Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [OOC]

I have a question about @MetaVoid’s post: he’s resistant to magic so I take that to mean he has SR? Phar has Greater Spell Penetration. Can you suppress SP?

Like, if I don’t try to overcome spell resistance, would spells just automatically not work on him?

Or is there some kind of minimum dice that I have to roll?

Edit: maybe he just means he has damage reduction and high saves?
No, Litrix is resistant to elemental damage, not spells in general. I don't think spell penetration is a function or decision of the caster, but "thhe owner" of SR who can spend standard action to lower it

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World of Kulan DM
After the fight vs. the undead.

Old Ruins_After the Fight vs Undead.png


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
I'll heal with the wand, I have 10 charges left, I could burn them after Insignia of healing heals everyone for 1d8+10
(not sure if the rolls if 1 for all or each rolls separately?)


World of Kulan DM
I'll heal with the wand, I have 10 charges left, I could burn them after Insignia of healing heals everyone for 1d8+10
(not sure if the rolls if 1 for all or each rolls separately?)
For a wand of cure light wounds, you roll separately for each charge, and it heals only one character at a time. I'm assuming the caster level is set for the max., so that's 1d8+5 hit point for each PC targeted with the wand.

Voidrunner's Codex

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