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D&D 5E Elementalists (IC)

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OOC: But he did ALMOST take out the elemental. On his own. Pretty beast.

Well i did have some help from a throne but did start at half HP so lets cal that moot. Thankfully Nacay did nearly off it(let me know how close when its all over) as well he was designed to stand there and get hit.... nothing else.... literally nothing else he is straight up a Brute with no brain or social skills. Hell the only reason he could talk to the girl is because he doesn't see her as a real person!


Vimak looks up, seeing someone who he just fought with not long ago on the ground bleeding, not having seen what happened, his distrust of the earth elemental takes root and he pulls the trigger with no further hesitation.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Colossus Slayer [roll2]

If that hits and he doesn't drop I'll use my action surge for a second attack
Attack [roll3]
Damage [roll4]
Colossus Slayer [roll5]

[sblock=terran]"Die, You attacked you DIE."


The bullet rips through what's left of the Earth Elemental. It is so structurally weakened from the beating from Nacay, that it shatters into a thousand pieces.

While Vimak is standing there, the puddle of water, which had gotten bigger from the geyser that was still erupting from the floor, slwirls around him, then then flows up around him, forming a vaguely humanoid shape, engulfing the birdman.

OOC: Vimak needs to make a strength saving throw to try to get out of the elemental, or he is suffocating and restrained. Everyone else gets a turn except Vimak, since he just did his. Nacay needs to make a death saving throw.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
OOC: The others are arriving, right? If not, ignore this post.

Xobru feels something strange yet familiar as he reaches the Temple. It is that feeling you have when you've walked into a room and forgot why you came in, or a word you just can't remember but your brain is keeping it just a breath away from your conscious thought.

As the water genasi elf enters, moves past the mirrors - such odd images! In some he and Hadar are not even seperate beings! - he finds himself near a great commotion. A ruined door, through which a chamber can be seen with, wait, is that... a water elemental?

Xobru walks towards it non-threateningly and attempts to communicate with the elemental through his telepathy.

Easy, friend! Easy. I do not wish to fight.

When he sees Vimak being held by the elemental, the elf adds more urgently, Please release him. He does not mean you harm. We just want to know what happened.

OOC: Telepathy works on any creature that understands a language, so not being fluent in Aquan doesn't matter. :)


Seeing Xobru enter the room Vimak takes a deep breath "Panick, I won't panick. Fight, trying not to fight. Talk, try to talk"

Looking down at the water holding him Vimak thinks trying to remember a dialect he uses rarely.
[sblock=Aquan]"Home, is home hurting? Help, We want to help."[/sblock]


OOC: Yes, the rest of the group would be there by this point. If they want to be.

Both Vimak and Xobru need to roll persuasion checks.

Voidrunner's Codex

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