Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [OOC]

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World of Kulan DM
Corrected battle map...

@Neurotic, Maur is up! Since Angus is still in melee, I don't think Maur can squeeze by the centaur. (I need to doublecheck.) He could try to tumble through his legs. (Does Maur have any ranks in Tumble? If not, he can't use it untrained.) He wouldn't have to worry about passing through either Phar or Wieland as neither of them are engaged in melee.

Hmm, @Tellerian Hawke did write that Angus reared up to attack, so I guess Maur could get by with a successful Balance check too. :unsure:

I would say the Balance check would be at DC 15. If you roll a 1, Angus makes an unintentional AoO against Maur with his front hooves.

Corridor Fight - Round 7 - Maur is Next to Act.png


World of Kulan DM
Hmm, never mind about the Balance check, I just looked at Maur's PC sheet. At a -7, you'd have to roll a 20. Jump wouldn't work very well either.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Hmm, never mind about the Balance check, I just looked at Maur's PC sheet. At a -7, you'd have to roll a 20. Jump wouldn't work very well either.
Yeah, Maur is more of a plodding type than jumping and tumbling one :)
But by the map there is a space in front of the kentaur. And you can bypass friends who lets you pass...I will go by that ruling from d20srd

Moving through a Square
You can move through a square occupied by a friendly character, unless you are charging. When you move through a square occupied by a friendly character, that character doesn’t provide you with cover.


World of Kulan DM
Yeah, Maur is more of a plodding type than jumping and tumbling one :)
But by the map there is a space in front of the kentaur. And you can bypass friends who lets you pass...I will go by that ruling from d20srd
Ah yes, I was thinking of an opponents square. My bad.

Hmm, I was sure there was a rule that prevented a character from moving through an allies square IF that ally is engaged in melee. Whatever, I'm not going to go looking for it. (Too many rules.)


World of Kulan DM
BTW, your attack is a hit. Shield of Faith doesn't increase the cultist's AC by that much... he's at AC 19. I'm headed to bed, so if you want to edit your post, go ahead.

The prelate's AC was a bit higher and he was fighting defensively at the end.

Voidrunner's Codex

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