night is over. I don't think this place is used to so much traffic. You handled that bunch smoothly, but they may be back." He takes a sip of his ale. "Striking one eh? Most apt I suspect," he mumbles with a wry grin. "Anyway Duko, this talk of giants is interesting. I've heard they are challenging foes indeed."


He reaches for another bread roll and tears it in half to use the other to sop up some grease from his plate. "Mafebe fandpoiunt don't need helfp." he says around a mouthful of bread. He chases it down with another swig and tries again. "Maybe Sandpoint don't need help. Maybe they are another sleepy town. What work do we find then eh? Kill rats for innkeepers? Feh!" He jabs his other piece of bread into his plate to punctuate his words. "Maybe there will be bandits we can kill!" He looks around the table with a gleam in his eye to see who is with him.

A dark-skinned woman still in plate and mail who looks to have at least a little Mwangi blood turns around from her table behind you. Her helm lies on the table, her sword sheathed, and a large shield rested against the table. "Sleepy town Sandpoint?" she bellows in a deep voice, "many pardons for interruption, but perhaps have not heard of Late Unpleasantness you. Of bandits have little problem they. But of goblins and other troubles have many they." Her accent is only faint, but her manner of speaking is quite foreign, though she seems to understand the Common Tongue well enough.

"Allow to make me introductions. Paladin of Shimye-Magalla, Sinkitah my name. Much like Desna yours is he. Follow the old ways of homeland I. Know much of this Late Unpleasantness do I. Spent several years in Sandpoint did I. And much disaster for them was it. Began first with a string of murders did it. Killed within a month were twenty-five townsfolk. Last victim was old sheriff Casp Avertin. Found bodies in island north did guards. Slain by local eccentric man Stoot were they. Sacrificed many of the tongues and eyes of victims to unspeakable winged demon found they. Then came fire. Great and mighty was it. Claimed several buildings did the fire, including cherished town chapel. Slain in fire were loved high priest Ezakien and daughter Nualia. Do try to ignore it now, do Sandpoint people. But hangs as a pall over the town does great evil. And recently tales of goblin raids increasing have heard I. Offer to join you would I. But beyond Sandpoint does lie my business."
[sblock=Knowledge (religion) DC 15]The deity known to the Banuwat Mwangi as Shimye-Magalla is a unique janiform incarnation of both Desna and Gozreh. They worship the two as one god with two aspects or faces.[/sblock]
OOC: Whenever I include an sblock with a skill check included, you may roll the skill check if you are a) trained in the skill, b) the skill can be attempted untrained or c) the skill DC is 10 or less. Sometimes further sblocks with higher DCs will be embedded. You need not roll multiple times. Simply use your result and reveal the highest possible DC you have rolled. This will commonly be used for things like Knowledge checks or Perception checks to save time. It should go without saying, but revealing the sblock without rolling a check or failing the check simply spoils the suspense and fun.
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"Well met, Sinkitah." Duko extends a hand in greeting. "I don't know about Sandpoint, but I have heard rumors of giants being seen in places where they didn't used to go. Orc talk, you might say, and I admit that's not always reliable, but when I hear the same thing from different people, I tend to believe it. Something's stirring the giants up. New leader maybe; who knows? As for fighting giants, I'll be honest - when they came to Rogan, we fought them, and we lost. I lost many friends. Sandpoint's bigger though. More fighters, surround 'em, wear 'em down. If they do come I'll get my revenge or die trying." He shrugs, as if not much caring which.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

”Right you are, Vhir. An excellent way to travel.” He sits quietly as the mercs make their scene, but his face shows his true feelings for the brief moment before Talashia puts them in their place. Still, his eyes follow the young server as she makes her rounds; his bow is in easy reach in case anyone makes trouble for her that she can't manage.

When the strangely accented voice speaks from the other table, the Monk turns to attend. He nods as she speaks. "A pleasure, Sinkitah. It sounds as though there'll be work for us in Sandpoint, sure enough."

[sblock=OOC]Knowledge: Religion (1d20+4=8)[/sblock]
[sblock=Mini Stats]
Marcas Vanator
Initiative: +03
AC: 14 (14 Touch, 11 Flat-Footed)
HP: 09/09
Senses: Perception +7
CMB: +02 CMD: 16
Fort: +03 Reflex: +05 Will: +04


First Post
Talashia is silent, just gaping at the paladin and her news. The shock is naked on her face...unusual for someone who's tried to be so reserved so much of the time.

"Old Casp Avertin?!" she finally manages to blurt in disbelief. "Dead?! Nualia and her..." She seems to shrink a little in her chair...then a change takes hold, and she comes to her feet. The shock and devastation parting way before determination and growing anger.

"One man did not kill twenty five people," Talashia says firmly, her ice-blue eyes fixed on the paladin. "Do you know what happened? Were his accomplices caught? Killed? And..." even in her gathering fury a stab of fear sparked behind her eyes. "Do you know the names of anyone else who was killed?"


First Post
Vhir wrinkles his brow in concentration as he tries to follow the woman's strange accent. Her gossip about the town makes the place sound far more interesting than a sleepy fishing hovel he had pictured. "Many deaths, burned holy ground. Very bad. Makes the spirits restless. Bad luck place, this town. Needs a strong holy man to guide them to rest." He looks over at Devion, recognizing him as a spiritual guide of these Varisians. "Maybe up to you. They are your people. Think you are able?"


Vandalin remains uncharacteristically silent as the Paladin tells her tale and the others respond. His tone is gruff and he fixes each of his companions with a firm gaze. "It sounds as if this little adventuring company is going to have a lot more work to do than we first envisioned. Is everyone still committed? I don't want anyone at my back who's gonna fold when the going gets tough."

Voidrunner's Codex

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