Anvuss, Warforged Artificer
[B]Name:[/B] Anvuss
[B]Class:[/B] Artificer 4 [b]Starting Level[/b]: 1
[B]Race:[/B] Warforged
[B]Region of Origin:[/b]Breland
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] N/A (Male Personality)
[B]Alignment:[/B] True Neutral (Undecided)
[B]Action Points:[/B] 7
[B]Deity:[/B] Undecided
[B]Str:[/B] 12 +1 (04p.) [B]Level:[/B] 4 [B]XP[/B]: 7070 (level 10,000)
[B]Dex:[/B] 08 -1 (00p.) [B]BAB:[/B] +3 [B]HP:[/B] 34 (3d6+12)
[B]Con:[/B] 18 +4 (10p.) [B]Grapple:[/B] +3 [B]Craft Days/Reserve:[/B] 130 days / 80 xp
[B]Int:[/B] 18 +4 (13p.+1) [B]Speed:[/B] 20' [B]Stat Increases:[/b]
[B]Wis:[/B] 06 -2 (00p.) [B]Init:[/B] -1 [B]Spell Save:[/B] (What??)
[B]Cha:[/B] 12 +1 (06p.) [B]ACP:[/B] -2, Special [B]Spell Fail:[/B] 35% (50% with shield)
[B] Base Armor Shld Dex Size Nat Misc Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B] 10 +8 +2 -1 +0 +0 +0 19
[B]Touch:[/B] 09 [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 19
[B]SR:[/B] None
[B]Damage Reduction:[/B] 2/Adamantine
[B] Total Base Mod Misc[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B] +5 +1 +4 --
[B]Ref:[/B] +0 +1 -1 --
[B]Will:[/B] +2 +4 -2 --
[B]Weapon Attack Damage Critical Range[/B]
Cold Iron Morning Star +4 1d8+1 20/x2 ------
Natural Slam Attack +4 1d4+1 20/x2 ------
[B]Languages:[/B] Common [Warforged do not get bonus languages from Int]
[B]Abilities:[/B] Immune to Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, disease, nausea,
fatigue, exhaustion, sickened condition, energy drain Light fortification
(25% chance that a critical hit or sneak attack does no extra damage)
Artificer Knowledge, Artisan Bonus, Disable Traps, Item Creation
[B]Level Feats: [/B] Adamantine Body (Level 1), Extraordinary Artisan (Reduced GP cost, Level 3)
[B]Class Feats: [/B] Scribe Scroll (Artificer 1), Brew Potion (Artificer 2), Craft Wonderous Item (Artificer 3), Craft Homunculous (Artificer 4); Legendary Artisan [Reduced XP] (Artificer 4 Bonus)
[B]Infusions Known: All, Spontaneous[/B]
[B]Infusions Per Day:[/B] Level 1: 4, Level 2: 3
[B]Skill Points:[/B] 50 [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 7/3.5
[B]Skills Total Ranks Mod Misc[/B]
Balance (cc) -5 3.5 -1 -7
Bluff +1 0 +1
Concentration +11 7 +4 XX
Diplomacy +1 0 +1
Disable Device +12 7 +3 -- (+2 Circumstance from Tool)
Gather Info +1 0 +1
Intimidate +1 0 +1
Ride (cc) 1 2.0 -1 --
Search +10 7 +3 XX
Spellcraft +10 7 +3 XX (+2 Synergy to decipher scrolls)
Swim -8 0 +1 -9
Use Magic Dev. +10 7 +1 (+2 Synergy Scrolls Only)(+2 Circumstance from Tool)
Craft (B.Smith) +7 4 +3 XX
[With Kit, Smithing heals 1d20-6 hp in 8 hours, can take 10]
7.5 Ranks Spent on Cross Class Skills
[B]Equipment: Cost Weight[/B]
Heavy Wooden Shield 07gp 10lb
Cold Iron Morning Star 16gp 06lb
Warforged Repair Kit 50gp 01lb [+2 bonus on checks]
Explorer's Outfit 00gp 00lb
Backpack 02gp 02lb
Scroll, 2 Druid Spells (Goodberry, Cure Light)
Scroll, Mount x3
Scroll, Expeditious Retreat x3
Scroll, Bless Weapon x2 (Pal1, CL 2)
Scroll, Lesser Restoration x2 (Pal1, CL 2)
25 gp worth of magic ink (Mat. for 2 level 1 Scrolls) 25gp 01lb?
MW Thieves tools 100gp 02lb
[url=]MW Artificer's Tool[/url] 50gp 01lb
[B]Total Weight:[/B]23lb [B]Money:[/B] 57.7 gp
[B] Lgt Med Hvy Lift Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B] 43 86 130 260 650
[B]Age: 2[/B]
[B]Height: 6'0"[/B]
[B]Weight: 278 lbs[/B]
[B]Eyes: Adamantine[/B]
[B]Skin:Bronze, Oak, and Adamantine[/B]
Constructed at the end of the last war, and having seen no action in it, Anvuss is extremely young and extremely naive. Hopefully, he will make some friends who can guide him through the world.
Anvuss was put to work in the creation forges shortly after becoming sentient, only to have them closed down in short order.
XP log:
1080 from
Head of the Class
1910 xp from
Head of the Class [Final]
150 xp from Raver Battle in Heart of Artifice
900 xp from the guard Battle in Heart of Artifice
3,150 xp Heart of Artifice
-120 xp crafting, see below
Wealth and Craft log:
200 gp starting - 75 gp equipment = 125 gp
-125 gp scribing materials = 0 gp
XXX gp, X sp from
Gained 100 gp and repaid 25 gp from Shoot as initial payment in Head of the Class
Spent 125 gp for more scroll scribing ink
1445.2 gp in Head of the Class (Final treasure split.)
Spent 150 gp on masterwork tools
Spend 3 DM Credits to gain 450 gp
-1,687.5 gp from crafting, see below
Initial Craft days: 100
Crafted scroll 2 druid spells for 25 gp of materials, 2 xp, 1 craft day; spent 2 xp and 1 craft day on behalf of same for Shoot. Gave shoot 25 gp of ink as a loan. With Shoot's help providing spell prereqs. XP from 1st level craft reserve.
Entered Inn: 7/16/06 still there as of 8/25/6 = 41 days
Crafted 2 scrolls of 3 1st level spells each (Mount, Expeditous Retreat): -2 days, 6 xp from 2nd level reserve, 75 gp worth of ink (from inventory.)
Crafted 2 scrolls 2 1st level Paladin spells each, CL 2 (Bless Weapon, Restoration): -2 days, 8 xp from 2nd level reserve, 100 gp worth of ink (from inventory.)
Subtotal: Craft Days = 135
Circlet of Persuasion 120 xp + 60 from craft reserve, 1,687.5 gp, 5 days (6 ap available for rolls) DC 25, 6 attempts, used action points; Crafting Failed
Subtotal: Craft Days = 130
Other log:
XXXX from
L2 -> CLASS Artificer HP: +8 (HD+CON), BAB+1 Will: +1
Concentration +1 RANKS, Disable Device +1 RANKS, Ride (cc) +1.0 Ranks, Search +1 RANKS, Spellcraft +1 RANKS, U.M.D. +1 RANKS
Feat: Brew Potion
Other: Craft Reserve 40 xp, 1 additional 1st level infusion per day
L3 -> CLASS Artificer[/B] HP: +8 (HD+CON), BAB+1 Fort: +1 Ref: +1
Concentration +1 RANKS, Disable Device +1 RANKS, Balance (cc) +1.0 Ranks, Search +1 RANKS, Spellcraft +1 RANKS, U.M.D. +1 RANKS
Feat: Craft Wonderous (Class); Extraordinary Artisan
Other: Craft Reserve 60 xp, 2 additional 2nd level infusions per day (one of which is from int)
L4 -> CLASS Artificer[/B] HP: +8 (HD+CON), BAB+1 Will: +1
Int: +1
Concentration +1 RANKS, Disable Device +1 RANKS, Ride (cc) +1.0 Ranks, Search +1 RANKS, Spellcraft +1 RANKS, U.M.D. +1 RANKS, Balance (cc) +.5 Ranks
Feat: Craft Homunculous (Class); Legendary Artisan [Reduced XP] (Class Bonus)
Other: Craft Reserve 80 xp, 1 additional 2nd level infusions per day
7 Action Points[/sblock]
[sblock=Prospective][sblock=Future Feat Plans]
5: Craft Magical Arms and Armor (Class); 6: Craft Wand (Class per Erratta); Extend Spell;
8: Craft Construct (Class Bonus); 9:Improved Fortification; Craft Rod (Class);
12: Twin Spell; Wand Mastery (Class Bonus); Craft Staff (Class);
14: Forge Ring (Class); 15: Persistent Spell?; 16: Extra Rings (Class Bonus)[/sblock][/Sblock]