D&D 5E (OOC) Rise of the Dracolich (Full)


@Fradak What about your dragon fear? Did Lorenn roll a save? Dropping a flaming sphere on the dragon is fine, but it's going to either fall in the water, or onto a berzerker. (Or I suppose onto Oggsbruff, which would be bad.) Which would you prefer? I'm going to try to get this moving today, so if you don't have time to get back to me, I'll just make it up myself.

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Can it appear under the dragon?

The dragon is flying 20 feet up. And under him is a pool of sea-water. Some of the berserkers are swimming in it. My best case idea is that you drop it in him and it rolls away. It would be pretty good against a Skragg as long as it stays away from Oggsbruff.

Prickly Pear

Just as a reminder, Sesto used his scroll of Water Walk on all of the friendly people, except the trolls if I remember correctly. Therefore you should all be able to run on the water! Water Walk lasts one hour.


I was gonna try and resolve the round today, but apparently my computer is acting up again. I'll get to it as soon as I can this week. In the meantime, I think I still need @tglassy to post for Ooga, and @Charwoman Gene to post for Sarg and Alhana. I'd like to take care of the Berserkers myself. Also, Fradak seems pretty busy. I dunno if Gene's even around ATM...

Voidrunner's Codex

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