Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [OOC]

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Hmmm... Angus has 4 ranks in heal. When he levels up, he is going to spend another point in it, and then an extra 2 to pick up that skill trick for himself. That's a mighty fine little ability to have :)

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
I would think that the Healing Hands would count differently. For example, the 4 that Maur saved would normally (without the skill trick) be stable, but still unconscious. With Healing Hands, I would imagine those 4 are awake, cheerful, and on the mend. ...Can the DM confirm (or deny) this?


World of Kulan DM
No5hing from healing hands? :( oh, woe is us :p
I would think that the Healing Hands would count differently. For example, the 4 that Maur saved would normally (without the skill trick) be stable, but still unconscious. With Healing Hands, I would imagine those 4 are awake, cheerful, and on the mend. ...Can the DM confirm (or deny) this?
The way I read that feat is that the 1d6 points of healing goes to each of the four that Maur helps save. So, yes, they are awake and resting comfortably in the inn.

Voidrunner's Codex

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