• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E Elementalists (IC)


Queen of Everything
Lola Flameseeker kept her ruby hood up as she wandered through the large city. She felt right at home here, having traveled from another large city at the end of a river that had been her home for many years. This city was new to her, though she had friends who told many a tale and traveled between the two cities frequently. She'd bump into someone eventually.

She kept her deep violet eyes open for anything of note, namely sparkly treasures and rich people lazily brandishing money about, shops filled with shiny goodies and innocent, foolish travelers unawares of pitfalls - like her.

She kept to the crowds for now, disappearing into them unseen as she explored, spending hours walking up and down the streets. Eventually she grew bored, nothing having jumped out to her as an exciting adventure just yet. She usually liked to know an area before she chose a mark anyway. She found herself standing outside the Frosty Blaze.

She looks at the sign and gives a little "Humph," out loud to no one before entering.

She sweeps into the room and swings her cloak off, a rather revealing plum dress underneath. She smooths down her very long blond hair, comes to the bar and sits, crossing her legs at the knee. She taps a slender finger on the bar.

"What's the strongest beverage you have, barkeep?"

As she waited for him to come to her, she caressed one of the long ivory horns on her head, and her tail swung back and forth and back and forth rhythmically.
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The bartender looked this newcomer up and down, "Duncan's me name, miss," he said, his voice gruff but cheerful, "And I think this'll be good enough for you."

He pulls out a glass and pours a dark amber liquid into it, filling it only halfway. "Faresian whiskey. 80 proof. Best you can get this side of the Great River."


Queen of Everything
"Why hello Duncan, it's a pleasure to meet you. The name's Lola," she reaches out her hand for a shake. "This sounds puurrfect," she purrs. She pulls the glass to herself and cradles it in her hands. "So what's the funnest thing a girl can do around these parts Duncan? Anything interesting happening?"


The barmaid, a youngish girl with long blonde hair and bright green eyes, smiles at the Xobru, "One silver piece is enough to buy a meal and a drink. If you'd like to stay at the inn, we have room. It'll be 8s a day for a room, but that pays for your food as well." She looks at the giant man sitting at the table, "We do have beds in your size, sir. We don't get many Goliaths down here, but the old owner of the inn believed in always being prepared for anyone who might need a room. Are you two in town long?"

A few of the patrons stare at the birdman who entered the bar, and at him perching...on top of the bar. But the bartender seems unperturbed. "My friend," he says after setting a plate of raw beef down in front of him, "Do you need a place to stay? I have a room with a balcony, if you'd rather stay somewhere with a view of the stars."

Jord looks at the young woman, his head is even with hers, even though she is standing and he is sitting. A voice like gravel, or rather boulders rolling down a mountain valley comes out of his mouth, a deep bass rumble. "Yes, a bed would be sufficient." Jord carefully counts out twelve silver pieces onto the table. "I will take a bed, three helpings of stew, and a three more quarts of this fine porter."

Jord turns to the elf after ordering and looks at him carefully in silence for a while before answering. "In some places I have traveled, asking permission and not waiting to receive it is seem as a great dishonor, one worthy of body harm as recompense. Fortunately for you, I do not carry such traditions in my veins. I am Jord." says the goliath with a slight inclination of his head.


Jord was not much for words often, but that did not mean he could not use them. He spoke less than he knew and saw more than he said. There are times however, that are universal to all of the speaking races, to all males. And that universality just walked in the door in the form of a tiefling. Jord was certainly not alone in that he glanced up at the door when ever someone would walk in. But this newcomer laid a hold of his gaze. Nor was he the only one whose gaze was drawn to her. Like a moth to a flame. Jord watched her at the bar for a long moment before finally shaking his head. A smile or something like it passed across his face before his normal placid facade settled back in at the arrival of his stew.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Xobru is at a loss for words for a moment before replying, "Ah, yes, I'm sorry about that. Haven't been around other people for a while. My name is Xobruentyvir Aenovindë, but you can call me Xobru."

The elf digs into his backpack and emerges with a pouch of coins just as the tiefling walks through the door. He therefore misses the fact that most men are temporarily distracted by the attractive woman with horns and a tail; instead, Xobru rummages through the pouch before producing 8 pieces of silver.

"I'll have a room, then," the elf replies to the barmaid as he hands over the coins. Shrugging, he continues, "Might be here next year, might be gone tomorrow. I just arrived today in my boat and I just go wherever I need to go."


"Please, Yes, a room with a balcony, Please."
While looking around the room Vimak became suddenly aware of being the only one ON the bar. Hopping down, claws clacking into the floor he fixed his immovable rod as a perch so that he could still reach his mean but wasn't standing on the floor.

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Duncan takes Lola's hand and gives it a tentative shake. He seemed a little flustered at the pretty Tiefling giving him more than a passing glance, "What sort of things are you in to? There's some shows at the theater over in the Market District, and they've opened a new casino by the docks. It's not the safest place to be, but it can be fun, if you don't mind losing your coin. Of course, I wouldn't go to the Temple District these days. Too many strange things happening over there, so you might want to keep your distance."

One of the patrons of the bar, a human with dark hair and dark blue eyes, wearing a sailor's outfit, sat at the bar next to Lola, leering at her openly. He nodded to Duncan without taking his eyes off the Tiefling, "I've got her drink, and I'll take one, too," he said as he set down a few coins.

Duncan saw the man, and his mouth clamped shut. He quickly got the man his drink and moved on to another customer, getting a key for the Aarakocra who was sitting on...well, on air down the bar. None of the other regular patrons seemed to be paying Lola much attention anymore, now that the newcomer had expressed an interest.


Queen of Everything
Lola noted the quick shift in Duncan's attitude, and in the other patrons as well. There were some odd birds in this place, literally, and she'd stay on her guard.

"Isn't that awfully kind of you," she smiled, shifting on her stool to face the sailor. "Name's Lola, in case you didn't catch it." She held up her glass, waiting for him to do the same. "To new friends?"


The man's smile widened as he clinked her glass with his, "To new friends."

He took a drink. "The name's Corlan. What can I call you?"

The barmaid came back to Xobru and Jord's table, setting the bowls and drinks down in front of each. She smiled and winked at Jord as she left.

OOC: I think we're just waiting on the monk. When he shows up, things'll get interesting. Unless he doesn't show up, in which case we'll go on by, say, tomorrow night. He can catch up. For now, feel free to do whatever, or wait for things to heat up. So to speak...

Voidrunner's Codex

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