MnM3 Centropolis (Re-bot)


Okay, some adjustments made to Shadow's bio.

*Fixed Immunity issue
*Adjusted his timeline to connect him to the V'sorri invasion (so he's likely only been a hero around 4 years)
*Added relationship complication to Virginia Diamond (his cousin-in-law, Kim's "aunt")
*Added a day job in his background (mall cop)

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Question on "mundane" gear.

So I allocated Equipment points for the motorcycle, since that's what he uses for his crime fighting. But I imagine he has a personal vehicle, and likely a cell phone, computer, etc, as well as his home. He doesn't exactly have a base, so I didn't assign points to that, but I imagine he has an unfinished basement with a sort of gym (weights, mats, heavy bag, etc) and some training equipment, things you could put together in your "normal" life. Are we hand waving things like that, or should I adjust my points for that? The book wasn't too clear on where to draw the line (like I see him having his cell phone with him, kind of like Spider-Man is often shown doing, when out crime fighting)


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Mundane equipment does not require Equipment points, so having a smart phone or car or personal computer is fine. You can use your smart phone or computer to make general searches, etc. but you would not be able to use them to help you investigate someone, etc. Having a place where you crash or have your motorcycle stored with a small garage to fix it up and some weights to work out with are all totally cool. No need to put points into them unless you want it to have some in game affect.


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Got her stats I think...

Your basics are there but your Defenses are very low along with her Toughness. I would shave some points off your Skills to instead invest in your Dodge and maybe adding some Protection levels to bring your levels up closer to an 8.

Background looks good. If you what a suggestion for evil corp there are a few in the background of Centropolis, but some have not yet been revealed, even to the "readers" as evil corps and I kind of want it to stay that when until we get going BUT you could leave it blank and when the group gets the big reveal you would be "I knew it all along"


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Added in Keiko's equipment list. It's basically all wrapped up in her costume...her mask has filters and a rebreather (a little thing she added after being gassed), and she's got a very light kevlar layer under the ninja black leotard. Oh, and a digital camera that I paid for because it's not part of her 'mundane' identity. She can take snaps with her phone as Keiko, but the camera she can use safely in her alter-ego.


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Looks good.

I am hammering out the opening scene for the game and I am shooting for maybe a Monday start. Things are going to start out with a bang :)


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OK everyone looks good... I am still working on the opening... its a fine spring day in Centropolis, what might your characters be doing this fine day as there appears to be no major crimes going down right this second...

What might your character be doing in his or her civilian life late morning on a weekday??

Voidrunner's Codex

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