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[OOC] The First Age of Man

Piston Honda

First Post
I think it'd be interesting to see how it plays out, but I'd totally understand if you'd rather I went with something more conventional. I have concepts that make even a fairly vanilla-build ranger interesting enough for me to want to play. :)

I'm interested in seeing how it plays out myself, so I'm completely fine with it as long as no one else has any issues with it.

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First Post
Here's my draft build and background. I'll be tweaking it as I go, but this gives a pretty good idea where I'm going with it.

Female Human Summoner 1
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common


[sblock=Statistics]Str: 08 (-1)
Dex: 14 (+2) 5
Con: 16 (+3) 5
Int: 10 (+0)
Wis: 12 (+1)
Cha: 16 (+3) 10

Hit Points: 11
Armor Class: 12 (10 + 2 Dex)
Initiative: +2
BAB: +0
CMD: +0
Speed: 30'

Fort: +3
Reflex: +2
Will: +3


Frontier-Forged: +1 Perception, +1 Survival checks to find food in wild
Convincing Liar: +1 Bluff, Bluff is class skill

Class: Light armor, Simple weapons
B Spell Focus: Conjuration
1 Augment Summons

Racial Abilities
+2 Con
Bonus Feat
Extra Skill points
Favored Class: Summoner
- +1 skill point

Class Abilities: Synthesist Summoner
Fused Link (caster can sacrifice HP to prevent damage to it)
Summon Monster 1 (Std action, 3+3/day)

Bluff +8 (1 rnk + 3 cha + 3 class + 1 trait)
Handle Animal +7 (1 rnk + 3 cha + 3 class)
Perception +3 (1 rnk + 1 wis + 1 trait)
Survival +5 (1 rnk + 1 wis + 3 class) +1 to find food

Languages: Common

Spellcasting (Summoner CL1, DC13)
Spell slots
1 - 2

0 Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Guidence
1 Mage Armor, Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon


Leather Armor

3 days of food
Compass (treasure), 10gp
Cold Weather Outfit (clothing, treasure), 8gp
Bedroll, 1bc
Mess Kit, 2bc
Vial of Herbal Medicine (CLW)

2 bronze bitcoin

[sblock=Background]No one's quite sure what went wrong with Niraya; least of all the girl herself. It started with dreams. Vivid and intense...some bad, some good...of strange vistas and stranger creatures. Of rains of fire, and endless storms, and things there were no words for. Most thought her mad, and treated her and her family with pity...for sooner or later they would have to do what was necessary when the girl was eating more than the productive members of the family could make up for. However, the girl proved to have a knack with animals and found ways to pull her weight by convincing them to pull theirs. After a while, people in the tribe got used to their young animal tamer being...eccentric, and life went on.

For awhile.

But the strangeness of Niraya's dreams could not be contained to the sleeping world. As she got older, there were glimpses of -things- in her tent; her parents finally made her get one of her own. Whenever she slept they scuttled around like rats, just out of sight. People avoided her, and Niraya found herself more and more isolated...but since no one wanted to upset her, and the disturbances happened while she was sleeping, she didn't understand why.

Then one day, everything changed. Niraya was minding a handful of goats while they foraged, when a handful of lean, rangy wolves streamed from the forest. She called for help and stood with the panicky goats with her spear...but unless help came right away there was no chance she could save them, and might well perish herself. Unbidden in her mind a word appeared. A name. Niraya shouted it, and it felt as if something was opening inside her. There was a rush, like a wind, and suddenly there was a dog there among the goats. As a wolf descended, the dog attacked, grabbing the wolf by its neck and shaking!

Two other tribesmen came up just in time to see the dog killed by another pair of wolves...it faded away as it died, as if it had never been there at all. Stunned, Niraya spoke the name again, her voice a bare whisper.

Another dog appeared, exactly the same as before. Between this new dog, and the reinforcements, the wolves were driven away. This success though opened the door to accusations of witchcraft; accusations Niraya couldn't refute. She'd touched something all right...for the first time on purpose...and made herself into a door between the world of her dreams and the real world. Confused and afraid for herself, she was in no condition to offer defense against the superstitious angst of the tribe.

Her parents intervened, and convinced the others to simply send her away, never to return...rather than something messier and more final. She was given some basic supplies, and sent from the tribe's lands to seek her fortune...or as most assumed, to eventually die in the cold, or at the hands of an orc patrol.[/sblock]

[sblock=Eidolon Form]
Medium Bipedal Outsider
Temp HP: 11
AC 15
Move 30
Init +1
Str 18, Dex 12, Con 13
Special Qualities
- Darkvision 60'
- Share Spells

- Claws, +5/+5, 1d4+4/1d4+4

- Arms (free)
- Legs (free)
Claws (free)
Ability Increase (Str), 2
Improved Natural Armor, 1
Last edited:


First Post
[OOC] The First Age of Man (Recruiting Now)

[MENTION=6699122]Piston Honda[/MENTION]: what's the plan for starting equipment and gold?
[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION]: I reckon there might be scope for some overlap between our characters. Fancy being siblings?

Piston Honda

First Post
@Piston Honda : what's the plan for starting equipment and gold?
@Shayuri : I reckon there might be scope for some overlap between our characters. Fancy being siblings?

Starting equipment: A simple (simple or martial, no exotic) weapons, simple armor (Leather, cloth or Hide), two simple treasures (non-magical, these can be items that you have scavenged or perhaps an heirloom – value not to exceed 10gp each, and GM discretion here), traveling clothes, 3 days worth of food, Vial of an herbal medicine (functions as cure light wounds), 3d4 bronze pieces (First post has currency information).

This wasn't specified before, but the weapon is stone (and I should probably go over weaponcraft, I have a big mess of notes on all kinds of stuff :) ), unless you go with a bow, which would be wood, obviously, but the arrowheads are probably stone. I'm nondescript on what the treasures could be because it could open up some additional hooks.

Voda Vosa

First Post
Here's the build, I'll work on the fluff later on. I'm taking some liberties here, you'll tell me if I can't. I would like to replace my treasures, combined with the feat Rich parents to get the falichon and breatplate, representing a family heirloom of a warrior clam perhaps.

Hang Shemin


 [B]Name[/B]: Hang Shemin
[B]Class[/B]: Fighter 1
[B]Race[/B]: Human
[B]Size[/B]: Medium
[B]Gender[/B]: Male

Str: 14/16 +3		Level: 1        XP: 0
Dex: 14 +2		BAB: +1		HP: 26
Con: 14 +2		CM bonus: +4	CM defense: 16
Int: 14 +2		Speed: 20'	
Wis: 12 +1		Init: +2	
Cha: 08 -1		ACP: -2		

               Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:          10    +6    +0    +2    +0    +0    +0    18
Touch: 12              Flatfooted: 16

                           Base   Mod  Misc    Total
Fort:                      2      +2           +4
Ref:                       0      +2           +2
Will:                      0      +1           +1

[b]Weapon		Attack		Damage	Critical[/b]
MW Falichon		+6		2d4+4	18-20x2
Guisarme		+4		2d4+4	x2
Longbow 		+3		1d8	x3

Languages: Common,

Human: +2 Str, bonus feat, bonus skill.

Feats and traits: 
Fighter feats ( Profs + (F))
Quick draw (F)
Godless healing
Rich parents
Weapon focus (Falichon)

Special abilities: 
Godless healing: heals 1d8 as a move action once per day.

Skills               Ranks	Mod	Misc	Total
Climb			1	+3	-2      +4
Intimidate		1	-1              +3
Ride			1	+2	-2	+3
Survival		1	+1		+5
Swim			1	+3	-2	+4


Masterwork Breastplate				(30lb, 350gp)
Masterwork Falichon				(8lb, 375gp)
Guisarme					(12lb, 9gp)
Crowbar						(5lb, 2gp)
Flint and steel					(--lb, 1gp)
Blanket for winter				(3lb, 5sp)
Backpack					(2lb, 2gp)
Grappling hook					(4lb, 1gp)
Rope						(10lb, 1gp)
Longbow						(3lb, 75gp)
Torch x10					(1lb, 1sp)
Waterskin					(4lb, 1gp)
3 days worth of food               (6lb, 0gp)
Vial of herbal medicine              (1lb, 0gp)
Quin the Dog	25gp
HP: 23		Init: +1
AC: 13		Speed: 40'
Bite: +2, 1d4+1 dmgx2
+4 Fort, +3 Ref, +1 Will
Traits: Low light vision, +4 to survival (tracking), Scent, Acrobatic jump.
Tricks: Nrmal tricks plus Track and Come
Perception +8, Stealth +5, Survival +1

Money: 57 gp


First Post
Siblings is possible...I wouldn't mind redoing the backstory to include that idea.

So you'd be the big brother who decides to go with her when she's drummed outta town?

My original plan was to have Niraya be discovered by the PC tribe, low on food and cold and getting desperate. That would give her a pretty powerful motivation to try to prove herself useful to the new tribe and gain the favor of the PCs. She was going to -lie through her teeth- about her origins and claim she was from a tribe that had been attacked by orcs, and didn't know if anyone else had survived.

That would set up the very entertaining possibility that the PCs would one day encounter her actual former tribe and learn the truth. Tee hee.

Having a sibling along doesn't mean this basic plan can't work...but it does remove a lot of the 'desperate and alone' motivation that I was going to use to try to bind her to the PCs and their tribe. Even one other person really takes some of the pressure off in a survival situation. And of course, they can both decide to lie...or even disagree between themselves about whether or not to do so (which would be fun too)...but a lie shared is a lie easier to crack open. :)

So I think if they are to be traveling together, perhaps a different story of how they join the PC tribe might be in order. Any ideas about that?

Piston Honda

First Post
Here's the build, I'll work on the fluff later on. I'm taking some liberties here, you'll tell me if I can't. I would like to replace my treasures, combined with the feat Rich parents to get the falichon and breatplate, representing a family heirloom of a warrior clam perhaps.
Hang Shemin


 [B]Name[/B]: Hang Shemin
[B]Class[/B]: Fighter 1
[B]Race[/B]: Human
[B]Size[/B]: Medium
[B]Gender[/B]: Male

Str: 14/16 +3        Level: 1        XP: 0
Dex: 14 +2        BAB: +1        HP: 26
Con: 14 +2        CM bonus: +4    CM defense: 16
Int: 14 +2        Speed: 20'    
Wis: 12 +1        Init: +2    
Cha: 08 -1        ACP: -2        

               Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:          10    +6    +0    +2    +0    +0    +0    18
Touch: 12              Flatfooted: 16

                           Base   Mod  Misc    Total
Fort:                      2      +2           +4
Ref:                       0      +2           +2
Will:                      0      +1           +1

[B]Weapon        Attack        Damage    Critical[/B]
MW Falichon        +6        2d4+4    18-20x2
Guisarme        +4        2d4+4    x2
Longbow         +3        1d8    x3

Languages: Common,

Human: +2 Str, bonus feat, bonus skill.

Feats and traits: 
Fighter feats ( Profs + (F))
Quick draw (F)
Godless healing
Rich parents
Weapon focus (Falichon)

Special abilities: 
Godless healing: heals 1d8 as a move action once per day.

Skills               Ranks    Mod    Misc    Total
Climb            1    +3    -2      +4
Intimidate        1    -1              +3
Ride            1    +2    -2    +3
Survival        1    +1        +5
Swim            1    +3    -2    +4


Masterwork Breastplate                (30lb, 350gp)
Masterwork Falichon                (8lb, 375gp)
Guisarme                    (12lb, 9gp)
Crowbar                        (5lb, 2gp)
Flint and steel                    (--lb, 1gp)
Blanket for winter                (3lb, 5sp)
Backpack                    (2lb, 2gp)
Grappling hook                    (4lb, 1gp)
Rope                        (10lb, 1gp)
Longbow                        (3lb, 75gp)
Torch x10                    (1lb, 1sp)
Waterskin                    (4lb, 1gp)
3 days worth of food               (6lb, 0gp)
Vial of herbal medicine              (1lb, 0gp)
Quin the Dog    25gp
HP: 23        Init: +1
AC: 13        Speed: 40'
Bite: +2, 1d4+1 dmgx2
+4 Fort, +3 Ref, +1 Will
Traits: Low light vision, +4 to survival (tracking), Scent, Acrobatic jump.
Tricks: Nrmal tricks plus Track and Come
Perception +8, Stealth +5, Survival +1

Money: 57 gp

I’m going to have to veto quite a bit here, Rich Parents in the setting would mean that your family has its own personal goat. So, swap that feat out. Remember that metal is extremely scarce, if you went with a grappling hook or a crowbar as a treasure, they would likely be rusted and fragile as blacksmithing is a lost art, the grappling hook could potentially be bone, but would still be at risk for breakage.

I’m also not sure how your HP worked out to 26.


First Post
Piston, is a compass okay for a treasure?

I was thinking it was something that Niraya's father found when he was out foraging once long ago...perhaps in one of those old ruins, or in a crumbling lockbox that had been half-exposed by a recent rain. They don't really know what it is, but they've figured out that the little needle always points one way, which has obvious utility regardless.

Not sure what the other treasure is. Maybe some silk rope or something...going over the giant, huge list of nonmagic equipment now. :)

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