Burned Circle - OOC Thread

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So, starting off with a Great Driving, which is (wait for it) great. I'll post up the ghouls' driving post some time today. EDIT: Oops, I see now the +1 was included. So Good (+3).

And, Superb Alertness of by the looks of it. (1+4) So you got a look at the license plates. If need be, you can run those through the system later.

EDIT: ENWorld has been down for me a lot today. Hoping it stays up long enough for me to write up a reply.
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First Post
Got it posted without ENWorld breaking!

But, here comes another compel. The city has an aspect of TROUBLE AROUND THE CORNER, which I'm compelling on Juno. This will cause a slight... complication... in your car chase. It won't change how the chase itself is run, it will just add a twist to the mix.


First Post
Aha, ENWorld is back up. I think they're still doing updates, though.

Anyway, the complication is that a police cruiser is going to join the chase.


First Post
Okay, so...I am fuzzy on what I'm posting now. Am I just posting Juno driving after him, or do you want to post the chase scene up to the complication and then let us react? Or...what are we doing here?

As a point of protocol, -generally- speaking (and I know circumstances will influence this), how bad would you estimate it is...in Juno's IC knowledge...if she's recognized as chasing a car without having phoned it in? While off duty.

Gotta weigh all this in to the internal monologue. :)


First Post
If Juno were found to have not called for backup she would probably have to go into the station to fill out some paperwork or debrief to a superior what happened, but there wouldn't be any reprimands involved.

The main complications would be 1) involvement of the police in the supernatural which is dangerous for them which Juno would like to avoid, 2) Juno possibly being seen with supernatural allies by mortals which she would then have to try to explain, and 3) a possible distraction of having to go do something (paperwork, debriefing, reporting to superiors) that isn't directly related to finding Sandra.

As for the post, write a bit about Juno driving and make a roll. For reference, here is the route taken so far in the chase. You've driven down Delano Drive, and in this upcoming post you'll be following the ghouls down Howard and onto College. Feel free to roll your Driving then match the description to the roll. [MENTION=478]Thanee[/MENTION] should do the same for Keira, btw, on her bike.

You can either post the complication arising (sirens, lights flashing, and all that good stuff) or you can leave it to me in the ghoul post following. I'm fine with either way. It's your compel, after all, so any way you like it, so long as there are police joining in on the fun! :)

I'll post up the Google Maps link in future posts as well if you find it helpful.


First Post
So, driving rolls (and descriptions) for the second round?

I'm a little confused where we are right now in the IC. :eek:


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