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(IR) The 1st IC-thread of the 1st Turn of the 5th IR


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(quote=Name)Something someone else posted(/quote)

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Name said:
Something someone else posted

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Something someone else posted
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First Post
Well, as long as the opportunity is open, IF Eclavdra is no longer at the Great City...


Who should appear before the wandering Eclavdra in a flash of astral light but the Triumvirate Rebellious? Rary, Robilar, and Eli move toward her, and Robilar reaches out his gauntletted hand.

"You appear to be in some distress, madam," says Robilar respectfully. "I believe, as signatories of the TEC Pact, that we owe you what aid we can muster. We are at your service for the time being."

Eli and Rary grumble quietly, not so gallant as Robilar. Indeed, they were talked in to this by him.


First Post
Serpenteye said:
Bedlam indeed... :cool:

I will soon answer your posts at greater length, but first I wanted to share my general impression.
It seems after reading the last pages of the thread that noone is particularly interested in widening the incident in the Great City and the other drow cities to a full-scale war. I got the impression that it was something most of you wanted to avoid. I'm going to base my longer post on that assumption, but first tell me; Am I wrong?

War bad!


First Post
Anabstercorian said:
Well, as long as the opportunity is open, IF Eclavdra is no longer at the Great City...


Who should appear before the wandering Eclavdra in a flash of astral light but the Triumvirate Rebellious? Rary, Robilar, and Eli move toward her, and Robilar reaches out his gauntletted hand.

"You appear to be in some distress, madam," says Robilar respectfully. "I believe, as signatories of the TEC Pact, that we owe you what aid we can muster. We are at your service for the time being."

Eli and Rary grumble quietly, not so gallant as Robilar. Indeed, they were talked in to this by him.
Which would mean they appear in the middle of the safe house. Rhynnon confronts them.
"Now that you are here I suggest you help in making this place secure. Robilar, help with getting food and water to the ill. Rary, Eli, can you make this location safe from scrying?"


First Post
Airwhale said:
(OOC: Time is short, sadly, but Ren, Foran (4 epic pls), and 30 elite pls(mostly elves) assist the drow demigod in fighting the wicked one. Keoghtom(2 epic pls), and 10 elite pls (mostly elves) guard and try to apply Keoghtom's healing balm to Eclavdra. This second group will join in the fight if Iuz is close enough to the drow queen)

(And another 20 elites are trying to gather the other drow to the great city(mostly human... ginsal forces)

And the battle turns against Iuz.

Rikandur Azebol said:
Sindol and Legion of the Black Death (18 elPls of Teleporting Demons) will bring hapless drow from former hundred cities of Eclavdor to Great City, where 3 elPls of Priesstesses of Iuz, of Suel descend will tend, in ruthless way of military surgeons, their irritiating drow patients. It will be about 1500 6 lvl Clerics, so it should increase percentage of drow recovering. They recived direct orders from Iuz, wia link with deity, and are prepared with all spells they have avaible for strengthening patient's spirits and flesh. Healing magic only of lowest sort (0 lvl). Life is pain, for citizens of Empire.

Later, Serpenteye, Rampage of Iuz will occur ... or rather Pillage of Iuz ? Keep in mind that Sindol will direct mortal part of Legion to this duty, as well as Demons that couldn't freely Teleport. They will gather everything valuable and prepare packages ... and install Gnomish Demolition Charges, so all andamantite and mithral mines that aren't under TEC Pact members Powers or any other Iuz's ally, will be collapsed. Those under Iuz's empire will be taken out as Iuz's rightful property. And Kobolds, Dwarves and Gnomes that are empire's citizens will move to tend them and make them operational as fast as possible.


And what with Iuz's "calming aura" over the Great City ?

The Drow are in no position to resist and your forces easily begin to gather them up. The Great City, by now passified, is turning into a huge hospital as the clerics of Iuz compete with Elistraeans and spelljamming doctors. The disparate forces eye each-others with distrust and open hostility, but peace still regins, everywhere but in the palace.
The "calming aura" didn't do much. It could have, if given enough time to work.

Bugbear said:
Rhynnon calls upon the power of his artifacts to magnify his presence.

"Iuz, you black-hearted fool, stop!! Do you wish to bring the ultimate distruction down upon you?!"

Iuz is now severely outnumbered, but Elistraee is almost out.

Melkor said:
Serpenteye, my forces stop their assault on renegade Drow, taking those that were turned into Vampires to Shavarash( did I get a few Elite Pl?)

Gallador's forces withdraws, leaving empty and looted cities behind them. Most of the wealth, most of the population, had already been taken to the Great City by Eclavdra, but you manage to scrape together a small fortune and about 2,000 new vampires and vampire-spawn.

Uvenelei said:
If it's not too late to intervene in Iuz and Elistraee's battle, I will. Informed of what's happening in the underdark, the Tempest deems that Elistraee's presence is an attack on Eclavdra's rightful rulership. He teleports in himself along with 2 ePL (for a total of 6 ePL) and joins Iuz against Elistraee (who said we couldn't play nice?). He will attack Elistraee only, and no one else unless he is attacked (he will defend himself against others if necessary). If Elistraee agrees to leave, the Tempest will allow her to retreat.

Since I'm only attacking Elistraee, it should be noted that any attack on the Tempest will be unprovoked and considered an assassination attempt and an act of war.

edit: of course, if the battle is over, I go back home, slightly disappointed I didn't get to fight anything.

The battle once again turns to Iuz' advantage, as his rival rescues him from near-certain defeat.
It's a surreal dance of violence as the few but powerful individuals clash. A strangely lop-sided dance, as only Iuz and Elistraee are being attacked on the two sides. Their injuries are quickly worsened, and divine blood surrounds the combatants like a fine mist. Elistraee is almost struck down under the onslaught and tries to retreat.
"I have no quarrel with either of you, but the Drow are my responsibility. I am the only deity left in my family. The Drow are my legacy. *gasp* They must not be divided..."

Melkor said:

I am teleporting my 40 Elite Pl( 30 Pl of Undeath- Vampires, Ivid`s minions, 10 Pl of living- Dragons, Duergar elites, and others) and 7 Epic Pl( Gallador with Sword of Kas, most of his Princes) in a surprise strike against Galion Vool and Salitisa!

My forces should be mobile enough to avoid contact with regular troops, they are focusing on Salitisa herself and secondly her 10 Pl of Elites( I assume those are intelligent Undeath).

I try to defeat Salitisa and cast imprisonment on her as quickly as possible! Than I am offering her sentient servants chance to surrender and swear fealty to me.

And after Saliitisa is done with, hundreds of my Necromancers will focus on gaining control over the legions of lesser undeath, which you said are 300 Pl strong, but should be powerless wthout being controlled.

Rikandur, Airwhale, you can still join in the assault!

You know, from your espionage and infiltration on Gnibile, that the war that has raged there for so long is all but over. The undead rulers of the planet had long relied on the non-intervention of their respective deities and fought their war only with their own strength. Their loss of all true deities, all but one, is swiftly changing all that.
The rulers of Gnibile realised soon after the closing of the sphere that Vecna, in some form, was still precent. Even though the Lord of Secrets kept his silence and remained apparently passive the balance of power on Gnibile was desicively shattered. Selitisa's enemies, and her reluctant allies swiftly concluded that their independence would very soon be irreversibly lost. Seeing peaceful negotiations for surrender as preferrable to an unwinnable war and a painful final death they, one after the other, chose the only option they had.

The arrival of Gallador changes everything.

The wards around the capital, an airless underground fortress filled with poinsonous gases, are swiftly ripped apart by the power of the Sword of Kas and Gallador's Elite armies descend virtually unchallenged into the city. They easily brush aside the meager resistance with minimal casualties to themselves and enter the palace.

Selitisa is not caught unaware by the attack, though, and she knows that the battle is unwinnable. She and her Elite legion is nowhere to be found, nor is the fabled treasure of Galion Vool.

The city is yours, the country soon will be.

The other rulers of Gnibile are shaken by the sudden and overwhelming fall of their former overlord, that is those of them who are still to be found. They greet your messengers with mockery, though, for they consider you doomed and will not willingly share your fate. Selitisa is gone, they say, to raise Vecna. That is their certain belief. When your messengers suggest that they join forces with you against Vecna most of them simply laugh or just look at them incredulously.

Anabstercorian said:
The Triumvirate Rebellious maintains it's offer of Rary's Silver Palace for the meeting on the Drow Resolution proposed by Knight Otu/Ashardalon.

The Triumvirate Rebellious extends it's sovereignty in to the Underdark in the wake of the Drow collapse. 20 Elite PL worth of Seekers move in to the abandoned Drow cities (as in, 20 PL per city) beneath Triumvirate territory and proceed to loot the abandoned cities blind, while contesting with any demonic or vampiric forces who have entered them.

There's noone there to stop them, but their immediate gains are small. The cities are nearly de-populated and everything valuable has already been moved out. They find several rich mines, though. One enormous mithril and copper mine far beneath the Suel Imperium looks nearly undamaged.

Melkor said:

I am sending messages to other warlords of Ginebei , focusing my diplomatic efforts on those that meet at least two of three following requirements:

-they have lawful tendencies, or at least not strongly Chaotic and are not complete megalomaniacs, therefore can be reliable to an extent.

- are of average strenght and lower, therefore they can`t hope to conquer this world on their own.

-have emmnity towards Salitisa/Cult of Vecna, or at least are not allied to it.

I am making the following arguments to them:

-for ages the undeath of this world were wasting their great potential in constant and pointless internal squabling, if they agree to follow my lead I will lead them to great destiny, including expansion on other worlds, I emphasize the following benefits:

1. If they join with me, they will be given technology and together our development will be quicker than of any other single power in Greyspace.

2. We would be able to research the glories of 10th level magic rapidly using the world`s resources.

3. They will be governors of territories taken from warlords opposing me, and conquered on other worlds, achieving greater status and power.

4. They can look at Gallador`s Concord to see that I am fair to my vassals and aliies, Duergars and Kua-Toa under my rule have retained their ways, and are achieving greater prosperity. Vecna on the other hand is insane and unpredictable, and he is returning!

Noone accept your offer, but one of them begins to inquire about the wordings of the different pacts on Oerth. He has heard much about the Treaty of Erelei-Cinlu...

Kalanyr said:
For a moment the area brightens as if the stars shine softly overhead and then Morwel appears, Faerinall, and Gwynharwyf by her side, accompanied by a small force of Ghaele and Firre Eladrins. (15 Elite PL, taken in even percentage from where they are stationed and 2 Epic PL and Morwel).

Seeing the conflict between Ellisterae and Iuz (and the Tempest (assuming both of us arrive in time), and Rhynnon's speech, she raises her hand and a brilliant rapier formed of starlight, crackling with positive energy appears in her hand, as she moves to stand by Ellisterae's side.

"The Dark Maiden is known to me, and I will not see her destroyed or harmed any further. Cease these attacks on my ally! She has done no harm here. "

The conflict escalates.

Bugbear said:
With the Arrival of Tempest, Rhynnon gives up his attempt to stop the battle and instead turns his attenton to the semi-concious Eclavdra. Carefully, he lifts her up and teleports her to the safehouse in the heart of the Great City.

ooc: I'm sorry but Knight Otu posted first...

Assuming noone tries to stop him Overking Jahren's agent picks up the lithe form of Eclavdra and teleports her away, to what's probably a safer location...

Kalanyr said:
Seeing Rhynnon's departure, Morwel gestures for the Elites that accompanied her to try and protect and heal the drow in the city, since they are unlikely to make a difference in this battle.

Elistraee cries out in pain and falls to her knees. For her the battle is almost over, either way.


I will post more on the situation, there are stil plenty of posts i haven't answered, but I'll be back after dinner.

Knight Otu

First Post
Should there be any unclaimed, abandoned drow cities left beneath my territories, I'll take them under "safekeeping."

Ashardalon still calls for the "Drow Resolution," and accepts the offer of the Silver Palace as the meeting place, but before announcing the meeting, sends messages: "King Rhynnon, High Cleric Al'Akbar, and Eilistraee: We need to meet as soon as possible in Rel Astra!"


First Post
Bugbear said:
Which would mean they appear in the middle of the safe house. Rhynnon confronts them.
"Now that you are here I suggest you help in making this place secure. Robilar, help with getting food and water to the ill. Rary, Eli, can you make this location safe from scrying?"

Serpenteye said:
ooc: I'm sorry but Knight Otu posted first...

Assuming noone tries to stop him Overking Jahren's agent picks up the lithe form of Eclavdra and teleports her away, to what's probably a safer location...

Knight Otu, would Eli, Robilar, and Rary be able to move to your location to offer aid and assistance? If so, they do with all haste and gusto, along with a small contingent of men-at-arms and arcanists.
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First Post
There's noone there to stop them, but their immediate gains are small. The cities are nearly de-populated and everything valuable has already been moved out. They find several rich mines, though. One enormous mithril and copper mine far beneath the Suel Imperium looks nearly undamaged.

Excellent. Once the situation normalizes to something less unstable, we'll be sure to fortify this mine and claim it properly as our own.

Rikandur Azebol said:

Galion Vool
*Just as Gallador's forces arrived under the black skies of this dead world, mighty Vampire King noticed army, roghly quarter of his host, awaiting under black banner of Iuz. Group of young wizards and Iuz's delightful new priesstesses riding black unicorns is awaiting, grouped around single figure. apparently unarmed girl of seventeen years old. If she would ever smile, she might be even preety with her body wrapped in scarlet cloak and no weapon visible. It seem that they were praying. Priesstesses were chanting and marking with blood over their forheads assembled Ogres, Hill Giants and Trolls. These monsters were muttering prayers to Iuz, no ... Giants were praying aslo to, apparently, wolf totem. Drelzna, after all praying was done stepped in front of her army and raised hand, gathering attention. Her voice, hard as steel, was hearable clearly in every corner.*

Today, we will strike against our enemy ! Cowardly Lich will suffer unimaginable tortures ! Their spilled blood will satiate thirst of Iuz ! Their skulls will serve for the Throne of Skulls ! Glory shall be ours !

*Assembled crowd, those who were able of speech, repeated warcry with enthusiasm, joined by beasts and monsters with their unholy shierks, growls and roars. Young Suel maiden mounted impressively bloated Abyssal Drake and flied towards vampiric hosts, while all her army assembled in fighting formation. Ready to strike.*

King Gallador, may blessing of Iuz fell upon You. I am as He promised. Let's start.

*Blade of pure blackness appeared in her hand, looking like shard of void in the shape of sword.*

Iuz is going as far as to shield Elcavdra with his own body if needed. If ... she isn't evacuated prior to this, of course.

Melkor, I hate to remind You but I send army to Your side, don't You remember ? :mad: :eek:

Gallador raises the Sword of Kas, which begins to radiate a great Aura of Evil energies, flowing through his Undeath warriors and Iuz`s host, infusing them with vigor, confidence and will to kill!: - He can be heard in few miles as he flies on his Shadow Dragon over the assembled forces:

"Yes, death and eternal suffering to those that oppose Lord Gallador and Iuz the Old One, we shall devour their souls! We shall bring Peace and Order to this world, which has fallen to Vecna`s followers!"

OOC: Not sure how Iuz`s followers feel about peace and order, but I am sure they hate Vecna.
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