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(IR) The 1st IC-thread of the 1st Turn of the 5th IR


There are over a million stricken drow, Sollir.
Also, there are a number of powers now standing in a face off in the Great City.
Sequester of the drow may or may not be possible. I do not know.

The treatment ... there is a specific treatment for the Withdrawal that works very well.
Exposure to elves and elven medicine, and to strongly good aligned beings and Outsiders.


I don't plan on treating all the drow, just the ones I take under my care and those in cities under Lynn. The Mercane and people of Lynn are not cruel, but they don't give charity for those who are under some one else's supposed supervision, especially when they can't afford so.

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Paxus Asclepius

First Post
William Ronald said:
Paxus: I will respond to your post later in the day. I want to give your amabassador time to present her case.

My intent isn't to rush you, either IC or OOC. I'm simply maintaining character; the emissary is nothing if not patient and persistent, and her presence gives me an agent capable of observing the events more accurately than nearly any other on Oerth, without interfering in these events.


First Post
(ok, I am now responding to the posts on page 4. I haven't read beyond that point. It would be physically impossible for me to write a second response to 4 pages of posts. After I have read through everything through page 6, I might give some blanket responses. Also, please note that where I came to secret sblocks I simply deleted the text and did not read them.)


(IC discussions between Murlynd, Zagyg, and others)

OOC: Zagyg grants the drow spells. They're only one step away in alignment than he is (CE to his CN) so they're perfectly acceptable clerics of Zagyg. They've just done something massively and monumentally unpredicable so they've immediately come under the scrutiny of his portfolio. So they get spells when they pray, and since he doesn't care male drow can be clerics now too. Their new domains are chaos, knowledge and magic and I hope they all like clubs. He doesn't announce that he's done so, ask them if they want spells, or anything like that. He just fills them up as they so desire, except he obviously can't grant them nasty evil Llothy spells. If eventually one of them decides to check up on things and start doing some serious "Who's granting me spells?" sorts of inquiries, he'll probably tell them something cryptic. He really doesn't have time for the drow, but this is too weird for a deity of eccentricity and unpredictability to pass up. And besides, he liked Eclavdra because she wasn't a sore winner at chess.


The drow delegation in Polaria and Aestia, mostly survive the transition.
To Zagygs' absolute frustration, though, they are becoming Chaotic Good.
At the end of Turn 1, presumably, most of them will turn to the worship of Eilistraee or even the Seldarine!

But yes, some will be grateful enough to Zagyg to take up his worship.
And some of the drow went insane during the Withdrawal, and THEY will most certainly begin worshipping Zagyg the Mad! :)
So a new Cult of Zagyg may well arise among the drow.

Elsewhere, whether the stricken drow will worship Zagyg depends on what happens.

There are 3 powers, as of this post, contesting the 99 abandoned drow cities. And there are 5 powers and 1 observing power, contesting the situation in the Great City.



OOC : I am violating The Treaty?! I am saving the Drow from fate worst than death!
IC: Princess Lanfear, currently Regent of Shevarash in her father`s absence, sends a message to all members of the Treaty of Erelhei-Cinhu, she looks incredibly beautiful and majestic, with her exotic half-drow beauty, silver hair, and white dress all in pearls:
"One of the members of our Treaty is under attack by Elistraee`s forces, I demand we come to the aid of our allies! I also suggest that the next summit be held in our capital, Shavarash!"


(chuckles) That TEC Summit is indeed in progress! :)



Morwel raises an eyebrow at Lanfear's message.
"Elistrae's forces seem to be helping rather than attacking, I do not think even you could have arrived in time to have stopped them slaughtering everyone, since the drow seem to be almost comatose for the most part, if that was their desire. And last time I looked it was Vampirisim that was the fate worse than death. "
OOC- Yes if this comes to war Morwel will take full responsibility for her actions, the spirit of a treaty, as she percieves it, and her nature, are far more important to her than any petty and abuseable wordings. Besides giving Galador a warning is remarkably polite considering she's about as Chaotic Good and nature-orientated as it gets and Galador is, a) Lawful Evil, b) Undead and c) Wielding an artifact forged by a god she does not like at all. Really the proper response is kill first, give warning second. She views Galador's actions as an attack upon the drow, who are members of both the TEC and the Miranda Pact.


(since my drow are disabled, sits and watches the TEC Summit)
(very curious as to how this will end. Seems it could go anywhere from here.)



Originally Posted by Melkor, Lord Of ALL!
OOC : I am violating The Treaty?! I am saving the Drow from fate worst than death!

Turning them into Vampire Spawn is not saving them, It's an attack.

IC: Princess Lanfear, currently Regent of Shevarash in her father`s absence, sends a message to all members of the Treaty of Erelhei-Cinhu, she looks incredibly beautiful and majestic, with her exotic half-drow beauty, silver hair, and white dress all in pearls:

"One of the members of our Treaty is under attack by Elistraee`s forces, I demand we come to the aid of our allies! I also suggest that the next summit be held in our capital, Shavarash!"

Rhynnon's response: Has Elistraee attacked you? This strikes me more as a war of aggression on your part. The question remains as to who it is you are striking against and why. Elistraee it would seem is protecting the Mordheil from the vengeance of their servants. I personally have come to the Great City to guard the Mordheil in their time of need. From all who would seek to harm them.


(can do nothing but watch. The rather terrified yuan-ti refuse to be involved.)



Yes, and I think that everyone would understand ... that abuse of Eclavdra's trinkets is action that every Chaotic Evil being would do. I'm personally ashamed a bit and know that Elistraee's motives weren't those that Iuz is shouting at her. But from his point of view it is very "logical" and simple.
He's irritated, because foundation of TEC Pact, the Eclavdra, is "ill". What Iuz does when he's irritated ? He kills someone. He belives that this treaty is useful to him and without Eclavdra it will fell apart. You know, CE horde of demons without soemone whipping them to act together. That's how Iuz is thinking.
Why I wrote that he would spare Elistaree ? Because, as I were writing earlier ... probably in First OOC, Iuz read "Book of Exalted Deeds". Orginal wersion. It didn't killed him ... but give him some understanding of "Enemy's" philosophy, opened his mind trough extreme torment, and "tainted" him with little weakness toward women, kids and other pleasant things. Would cannonical Iuz would relase Unicorn ?! I doubt.
And Kalanyr, I forgot that Morwel is CG ... yes, when she and Iuz will met ... sparks will fly. Imagine all those insults that they both will threw at each other ! And then, somebody will have to stop them from jumping at each other with claws.
Melkor, I advise that Gallador should disarm Morwel with compliments and his natural charisma. She might then "forgive" him that he exists.
Just a sticking nose between the door's wings from my side.
And ...
Everybody !
... what with action that I wrote earlier ? Rampage of Iuz ?! Of course Demons will have to proceed without his lead. But weight of his shadow on their shoulders should keep them in line. And since Drow will be comatose, nobody would put up a fight yes ? Gallador's vampires should be wary too, Demons are dissapointed that elves don't object and might attack someone they will wiew as "threat" to Iuz's plans. Servitor races, if they didn't massacred their drow overlords would be submitted as well. Iuz could die but his will will live on.
At least until someone notice that there is no whip to keep them in line. Or noew leader arise.


Not much I can say here. The drow of the 99 abandoned cities are helpless, the servitors gone or joining other powers.

There are 4 million servitors that just escaped the Great City. Paxus is making a play for them. I wonder if Melkor will also ...

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
Edena_of_Neith said:
There are 4 million servitors that just escaped the Great City. Paxus is making a play for them.

I'm not sure that's a fair characterization. Their former owner did, after all, post that they were already turning to my worship; I'm merely gathering my strayed flock.

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Sigh. I understand how Edena feels. I'm also a bit overhelmed with all those posts appearing just after I had written mine anservs. :confused:

William, here is a problem ... that Iuz will fight Elistaree until he clearly will be victorious. Keep in mind that he is almost beyond all reason now. I, repeat, Iuz is Chaotic Evil ! He isn't nice, forgiving or compassionate to himself or others. When he enters fight he ends it or is taken on the shield. But ... I need a slightest reason to explain Iuz's ceasing fight, it could be:

Elistaree, defeated by Iuz. I posted several times that Iuz wouldn't kill her. Period ! He even have his 0 lvl spell slots filled with healing magic. So her wounds would be tended to some extent.
Option that seem very probable, with aid from Tempest and even without it ... Unless someone attack.

Or course after the battle emotions fade avay, he might speak with Al'Akbar ... but keep in mind that Iuz is almost brainlessly ... afraid. And his paranoia is taking heavy tool on his reason, too. Gentle gestures, calming voice ... or Mindblank would help.

Iuz, defeated by Anyone attacking him. It's up to Serpenteye or Airwhale if they spare Iuz. Attackers might notice that Iuz is clearly trying to not direct his attacks in a way that would harm Eclavdra. Then billion new possibilities will open.

Eclavdra awekens and urges Iuz to stop. It will suprise him so that he will forget, momentarily, about Elistaree and concentrate on his precious ally. It's up to Edena. :)

Morwel shields Elistaree with her own body. It will stop Iuz from attacking, a suprise ... and then he could be resoned with, while he will spit his hate in rude words. :p

Grat Cthulhu appear and turns everybody into tentacled frogs. Or someone will do something of equal "nonsense" ... to make everybody drop their jaws. :uhoh: :] :lol:
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First Post

(Melkor to William)

Gallador`s pale, noble face twists into a furious scowl when he hears Al`Akbar`s words.

"This is not my business!? I have signed alliance with Eclavdra, and wasn`t aware that you did such thing! Know that Lord Gallador keeps his promises! You and other self-righteous fools think you can judge others by your own standards, that only you know the words such as honor and loyalty! I was like you once, a great Paladin, a faithful hound of Pelor, who was much greater God than you! You would deny my children the right to exist if you only could, wouldn`t you!"

(Melkor to Kalanyr)

Gallador gives a deathly smile to Morwell OOC: Gallador resembles Alucard from Hellsing Anime in terms of looks):
"You think I have fallen so low to take orders from the likes of you?! But I have better goals than anhilating tree-lowing :):):):):)es, so stop threatening me!"

OOC note: Gallador`s main characteristic is pride, this is the main reason he has fallen. He still has a LE twisted sense of honor, like Tywin Lannister from Song of Ice and Fire, he cares about his huge family, and tries to hold alliances, but he wouldn`t consider CG Drow his ally.


Again, watches the impromptu TEC Summit.
If ever there was a wild summit, this is it.
In fact, this will go down as the most unique conference in Oerth history ... if it doesn't end in bloodshed. :)



(post as given on page 4)


(answer from Yours Truly was via e-mail)

Everyone, remember that running an IR is a tough job.
In my case, the 3rd IR was a 12 hour (sometimes 16 hour) a day job, non-stop, and no breaks for 4 months. So you know it's got to be hard for Serpenteye, who hasn't got that kind of time to spend.
I was overenthusiastic here, and have caused a real headache for Serpenteye, for which I apologize. I want an IR, not a burned out DM and no IR, and no fun. My apologies there, Serpenteye, for the mess.

I'm trying to be careful in this group of posts not to create new situations. Except for the fact that I doubt Iuz got away with Eclavdras' Regalia, I've yet to make any real rulings concerning my own power.
I see that Serpenteye is making rulings starting below.
I'll base all my future posts on those rulings, as they come in.
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The Miranda Alliance lays claim to all drow cities below its territory. 15 Elite PL is again dispatched to protect and evacuate these cities. If hostile parties refuse to live the caverns are collapsed after the evacuation is complete.


First Post

The Great City.

The Drow are accustomed to pain. Their lives are pain, and fear and hatred. But they have never felt pain such as this. For millennia they have been sustained on an almost physical flow of pure evil, a spider's venom more addictive than any other drug. They never knew, they never understood the nature of Lolths evil, true addicts never realise they're addicted, but now when they can no longer consume it and let it consume them they know. Pain such as this cannot be denied.
An opportunity such as this cannot be denied. As millions of slaves see their masters collapse in contorted spasms or simply fall dead or unconscious on the floor they begin to break free of their pens. After killing their guards some of them begin to organize while most of them simply run amok on the killing-spree of their dreams. It's not a question of alignment, not now, not yet, for even noble dwarves and gnomes or the few unfortunate elves and humans in captivity murder their former tormentors indiscriminately. Even Eclavdra, the unquestioned ruler of the Drow, succumbs to the pain. The slaughter and the looting continues, and though mere seconds have past the City is already falling into ruins.
As Eclavdra writhes in pain great bolts of pure and uncontrolled energy strike at random around her from the artifact she wears. The carefully placed spells and wards around the city cannot withstand this onslaught from within. They unravel, like a burning web, and the city is open.
Iuz, already present in the city, is the first one to act. Telepathically calling his followers to his side he quickly teleports into the throne room. Stepping over a greasy stain of melted Pit-fiend and blackened documents he reaches Eclavdra, reaches for the Crown on her head and is stricken by a massive bolt of energy. [Hit! Iuz has lost 0,2 PL for the current turn.]
He recoils, but reaches forward again. Trough the immense power of his divine will he crushes another of the Artifacts undirected attempts to defend itself and rips it from Eclavdras helpless grasp.
Elistraee was present on Oerth. Her following is weak and scattered, and many of them who were hiding in Drow society were found and cruelly murdered during Eclavdras consolidation. She did not intervene then, when her worshipers were slaughtered, but she intervenes now. The pain of her people, her race, is too great for even her to resist its call. One minute after the slave-rebellion arrives Elistraee begins to quell it.
Her followers are few and the rebels are many. The slaves are driven mad with hate, they kill and destroy indiscriminately and Elistraee and her followers grieve for every life they have to take. But Elistraee is a God, and every spell she casts sooths, heals and passifies both humanoid and Drow. With her help her followers, great Drow and Elven wizards, bards and knights, mischievous but powerful fairies and a small troop of Celestial knights push the horde back, divides its chaotic ranks and scatters it. The battle is not won, but the central parts of the city are swiftly being secured.
Two minutes after the closing Elistraee arrives in Eclavdra's throne room to find Iuz wearing the Regalia of Lorldy might. The two demigods face eachother warily but, unless Iuz attempts to stop her, she steps past him and takes Eclavdra in her arms. Whispering softly, while she pours her healing power trough the tortured woman. "It is over. Let go, my child. Leave your pain, your hate and your fear behind. I am here for you, and everything is going to be all right. Your people needs you, Eclavdra. Help them."
Edit: Time On. The situation in the Great City continues from here.
Those of you who have already posted to adress later events in Edena's posts (that never happened) please re-post them if they still apply to the current situation.
The Great City can be scried, and anyone can teleport to the scene if they feel like it


Well, congrats Rikandur! It looks like Iuz got the Regalia in the end after all! :) Hehe.
And Eilistraee did show up, and is now confronting Iuz. And Eilistraee, got Eclavdra.

Which means, we have in the Great City, as of this post, as far as I know:

Gallador (Melkor)
Iuz (Rikandur)
Al'Akbar (William)
Rhynnon (Bugbear)
Morwen (Kalanyr)
The Wolf Gods' observer (Paxus)
The elves of the Imperial Navy of Greyspace (Airwhale)
Eilistraee (under Serpenteyes' control.)

Now, THAT'S a party. :)


If Eclavdra has recovered enough, at this point, to function, she does as Eilistraee commands, and tries to help her people.
It looks like a fair number of drow were slaughtered by their servitors before help could arrive. So be it. After all, the drow treated their slaves with legendary horror, so it's payback time.
I expected this might happen. The drow were evil, and now many of them are finding out in a very final way that actions have consequences. The rest, would gladly join those who were killed, as the Withdrawal tortures them beyond all reason.



The Wolf God, upon learning of this rebellion (and his spy network will inform him, or there will be far worse than Hell to pay), enters the city and . . . helps Eilistraee? No, not quite, but their goals coincide for the moment. As the goblinoids, quaggoth, and other humanoid servitors are driven from the city center by the goddess, the Wolf God gathers them to him by charisma and brute force, and leads them away from the drow. He does what he can to assemble them in camps, arbitratily assigning interim leaders from those who appear most intelligent, and making a single display of his horrific power at each camp, to cow those who might rebel. These camps will, for the moment, do nothing but wait; if supplies are at issue, a few of his reserve troops will teleport in with massive stores of food and water. Under no circumstances are any to leave the camps, and the Wolf God trusts his demonstrations to be adequate to enforce this rule.
The emissary sent to Al'Akbar will remain with him, whether he stays in his palace or teleports to the scene.

(grins evilly)

As of this post, we had the following powers in the Great City:

Gallador (Melkor)
Iuz (Rikandur)
Al'Akbar (William)
Rhynnon (Bugbear)
Morwen (Kalanyr)
The Wolf Gods (Paxus)
The elves of the Imperial Navy of Greyspace (Airwhale)
Eilistraee (under Serpenteyes' control.)



OOC: This still counts as unpredictable. Zagyg still decides to grant spells to drow, nothing in Deities and Demigods makes me believe that he can do anything less given the fact that they're suited and suddenly tromping on his portfolio in such a delightful manner. In fact, given how much confusion it's sure to promote later on it's almost a divine imperative that he do so. Besides, he liked the girl who enjoyed Murlynd's muffins. He really did.
Besides, this is a perfect opportunity to get someone to buy Lloth-O's.
Like I said, the drow can reject him out of hand later on or confront him on the issue. He's simply reacting to the situation as his portfolio demands - and mixing things up a bit. He's not looking to convert people exactly, the drow are just enacting something so wonderfully bizarre that they're defacto worshipping him whether they like it or not. Just like a potter is paying homage to a goddess of pots just by the act of creation, at least for a little the drow are serving the portfolio of Zagyg. The fact that the icky man that smells like cheese might somehow be harmed is a bonus too. Uz, or Iz. Pez, or something like that.


Well now, not all the drow had bad taste, you know. That drow maid really DID like Murlynds' muffins. :)

And yes, there is going to end up being a nice little drowish cult of Zagyg.
Some of the drow will go mad during the Withdrawal, and some of these will join him.
And some of those who will became chaotic good will join him.
Perhaps many other drow will join also.
Just remember that the Withdrawal is ongoing, through Turn 1. Such evil as was in the drow cannot dissipate all at once! (Even taking 3 months, it is nearly a 100% fatal affair, but with all this help coming in most of the drow are going to survive.)



?The Drow of Oerth, have been cut off from their dark gods, and are reverting to their true form. The members of the navy are honor bound to help their brethren.?
Renzwick, looking confused, processed this new development. ?This might prove a significant delay for us, and? it may cause problems diplomatically. Are you sure they are worth this trouble??
?As I said, we are honor bound to help. With or without you. This is our highest priority, and we have all sworn to aid our fellows when we joined the navy.?
?Then we will help you. We will order all troops to dock, and our crews will teleport to the Great city.?
And so it was?. All mobile forces of Ginsel and the Grayspace Imperial Navy teleported to the great city. Once they found that Edina and the city were secure, they teleported to the former cities of the drow and the underdark of the moon, to bring the elves to the healing grasp of the demigod.
OOC: 40 elite pls and 6 epic pls are trying to gather up all of the dieing drow outside of the great city, and bring them to the healing grasp of Eclavdra inside the great city. If their are any intrusions upon the great city by those seeking to harm the elves, these forces will aid in it's defence.


(nods, and adds a new name to the list of people in the Great City)

Gallador and forces (Melkor)
Iuz and forces (Rikandur)
Al'Akbar and forces (William)
Rhynnon and forces (Bugbear)
Morwen and forces (Kalanyr)
The Wolf God (Paxus)
Renzwick, and the elves of the Imperial Navy of Greyspace (Airwhale)
Eilistraee and forces (under Serpenteyes' control.)



The Scarlet Brotherhood sends an open message to members of the TEC Pact, and to Elistraee as well:
The consensus seems to be clear: Any attempt to infect the Drow with Vampirism shall be considered a hostile action, in full violation of the TEC Pact, and warranting your utter destruction. Though she has likely fallen, the sovereignty of Eclavdra's Empire must be respected.
Likewise, the rebellion of her servitors should be considered as an attack from a foreign power; as such, the Brotherhood calls all powers to aid in quelling this insurgency, once we have fully measured its violence.
Regarding Elistraee, the members of the Pact should move quickly to determine whether she should be considered a rightful heir to the throne of Eclavdor, or an aggressive interloper whose presence should be considered hostile. The Scarlet Brotherhood will refrain from any judgment on the matter until Elistraee has had an opportunity to explain her position. Clearly, if she does not wish to be bound by our Pact, then her situation can be considered only invasion or treason, and must be dealt with accordingly.
(Serpenteye: To what extent was Elistraee able to quell the slave rebellion? The Brotherhood will send some scouts around the area, as it delivers its message to Elistraee, to try to understand the scale of the rebellion.)


Obviously, I am only observing right now. Pasting your posts, and commenting as needed, trying to catch up here.
I will say this: a lot of humanoids just got loose. There were 4 million humanoids to get loose in the first place. It would appear, based on Serpenteyes' ruling, that they still control a part of the Great City (as of this post.)

So, in addition to all the powerful people and demipowers in the stand-off, and in addition to Airwhales' elves from the Elven Imperial Navy, we have a very large force of very angry (justifiably so) humanoids breaking for their freedom and for vengeance against their former drow rulers.

And, as before, a lot of stricken and helpless drow. Many of them dead, from the vengeance of the humanoids, apparently.
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James Heard

Edena_of_Neith said:

The drow delegation in Polaria and Aestia, mostly survive the transition.
To Zagygs' absolute frustration, though, they are becoming Chaotic Good.
At the end of Turn 1, presumably, most of them will turn to the worship of Eilistraee or even the Seldarine!

But yes, some will be grateful enough to Zagyg to take up his worship.
And some of the drow went insane during the Withdrawal, and THEY will most certainly begin worshipping Zagyg the Mad! :)
So a new Cult of Zagyg may well arise among the drow.

Elsewhere, whether the stricken drow will worship Zagyg depends on what happens.
You misunderstand. Zagyg isn't granting spells to "just the drow of the nearest delegation."

Zagyg is granting spells to the drow. Whether they like it or not, whether they asked for it or not. At least for the short time they're within his portfolio and in such a radical and nonstandard frame of being that he literally can't help granting them spells. Their changed nature courts unpredictability, which is directly within his portfolio. He could no more not grant them spells in this crux than Boccob could deny spellcasters his influence. Not just some of the drow. All drow with divine caster levels affected by this radical change, as chaotic creatures of magic in an unusual situation fall under his influence. He's not claiming them or converting them. He can't grant them Lolth only spells and he's not going to hand them Evil descriptor spells anymore than he'd grant Good descriptor spells without some occasion. They appeal to his divine chaos by what they are and what's going on, just by being there. Zagyg doesn't care if they know where the magic comes from. Zagyg isn't looking for followers among the drow in any particular. He's providing them succor and acting out his essential divine nature. This is what he's a god for, these sorts of situations. This is his place in the pantheon of gods, he's the ace in the hole to cover the bases and hedge the bets. He's the space between the other, more prominent gods of magic. He's a god of transition and limits and spaces between ideas and concepts. He might not be able to account for everyone, if he can't he orders Murlynd to also aid his cause. Murlynd might not approve in totality, but he will obey Zagyg in this moment because whatever else is happening moments like these begin to show the clarity and moments of vision behind his Master's brilliant but purposely fractured mind. This isn't a decision really, it's an inevitable consequence of a series of actions.


"I can't sleep 'Lyndie. Sing me a song?"

And the god did, in a surprisingly soft and gentle voice.

"All the children go to rest..."

"Ah. Lyndie, that's nice. Where's that from? I think I remember..."

"All the children in their noonday best..."

"Something's wrong. Why can't they fix this? Where is He?"

"Go to sleep. Soon you shall wake..."

"...Such a nice girl."

"Rise above the golden lake. See the sun. Kiss the stars. Until you wake, lose the hours. Lose the hours, lose the hours, lose the...Master? Are you awake?"

And Murlynd, the mighty paladin took watch at the foot of his Master's bed.


First Post
The Tharquish Empire, in the Tempest's temporary absence, claims the Drow cities beneath the Empire and the Tharquish Dominions. My elite PL will delay their current actions, 'port down to the Underdark, loot the cities, and gather up the survivors. Once the surviving drow are brought to the surface, they will be liberated as the citizens of the Empire were. Of course, the Tempest and his arcanists who treat the drow view the evil as the true nature and the good as a corrupting influence, so they will be returned to their 'true' evil nature.

As for the Tempest himself, any comments directed to him in the middle of a fight go unanswered; as a Frenzied Berserker, his philosophy is, 'less talky, more fighty'.

Voidrunner's Codex

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