Against the Giants 5e PBP (Full)

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Gimlak can keep going. I'm assuming that his fly spell started a couple of minutes ago2 minutes out of 10 max (@FitzTheRuke can you pls confirm, he basically cast fly just before the combat outdoors).

So if we stay, his fly will expire (no biggie) and he'll be able to completely block the latched doors with an immense pile of dirt. Maybe make a sand castle too. If we keep going, Gimlack will have his flight for a decent number of combats (I assume).
So personally, I can go either way.

@Kobold Stew, If the colonel gets low on resources and if @FitzTheRuke is ok with my spell swaps, Gimlak couls always polymorph him into a whirling mass of tentacles that use the t rex stat block ;-)

Speaking of which, I just need to find a way to get modify memories. Maybe by dropping arcane eye (which would be nasty for our beloved dm anyways - not knowing and being surprised is always more fun!). Also on my list but I don't yet know what to get rid of is locate object.


Just to say, I am going to be offline from July 8-12. Please pilot the Colonel as you see fit, recklessly endangering himself as if he has something to prove.

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