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TUW: The Steel Trade [IC]


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 84 - 85: Leaving Town

Sannit says,
"It seems Martello was murdered to slow our progress here, which probably means someone in this town is informing Asylim of our actions...
Keeping that thought in the back of their heads, everyone double checks their gear and the pack animals. It is roughly 2 days north to clear the pine forest. A small rock break levee acts as a line of demarkation where the forest ends and the grass begins, also indicating a significant soil change.

During the 2 days travel, only common insects, birds, reptiles, spiders, and varmints are encountered.

Routine search each day reveals 1 measure worth of Leaves of Restoration, 1 Ingot of Iron, 1 Yellow Stone, and 1 Semi-Clear Yellow Stone.

OOC: New Party Inventory:
  • 1 Leaves of Restoration
  • 1 Iron Ingot
  • 1 Yellow Stone
  • 1 Semi-Clear Yellow Stone

At camp that evening, Sheldon readdresses the subject.
"You must be correct, Sannit, but I have no suspicion as to who it might be."

OOC: I have added more advanced techniques to the Combat Skill Tasks.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
"You must be correct, Sannit, but I have no suspicion as to who it might be." - Sheldon

Sannit responds, "It might not be anyone we have regular dealings with, could be someone we hardly speak to, but they would know enough to keep Asylim and Boga City aware of us. We cannot let our guard down outside of town, either, and should make regular searches to make sure no one is following. It would be just as easy to send assassins after us."
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Sylvar B.

Saemund nods as Sannit comments about sending assassins.
"Sannit is correct. After taking in the information from the last several days, I believe it would be prudent to for us to have sentries posted, or have patrols that follow irregular patterns. Also, while we sleep perhaps the animals could patrol at night since they can see better at night."
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 86 - 87: Traveling Eastward

OOC: I have added more advanced tasks to the Paranormal Tasks and Effects.

OOC: Danger Sense:
Konokoro (Collegiate Task)
Mind + Knowledge + Wisdom +
Commercial + Obscurative

This passive task represents a constant spacial awareness that helps prevent the character from being surprised.

Due to the cumulative skill of the party, there is a constant danger sense of 586% at 45 paces even while sleeping. Everyone is absolutely certain no one is following, at this point.

No conclusion is reached as to who might be an informant or if one even exists, though Merin and Tor have remained silent on the matter, thus far.

It is decided to follow the small rock ridge eastward as it makes for an easy path to follow. Leaving the road still makes travel slower.

The first day no game is located larger than varmints, but some large purple beetles provide chitin to return for Maeli to make lacquer. While searching for minerals, only 4 ingots of aluminum are located and 1 burgundy stone. While searching for herbs, a measure of Root of Lethargy was located.

The second day, again, no game is located larger than varmints. While searching for minerals, an odd break in the stone ledge provides 100 bricks worth of pietrazulfo and 1 black stone. The time is taken to collect the ore using the two purchased pick axes. While searching for herbs, a measure of bark of Stimulation is located.

As the sun is setting the second day and everyone is refreshing over the meager meal, a mild sense of danger piques everyone's attention. The corn grasses are fresh and green at this time of year from about knee to waist high, having only recently sprouted from last year's fallen crop. Moving carefully through the reeds at some distance to observe the party is a male savanna tiger.

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
The GM said:
While searching for minerals, an odd break in the stone ledge provides 100 bricks worth of pietrazulfo and 1 black stone.

Tor is simultaneously pleased and frustrated to find so much pietra. "Now, if only we had a blacksmith to make use of it," he says, wistfully. There is more than a slight twinge of anger in his tone.

Merin, noticing the tiger, nudges Tor; Tor, still seething, moves his hand toward his blade. "Ah, we have a visitor. Come, little cat, get a bit closer. I could use the practice." Although he makes no move toward engaging the tiger, you sense that he wouldn't mind an attack at all. He is now in the worst mood you've ever seen him in, due to his growing hatred of the Asylim Guilds. He is clearly looking for the opportunity to vent some of his anger.

Merin scolds him quietly, "There now, my friend. He's probably just curious. He is not your enemy, although I suspect that if he's hungry, he might be prone to a lapse in judgment."

Tor finishes the thought: "A decision he would quickly come to regret," he says, his knuckles turning white with tension on the hilt of his sword.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Sannit nods over the accumulation of minerals and metals. "We'll show the pietrazulfo to the Mhytres and ask if they know any advanced techniques using it as Martello did. Perhaps by showing we know something of metal working it will earn their respect enough to pique their interest in Southroad Fair. I would hate for us to travel all this way only to have the Mhytres refuse to return with us."

Bolo uses Way to send a warning message to the tiger that there is no prey here, only danger for nosy cats. She sends another message to Turtle not to bother with the tiger.

Turtle stares at the watching tiger, ready to intervene if he comes too close. Not that he fears for his people against one cat, but if someone's going to give the tiger a beating, he wants in on it.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 87: Traveling Eastward

Sannit nods over the accumulation of minerals and metals.
"We'll show the pietrazulfo to the Mhytres... Perhaps by showing we know something of metal working it will earn their respect enough to pique their interest..."
Indigo replies as she calms the pack animals,
"Good idea."

Sheldon replies,
"That reminds me. I forgot to mention that Lyndha gave me 2 vials of pine fuel as we were leaving, as a gift for the Mhytres, should we find them. I put them with the pack animals."

Unlike game animals, which are skittish by nature, predators are curious creatures but not prone to stupidity unless starving. This cat looks well fed. Bolo's warning quickly pushes him on, but Turtle would like to think that it was all him, having postured to convey the following thought.

OOC: This image was too awesome to pass up.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 88: Traveling Eastward

The party continues to travel eastward through the corn grass, always keeping to the edge of the small rock levee for guidance. About mid morning, a sense of danger infects the party, and everyone halts to listen. The grass continues to the north, the pine forest on the down side of the levee to the south. Strange squeaking and clicking noises can be heard to the north. At a distance of about 15 paces to the north, the stalks are shaking vigorously before falling. Something that cannot be seen above the waist tall grass is cutting a swath in the party's direction.

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Sylvar B.

Saemund removes his battle axe from his belt and begins walking a wide circle to the right of the disturbance. When he gets parallel to it he will begin walking toward it.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tor readies sword and shield, and mimics Saemund's tactic on the left side. Merin tells Myth to stay down and quiet, as he himself crouches, preparing himself to manipulate Way, if need be.
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