Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [OOC]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
I don't think you regain HP when leaving wild shape (reverting to true form), rather, only when you use it to change into the animal form. It says "when you use wildshape," meaning, when you change into an animal. Reverting back is simply ending the effect, not actually using the ability. Otherwise, it would cost you a usage to revert to normal.

So let's do it this way: One memorized Cure Light on you, one on Angus, Lesser Rest on Angus.

Again, not self-serving; a few hit points can make a BIG difference in a prolonged fight. Caerth being down by 7 pts. is no small thing. How long did the last fight take? 19 rounds? That's a long time to fight when you're starting out even lightly wounded and exhausted. We're no good to the townspeople if we're dead. :)
Don't spend memorized one. You never know when you may need it in combat. On the other hand, it is easy for me to say , I convert them on the fly

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Sounds like a great plan. I'll cross those off on my RG spell list.

Speaking of, I've got Caerth all leveled-up, and his animal companion mostly. I took Power Attack after all, but am now thinking about useful feats for a brown owl. Perhaps something that helps it in combat, or helps the party in some way. I saw someone mention the Draconic Aura feat (in Dragon Magic) and it sounds cheesy, but its effects are really helpful for the party. Is there a way you see Screech taking that, @Knightfall ?

Oh, and I'm having great fun about how Caerth will attempt to turn one of the enemies into a mouse and feed it to Screech. I like the possibilities of Baleful Polymorph... :devilish:


World of Kulan DM
Maur will pack one of the critically wounded in his magic bedroll. It should help with the recovery (double it)

He also has 2 CLW potions and a wand. So...everyone should be up and running soon(ish) - he would focus on the combatants, not just wake everyone up.
Okay, sounds good.

Neurotic said:
Will we have full night rest? I'm thinking on using one of the gems we 'recovered' for celestial brilliance
I think I read that we won't have a full night's rest before the next attack, sadly. Could've really used it, too, but alas.

Which reminds me... Caerth level-up and gets new spells. Do they become available rightaway, or do I really need to get that rest (and preparation) first?
No, the horde is only 6 hours away. You'd have to rest to regain/change your spells.

Now, you could try to come up with a plan to delay them for a few hours but you'd have to figure out the logistics and then hope the militia can execute the plan while you all rest. You do know where the horde is coming from and how they will arrive on the mainland. While Maur was riding through the underground passage on Angus, he would have had time to consider all the options.


World of Kulan DM
Speaking of, I've got Caerth all leveled-up, and his animal companion mostly. I took Power Attack after all, but am now thinking about useful feats for a brown owl. Perhaps something that helps it in combat, or helps the party in some way. I saw someone mention the Draconic Aura feat (in Dragon Magic) and it sounds cheesy, but its effects are really helpful for the party. Is there a way you see Screech taking that, @Knightfall ?

Oh, and I'm having great fun about how Caerth will attempt to turn one of the enemies into a mouse and feed it to Screech. I like the possibilities of Baleful Polymorph... :devilish:
Yes, Draconic Aura is from Dragon Magic.

I don't think Screech can take that feat. It requires 3 character levels, not HD.


World of Kulan DM
Caerth restores 9hp from wild shaping into a shark. I'm not sure if he gets another 9hp from turning into his half-orc self? (It's a minor thing, being at 51 or 58 out of maximum 58 hp.)
I don't think you regain HP when leaving wild shape (reverting to true form), rather, only when you use it to change into the animal form. It says "when you use wildshape," meaning, when you change into an animal. Reverting back is simply ending the effect, not actually using the ability. Otherwise, it would cost you a usage to revert to normal.
You only gain the hit point healing for wild shaping into an animal form not reverting back.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
One more charge can't hurt. I think Angus was down by 7 from the battle, and 3 more from the hard ride, for a total of 10. You just gave me 4 back. So still down by 6. One more charge might do the trick :)


World of Kulan DM
Oh! Caerth has a Wand of Cure Light Wounds with 44 more charges!

Surely I can use 32 of those on not-dead-yet villagers? :)
We can split the difference
There are currently 25 wounded villagers that would require healing, although not all of their injuries are significant. All of those villagers are members of the militia. Caerth can use Kang's deathwatch ability to figure out which ones are fragile (3 hps or less) or fighting off death (4 hps or more). Five of them are fragile, eight of them are fighting off death, and the other four have only lost 1d4 hps.

Caerth can tell that Sir Ghal is fighting off death. His wounds are significant but he's tough enough not to have lie down in a bed. The dwarven blacksmith, Mabron Bronzethegn, isn't doing as well, but he's being stubborn about getting treated for his wounds.

Rosemergy is tired but unwounded. She is a noncombatant.

The other eight villagers the PCs managed to save aren't all members of the militia. Five of them are members while the other three are noncombatants that the rooks attacked anyway. Three of the villagers that Maur helped were militia members while the other one was an elderly man who he pulled out of the building with the collapsed roof.

(His name is Wilbur Anthonyson and he is a long time friend of Timmins. When the original PCs arrived in Carnell, he had been suffering from a deadly ailment but one of Lorien's companions at the time managed to heal him. So, this is twice now he's had his life saved.)

All of the villagers that Maur helped are considered to be fighting off death while the others are still unconscious but stable.

Unless Scotley decides to roll a Heal check, I will use my roll from last night for Phar, which means he doesn't save anyone. For saving those 8 villagers the PCs (and Aureus) gain a 1,000 XP bonus plus 100 XP for each villager saved for a total of 1,800 XP to be divided among the PCs. Aureus will get half of the PCs' XP reward based on dividing 1,800 by 5.

360 XP each
(180 XP for Aureus)

Voidrunner's Codex

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