D&D General Maybe I was ALWAYs playing 4e... even in 2e

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James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
the (encoutner I think) penelty to save based on Orb was DEVISTATING...
Oh Orb of Imposition? Yeah and almost every DM I knew hated it. I might have even got hit by the nerf bat, I can't remember, but I never encountered one in the wild for some reason.. By Orb user, I meant I used the advanced implement (I can't remember the term) that gave me bonuses to psychic damage. Bards have a few of those natively, and if memory serves, the Nethermancer came with some nice ones as well.


Because while I'd just run straight into the flaws of 4e in the worst way, I knew it was something that could be fixed if the devs would just work on it!

I recall having a real problem with my Death Priest. I'd invested heavily in Rituals so I'd have answers to any non-combat problem that came along. Right up until we were playing an LFR mod in Calimshan where we needed to cross a desert and I was like "oh, I'll cast this! and then that! oh and phantom steeds!", and the DM looked at me and asked if I could save my residuum because otherwise there wouldn't be any adventure.

Even the adventure designers had given up on pretending the game supported the exploration tier!
It always felt like the 4e Adventurer writers didn't GET the edition and weren't very interested. I don't recall seeing ANY buzz for any 4e adventure the same way the adventure books for 5e have gotten... It felt ike everybody went 'meh' and just pilfered them to build a better version on their own.


Arcadian Knight
Even the adventure designers had given up on pretending the game supported the exploration tier!
That was supposed to be skill challenge arena...
It always felt like the 4e Adventurer writers didn't GET the edition and weren't very interested. I don't recall seeing ANY buzz for any 4e adventure the same way the adventure books for 5e have gotten... It felt ike everybody went 'meh' and just pilfered them to build a better version on their own.
Well that was my opinion of D&D adventures from all the way back.... I probably didnt expect anything else.

It always felt like the 4e Adventurer writers didn't GET the edition and weren't very interested. I don't recall seeing ANY buzz for any 4e adventure the same way the adventure books for 5e have gotten... It felt ike everybody went 'meh' and just pilfered them to build a better version on their own.
I owne all the 4e adventures. None really sing to me. (the best was Pyramid of shadows and I can't remember if that was end of heroic or beginning of paragon tier)

the best parts of the adventure path that was H1-E3 were online mods I found (to be fair I also have online mods for every 5e adventure I have) so I agree.
I did this myself... there is a primordial and Orcus is mining it... so to get the players ready I had them in sigil watching the lady of pain. Someone was in her way and the players that new me and old lore expected someone was about to be banished to a shadow maze... but the cloaked figure went on a rant instead about the flesh of a primordial... and they watched as the ghoul king ripped into her and started eating the lady of pain alive,,, becuse he had the power of a primordial in him from his last snack.
needless to say some people should have worn there brown pants that day.

That was supposed to be skill challenge arena...
I think this is an example of (and I am about to be critical of my fav edition) half baked cake.

the skill challange system needed work, but if you look at "adventures in middle earth 5e" and mix there hex crawl rules with skill challanges you could have exploration that works. The problem is even that new hybrid would need a few hundred hours of play testing to refine

I didnt actually DM till after getting the DMG 2 (I didnt come in during year one) which I felt did a pretty good job with skill challenges. Also included environmental powers and the like.
i was DMing day 1, and I will say that every few months the game improved until about 8-13 months before NEXT was announced. I still feel salty that 5e isn't an improvement on 4e but a backwards look toward 3e with some 4e sprinkles


i was DMing day 1, and I will say that every few months the game improved until about 8-13 months before NEXT was announced. I still feel salty that 5e isn't an improvement on 4e but a backwards look toward 3e with some 4e sprinkles
I think that is not giving 5e enough credit, there's a bit more than just "sprinkles" of 4e in the edition.
  • Ritual casting allowing casts without spell slots.
  • Internal Self Healing through hitdice (healing surges)
  • Short Rest power recovery for many classes.
  • Simplification of grappling using athletics (more similar to how 4e does it)
  • Allowances for attacks utilizing non standard stats (cantrips using casting stat, hexblades using charisma on their attacks, etc)
  • Action Surge maintained through the fighter class.
There's a lot of 4e in the dna of 5e.

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