(OOC) Scourge of Daggerford (Full)


Whew. I kept trying to find ways to keep that short while telling the whole story I wanted to tell. I think I'll just split it up over a few posts and go on to Tommi next, so as not to do too much for one player at once. I like the writing (forcing myself to take the time to write is one of the reasons I'm running these games) but I don't want to spend TOO much time at it. (I probably spend more than enough time running these games as it is!) I hope you like the story. I tend to write these without looking back (one pass, very little editing) so I don't always know if everything works out.

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On waking this morning, I made two minor changes to Titus' story: The fortune-teller said "spellcaster" rather than "wizard" (so that her reading can end up 'true') and Titus was a child when Fallowe was discovered and fled. (More time for secret rituals).

Titus' parents are more innocent than in any of our previous discussions, which I like, but guilty enough to feel bad about it. Their guilt, combined with their fear of what the Red Wizard did to him, (and the inherent nature of the upper class) has made it so that Titus has never been terribly close with his parents. They love him, but they do a lot of sending him away "for his own good".


I like how it's all turning out. I like the character, and I'm interested to see what he does in the future.

Also, I'm sorry if I make him too complicated and bring up too many weird requests. I don't mean to overtake things, or game the system. I just get excited about things.


The contrast of Tommi's trip and Angis' trip was fun.

Poor Angis. He's got that vicious spiral (that depressed introverts often suffer) where his loneliness just makes him find people annoying, so he drives them away (and hides from them), and so he's lonely, repeat. I know people like him. Sometimes it's me.

Anyone seen Fradak? NEXIVM7 can stay inert in Julkoun for the month, I suppose, but we've got to get him back to Daggerford in time for the start of the next Adventure.



Letting Warlocks, Bards and Sorcerers change spells after Long rests like a Cleric solves so many of their problems. The new Invocations for Warlocks makes for all kinds of interesting builds. Not to mention the unarmed fighting style, lots of fixes for the Ranger, and so, so much more. Heck, I’d consider playing a Ranger, looking at these options.


Hmm, sounds interesting. I was thinking about having Mord take a 3 level dip in that C'thulu-esq sorcerer btw. Guess I'd better go find this one tho.


I like a lot of the spell list expansions. They seem generally pretty reasonable. Not a huge fan of letting everyone rework their known spells after every rest. Just kind of cheapens the main attraction of being a Wizard, I think. Though, Warlocks probably do need the help. But mainly I think Warlocks just need 'slightly' more spell slots than we get.

I do like the idea of rangers abd paladins having the ability to pick up cantrips, but I think they underestimate the potential of somebody building a Cheese-'Wis' Ranger.
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I like Cheese Wiz.

But that’s no different than the Hexblade, making Cha the attack stat, or the Artificer, making ain’t the attack stat. And anyone could have made a Cheese Wiz Ranger by getting the Magic initiate Feat. So I don’t see the issue there.

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