• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Spelljammer D&D Direct Live Report: 9am PDT (5pm BST) SPELLJAMMER CONFIRMED! DRAGONLANCE!

D&D Direct, WotC's new video-format announcement show launches today at 9am PDT (5pm BST). If you aren't able to watch it, I'll be updating this article live. Feel free to comment below! Once it launches, you will need to refresh this page when you want to see new updates. The video is expected to last about 30 minutes. If you CAN watch it, you'll find it on YouTube or Twitch at the above...

D&D Direct, WotC's new video-format announcement show launches today at 9am PDT (5pm BST). If you aren't able to watch it, I'll be updating this article live. Feel free to comment below! Once it launches, you will need to refresh this page when you want to see new updates. The video is expected to last about 30 minutes.

If you CAN watch it, you'll find it on YouTube or Twitch at the above times. Otherwise, follow along below!
  • 45 mins to go. Live updates incoming!
  • 30 mins to go!
  • 5 minutes to go!
  • Here we go! Opens with a sea shanty.
  • Forgive typos. They talk fast and I can't type.
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  • Spelljammer is confirmed!
  • They talk REALLY FAST!
  • Spelljammer Adventures in Space, project lead Chris Perkins, Trystan Falcone graphic designer
  • Cities built on asteroids, dead gods floating in the ether
  • 6 races---astral elves, autognomes, hedozi(?), gif, plasmoids, thri-kreen
  • 3 hardcovers in a slipcase: Astral Adventurers Guide, Boo's Astral Menagerie, Light of Xaryxis adventure
  • Prequel adventure in July
  • Wizkids miniatures
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Other stuff also discussed!
  • Baldur's Gate 3 CRPG preview video (game is in 2023)
  • Journeys Through Radiant Citadel intro video -- 3 of the adventures are: Wages of Vice (5th level), Caribbean; Orchids of the Invisible Mountain (14th level), feywild, far realm, Whistler new monster; Fiend of Hollow Mind (4th level), skeletons and spirits
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  • "Campaign Cases" -- Creature tokens! Terrain tiles! July!
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D&D Movie directors now onscreen. The movie in March 2023 is called HONOR AMONG THIEVES.

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  • New D&D starter set. Comes with 'digital onboarding'. Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. We knew about that one.
  • D&D digital monstrous compendium. Available to those with WoTC or D&D Beyond Accounts. Volume 1 has an eldritch lich and the 10 legged asteroid spider. And the starlancer. Might have misheard some of that!
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  • MMO Neverwinter video. Dragonslayer begins June 2022. (I wonder if they'll need a dragonance for that?)
  • New D&D actual play video, Legends of the Multiverse. Lots of 80s cartoon style soft rock music. Boo is in it.
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WIzKids skirmish game D&D Onslaught. October

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Man I am in a time loop. I've said REPEATEDLY how the new format is ridiculous as it includes a bunch of things I don't need, including the DMs Screen and the slipcase (not including the map, so many books have these included already).

If this is one release version, and you could just pick up a normal Spelljammer book for $60, great! No complaints from me. When Curse of Strahd Ravamped was announced, I didn't complain; I can get normal Curse of Strahd within my budget.

But locking consumers into nick-nacks they don't need to getting more $ out of them is NOT something I'm happy about, and breaking down the price isn't going to convince me to shell out more of my wallet.

I have a feeling that they release just a regular book version the way they did with Monsters of the Multiverse, so your day shall likely come...eventually.

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I really don't think you need to take that personally - the internet is full of reviewers who breathlessly announce that every time WotC puts outa book, it's the best RPG product invented by Man.
Seriously. It's making me miss the excessive cynicism of the '90s lol. If we had YouTube back then it would be a competition as to who could be the biggest downer (and not in the shrieking rant or complaining about SJWs ways we have now, just a lot of wearing black and sulking about stuff!).
From my experience, this is true for literally every fandom on the face of the Earth, so long that it is of sufficient size.


I was just saying that your post was overly negative for no real reason. I get that you're salty about this release, but that's really no excuse to add to the toxicity for what could have been a neutral post ("I really wish that they would officially publish Planescape and Dark Sun").
I don't see my post as "toxic" or "overly negative", and it feels pretty silly/dramatic to characterise it as such lol, especially when I was taking the piss out of myself (something which apparently escaped you!). Trying to suggest we can only have positive or "neutral" posts and if we do otherwise we're "toxic", is, imho a truly toxic attitude to all forms of reasonable discussion and thought.


5e Freelancer
Seriously. It's making me miss the excessive cynicism of the '90s lol. If we had YouTube back then it would be a competition as to who could be the biggest downer (and not in the shrieking rant or complaining about SJWs ways we have now, just a lot of wearing black and sulking about stuff!).

I don't see my post as "toxic" or "overly negative", and it feels pretty silly/dramatic to characterise it as such lol, especially when I was taking the piss out of myself (something which apparently escaped you!). Trying to suggest we can only have positive or "neutral" posts and if we do otherwise we're "toxic", is, imho a truly toxic attitude to all forms of reasonable discussion and thought.
I'm done. This is going nowhere. Apologies if I misunderstood you.
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Seriously. It's making me miss the excessive cynicism of the '90s lol. If we had YouTube back then it would be a competition as to who could be the biggest downer (and not in the shrieking rant or complaining about SJWs ways we have now, just a lot of wearing black and sulking about stuff!
If we had had YouTube in the ‘90s, I’m not sure I want to even think about the screed I’m sure I would have posted about “Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand”.

If we had had YouTube in the ‘90s, I’m not sure I want to even think about the screed I’m sure I would have posted about “Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand”.
I think from my household it would just have been my brother taking it out into the garden and setting it on fire whilst we watched silently (note: we did not do this - but YouTube might have encouraged us to!).


Come now, let's all be productive and talk about the real issue here: How come the rules for Firearms in DND aren't accurate to their power level that they would introduce into the world of DND, causing an unfair advantage and tech race that would end up spiraling out of control. I mean. a gun doing 1D10 is totally inaccurate and Dwarves having a +2/+2 is completely broken when compared to the Aven, who can get a +2/+2, yet is given a pass on its brokeness because it's not in an official book.

Which make makes me realize that Orcs and Drows in masks completely invalidates the serious nature of Psionics and how this Dark Sun ain't my Dark Son in regard to everybody wearing Halloween Dice.

Also, this thread is (X).

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