D&D 5E Is Tasha's Broken?


This issue is that (I know for simplicity's sake) the designers decided small and medium should be equal. Also insist on using the variant encumbrance rules instead of the super-simple Str x 15...
And for simplicity the designers did not distinguish between the weight of halfling-sized plate mail and dwarf-sized plate mail, or any other small vs. medium equipment. That, in my opinion, does much to mitigate the apparent equivalence in carrying capacity of differently sized characters with the same Strength score.

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Yes. But if it is just like the lazy 'attack with whatever' feat in 4e, we don't need ability scores at all, as they don't actually do different things. Different ability score arrangements should actually make the class play differently.
so make them different.

A wisdom attack looks different then a strength attack, and can give diffrent riders, or benfits with diffrent weapons.

3 fighters
1) has 16 str 12 dex 15 con 11 int 13 wis 8 cha uses str to hit and damage and con for hp... all flavored as big hulking strong
2) has 11 str 13 dex 12 con 8 int 15 wis and 16 cha but use Cha to hit and damge and wis for HP... all flavored as witty insults mid strike and distractions along with strong will to take a hit
3) has all 14s and can use ANY stat... each one has a difffrent fluff and rider.


Morkus from Orkus
I always saw that as a Sherlock Holmes awesome by analysis thing.

"Fingers slightly sticky with white substance. Bat Guano. Fireball incoming. Line of sight indicates the center will be there. Best chance of survival -- duck into the lee of the serving trolley."
If only he had made his dex check to be able to get there. ;)


The High Aldwin
And for simplicity the designers did not distinguish between the weight of halfling-sized plate mail and dwarf-sized plate mail, or any other small vs. medium equipment. That, in my opinion, does much to mitigate the apparent equivalence in carrying capacity of differently sized characters with the same Strength score.

Of course you are entitled to your opinion, but for me it glosses over the issue instead of fixing it. Another issue with armor is weight when carried and weight when worn. Although plate armor does weight about 60ish lbs. or so, it was designed to fit relatively well with the weight dispersed so as not to fatigue the wearer as quickly. As such, when armor is worn, it counts only as half weight for purposes of your encumbrance but is still full value towards your max carry. Now, if you put all the pieces in sacks or strap them together and try carrying plate armor, it definitely feels heavy compared to wearing it.

Implementing small-sized armor (and weapons even) would not have been too difficult and would be more realistic--but I know that was no where near their goal, so shrug -- we do it ourselves (if we care to, of course).

Besides, too many people would complain that their halfling with a longsword (possible as long or longer as the PC is tall) should be treated more like a greatsword and require both hands, yet deal only 1d10 damage instead of 2d12. ;)

Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
Now, if you put all the pieces in sacks or strap them together and try carrying plate armor, it definitely feels heavy compared to wearing it.

Well, duh. It goes in the pack with the leather armor of fire resistance, the kite shield of arrow deflection, the frost brand, the silver shortsword, the maul, the heavy crossbow, the halberd, and the 10' pole.

Ya gotta be prepared.


Morkus from Orkus
He was already there. He predicted it and inched toward the trolley a round ago.
And if had cast the Foresight spell or some other in-fiction way to predict the future, that could work. D&D doesn't allow that, though. There's no way to predict a round ahead of time what a spellcaster is casting just based on your stat.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast

Of course you are entitled to your opinion, but for me it glosses over the issue instead of fixing it. Another issue with armor is weight when carried and weight when worn. Although plate armor does weight about 60ish lbs. or so, it was designed to fit relatively well with the weight dispersed so as not to fatigue the wearer as quickly. As such, when armor is worn, it counts only as half weight for purposes of your encumbrance but is still full value towards your max carry. Now, if you put all the pieces in sacks or strap them together and try carrying plate armor, it definitely feels heavy compared to wearing it.

Implementing small-sized armor (and weapons even) would not have been too difficult and would be more realistic--but I know that was no where near their goal, so shrug -- we do it ourselves (if we care to, of course).

Besides, too many people would complain that their halfling with a longsword (possible as long or longer as the PC is tall) should be treated more like a greatsword and require both hands, yet deal only 1d10 damage instead of 2d12. ;)
This comes up in Level Up, where armor is a bulky item, but only when carried and no worn.

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