MnM3 Centropolis (Re-bot)

Ack! I guess I was too slow getting a character together. Probably for the best, as it is taking me a while to read through the rules and solidify a concept.

Oh well, I shall lurk then (and maybe put together a character in case things open up later).

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Yea abilities are kind of weird. Basically above 7 is suppose to be super-human EXCEPT for Strength, which is 4. Its a weird reflection of the doubling modifiers and one of the few things that really bothers me about 3rd ed. I just wish they would have evened it out a bit more OR just made anything above a 4 or a 5 super-human.
Hmmmm...should I drop his strength then? He wasn't meant to be superhuman in that way.

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Ack! I guess I was too slow getting a character together. Probably for the best, as it is taking me a while to read through the rules and solidify a concept.

Oh well, I shall lurk then (and maybe put together a character in case things open up later).
I'm sure you could get it going and jump in.

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Question: How are you going to do PP awards? Book says 1 per session, but we don't have "sessions". 1 per adventure sounds low, considering how long PbP takes. Maybe something along the lines of time based XP like they use in Living Pathfinder? 1 PP per month? With whatever reward at the end of the adventure?

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So here's our current group:

[TABLE="width: 500"][TR][TD]GreenKarl[/TD][TD]DM[/TD][/TR][TR][TD]KahlessNestor[/TD][TD]Shadow[/TD][/TR][TR][TD]jonathonhawke[/TD][TD]Paladin[/TD][/TR][TR][TD]Shayuri[/TD][TD]Kitsune[/TD][/TR][TR][TD]Charwoman Gene[/TD][TD]Phoenix [powers not posted][/TD][/TR][TR][TD]pathfinderq1[/TD][TD][pending][/TD][/TR][/TABLE]

Yea I am not sure yet... maybe 1 per month would work.

As for Strength, a 5 is 800lbs, so I guess its on the very high end of normal human.


And yes that appears to be the line up. So if pathfinderq1 wants to join now or later its cool with me

First pass for concepts

Okay, here we go:

Since the system is at least partially new to me, I am actually reworking some old character ideas (from some long-ago Aberrant games, mostly). At this point I am still in the concept stage (though I am working on some of the mechanics at home, mostly to see if I can actually work the concept into PL8/120 pp frameworks).

At this point I am considering three concepts- and as I usually do when I am working on character ideas, I'm going to post capsules of those three concepts, looking for any feedback from the group. Like the idea? Hate the idea? Think it will work/not work for the campaign/setting? Think it will work/not work for M&M3, or for PL8 characters? Then let me know.

Left to my own devices, I will probably tinker with these ideas in parallel, until one of them emerges victorious. Onward:
(Concepts are presented in VERY rough order of interest- as of this minute)

[sblock= Heartbreaker/Ariel] Miranda is a college student with a secret- no, not the mutant gene. It is that her father was a 'cleaner' for Tony Diamond, who operated under deep cover as a hard-working plumber- and who died 'as an innocent bystander' when Tony got whacked; Miranda, who found her father's secret diary, is the only one in her family who knows her father's secret. Italian, and raised Catholic (though mostly lapsed), she has a lot of family guilt to burn off- and some anger against organized crime and other evils; she also gets bored easily. She knows a lot of people in the mafia, and in the neighborhood- they all think she is a nice girl; maybe a little too athletic and independent, but nice. If they only knew that she could shrug off a bullet, or lift a car- and if they only knew that she has started 'fighting crime', and she doesn't intend to stop...

Miranda is also a mutant- in her case, a TK-based Paragon/flying brick; or as much of one as can be fit into PL 8. She has enhanced strength, force fields, and (slow/clumsy) flight. She also has a bunch of TK-based minor tricks and movement abilities- her TK is of the 'tactile' variety rather than Carrie-style. (That is, she can do things like wall-crawling, or Precise Move Objects to sub for Improvised tools, to pick a lock by touching the door). She is the least complicated and most overt in terms of powers of the three.

[sblock= Grace]
'Grace' is the daughter of a retired policeman, and she was raised with a strong sense of right and wrong. She went into the army and served as a medic, but when she came home to Centropolis she joined the police force. She was on her third day with the force when the V'Sorri invaded, and Atlas gave his life to stop them- and she was one of those lucky enough to survive the day. As a cop and ex-army medic, she was in the thick of the fighting, trying to get civilians out of the combat zone- and she was badly injured in the process; she was splashed with some of Atlas's blood, and bathed in the radiation from some of the V'Sorri's alien technology. When it was all over, and they dug Grace out of the rubble she was not expected to survive- she was in a coma for over a year, and in physical therapy for another year. Unknown to any of her doctors, she was also CHANGED by the experience. Both her body and her brain were altered, enhanced. She recovered, and in secret she honed her new gifts. After a while, she put her old training to use, and became an EMT for the city- trying to do her part. And more recently she has begun to put her new gifts to use- as a 'hero' of sorts.

Grace is a low-level metahuman, with enhanced physical abilities at 'just barely' superhuman level. She is mostly a martial artist, with a broad range of combat advantages; she has almost no actual 'powers'. She does have a slightly superhuman metabolism, and a bit of 'combat precognition'. Mostly fights with equipment (chain, thrown weapons, maybe a taser), backed with advantages. Not as physically capable as Captain America or top-notch Batman, but not completely normal either. The original concept had a boosted 'Overdrive' state that raised strength and speed to low-superhuman for short bursts, but that is likely to be dropped- would probably put her in the PL 10 range.

[sblock= Hakima]
Taking her name from the 'Wise Women' of middle-eastern tales and legends, Hakima is essentially a magic-based super-detective type character; she is smart- and no one knows how old she actually is. She is a librarian at the Centropolis Public Library, dealing with rare books and historic materials- she has only recently moved to the city from Boston, or was it London? Cairo maybe? Since moving here she has spend her time learning about the area, and has only recently begun to take an active role, remaining mostly in the shadows. But she knows that she will need to take a more overt role sooner or later...

Physically normal (or so it seems- she is basically immortal, or at least ageless), with strong skills and a range of social/information advantages (Ritualist, Benefit- cipher, Eidetic memory, etc.). Powers are mostly senses and more information-gathering (Detect magic/spirits, comprehend languages/spirits, postcognition, etc- all flavored as magic. Will probably add some sort of 'magic widget' for combat- current concept has no actual combat abilities; maybe a blasting wand and shield ring? Definitely more of a support-type character. She has 'Unreliable' Precognition, among other things- and it is those visions, of what is to come, that have brought her to the city, and that will bring her out of the shadows to do her part...

I think any 3 of those ideas could work.

For Heartbreaker/Ariel you could save some points by taking some Enhanced Trait and then based your other low end TK abilities as Alternative Effects

For Grace I would look at the Warrior archetype in the book as a very basic base idea and bring the levels power to make her PL8 and modify as you want.

For Hakima I would defenatly suggest some kind of attack ability

From purely an rp point of view, Caleb could know Ariel since he's mob by marriage (deceased wife). He might know Grace from his Army days, and/or through his father, who is a retired cop.

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I dunno if it will influence your decision, but Keiko has some TK that's not far off from what you're talking about for Ariel. Lower level though, most of her power is in her photokinetic powers.

It's all good to me, but I admit I am a sucker for mage-type supers. It'd be cool to have someone like that!

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