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The Circle


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Exalted 2nd


The merchant prince Chursom stood in silence over the beaten and bloodied body of his son. The room filled with the enormity of his silence. Those that had brought the body knew that Chursom was not a kind and forgiving man, the next few moments might mean their necks. They all waited for his reaction.

“….bring me his eye.” He finally said. He looked at his primary enforcer, Hoshi. “Then his ears. His tongue. A hand. His legs. Bring him to me piece by piece until I have him all.”

Yan Tu Hoshi, fire aspect, former ranger of Lookshy’s First Field Force nodded and made his way out the room. His employment with Chursom had been a good arrangement for him, good pay, and over all low threat. The private war Chursom had with the merchant prince Rolo was kept under wraps, the Guild didn’t care for wars between their members. But this feud had gone on too long for it not to come to blows. Chursom’s only son was a good kid. But he was no soldier. So Hoshi had him sent away for his own protection. And so the kid runs right into a bandit camp, gets ambushed and gets killed.

It’ll take some doing, but Hoshi would find out who these bandits were. And he’d see that they paid the price. Piece by piece.

I walk in streets of gold. Above me I can make out flying ships that move on clouds. Next to me is my circle mate, the Twilight Spider. He talks to me of something, but I can’t make out what he saying. I’m on my way somewhere important. In front of me is the great arena, its golden walls shine brightly in the sun. But that’s not the sun at all; but instead a golden light coming from a domed roof that must stretch for hundreds of miles. I readjust my heartstone bracers, pull my fingers into a fist and move forward.

False Skies awakens. His wounds would need tending, but when he checks his bandages he can tell that the wound has closed, leaving only a scar. He’ll never see out of this eye, but he’s in no pain at least. He heals quickly now. His understanding of what has happened to him is slowly becoming clearer. His visions of the past are happening more frequently. He was never an outdoorsman, but now finding food and survival skills come so naturally to him. Second nature really.

In the distance Mount Metagalapa rose up from Creation. He was certain this wasn’t his final destination, but still he moved forward. Since his experience in the woods, False Skies has felt a tugging in his soul. Something is leading him South. But to where?
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“Now move your arm up and make the sign of Sight and Wards,” the old teacher spoke to his young students. When they did so, appearing before them there was a variety of different shaped patterns on the floors, doors, and on the tables. They existed in different hues and colors. The teacher started to point to each one, explaining the meaning of the colors, how fiery crimson was an elemental fire ward, and how a grey pattern represented the warding of ghosts.

“Now, Peleps Regis,” the teacher looked towards the young boy in the back of the room. “what are the primary ways to summon ghosts, and what are the primary tools to ward yourself from them?”

The young child knew the answer immediately, blood and salt. But when asked to perform the ritual of summoning, he was unable to do so. He wasn’t afraid, and he knew the techniques, but he couldn’t force the ghost to reveal itself. His teacher told him that there is more to summoning than knowledge. “It requires confidence and force of personality,” the man said to him. “This is something you find all though out your life.”

And that was his life.

And this is his life now.

Peleps Regis walked into his family home. He had been in the matsurigoto building all day. The return home was never one of his favorite things, especially now that his father was in such a mood. His position at work was a strange one, but like all members of the All Seeing Eye, he had to make certain that no one knows he’s a member. Not even his family. So to his parents he will always be the nonexalted scribe, working his boring government job for the Thousand Scales. Going nowhere and bringing nothing in return.

Things had been worst since his oldest brother, Oraga, had gotten his third coil in the Order. Most families would have been proud of a son who joined the Immaculate Order, much less obtained Third Coil. But to Regis’s father Peleps Orsten, exalted to the water dragon and proud member of House Peleps, when Oraga joined the Order and changed his name to “Jade Fist” he had turned his back on his family. Now anytime something good happened to Oraga, it was as if someone had died in the house.

His mother had a way of always forgetting he was in the room. Regis was a smart man, he always had been. But with six brothers and sisters, each with forceful personalities, he could get left behind. She would talk to the others, and at her youngest son. It was as if nothing he had to say really mattered. He sat down for dinner and the house slaves brought in the food. He ate in silence.

Things at work were no better. Ledaal Tsuro was his Air aspected supervisor and one of the finest diviners in the Realm. At least to hear Tsuro tell it. But as talented as Regis was, as smart as he was, his skills as a diviner were somewhat lacking. Of course there were plenty of other things he could offer, but he always got passed over. Others around him were promoted to more prestigious positions, while he stayed behind, assisting Tsuro in whatever ways he needed.

And that was his life.

This is his life now.

Spider looked out across the ocean, just barely visible were the tropical islands that he had never stepped foot on. Who lived there, he may never know. From here he could see Steel Sun’s corsair galley on its way back from whatever plunder and pirating they had just done. Sun was a good man and easy to like. He was also the only other mortal on the island. At least the only one Spider was allowed to be near. Spider looked up to the top of the golden spire that was Fakharu’s domain. She was somewhere on the top level, Fakharu’s mistress, his princess, his treasure. His prisoner.

“It is time for your lessons, Master Spider.”

He knew the voice. It was hard to forget. High pitched and like a reed flute. Spider looked over at Burnished Mantis, chamberlain of the house.

It’s been four years since he first met Fakharu, Censor of the Celestial Bureaucracy, Dragon of Water. Some things you get used to, others perhaps not. Burnished Mantis was an insect spirit before starting to work here on the island. He’s been with the Censor for a few hundred years at least. He stood a good eight feet in the air, looking like a mantis polished in emerald stone. Added to the fact that he could stand without moving for as long as he wanted to, the creature reminded most of a statue come to life. But there are some things you get used to here on the island, and Burnished Mantis was one of the easiest. Not overtly friendly, but honest and dependable.

As he walked into the library, five golden felines raced away. After four years you would think they would be used to him by now. One of the cats poked it’s head out from a bookshelf and stared at him. “YOU ARE LATE,” said a voice like stones crunching. The earth elemental Shemaru stood in the back of the room, one of his felines perched on his broad shoulders as normal.


And with that the elemental walks away. Spider looks down on the tome. Some things you get used to.


First Post

His movements are awkward and disjointed. His skin burnt and damaged. His eyes glazed over. He once had a name, now he has a title: Slave.

His master beaconed him to her. She laughed as he struggled to make his way as flames licked at his body. His arm starts to burn, but yet he does not scream. It is as if he has forgotten how. His master touches him and his wounds are healed. “I can’t have you dying on me,” she purrs to him. “Not my favorite toy. Come here.”

He moves closer.

She places her clawed hands on both sides of his face. “I must feed.”

She brings her lips to his and kisses him. For a moment, his body struggles, then his legs give out and he would drop had she not kept him standing.

When ever he looks into her yellow eyes, he knows its love. She has the most perfect eyes. Bright yellow, and there are times when it seems that her pupils dance with tiny stars. She tells him that he’s a Solar Exalted, and that she’s a Sidereal. Long ago the Dragon Blooded attacked their kinds, and ever since then the Wyld Hunt has track those like them down and killed them. But now they’re back. She says that there is a group of her kind that can keep them safe, but that they must keep who they are a secret. She travels all the time, says it’s part of her calling. But she always returns to him. As she will tonight.

Fifth Bodhisattva of Lost Heaven moves outside and looks up into the star filled sky. He watches the Lover’s in their eternal embrace. But he notices something strange, the Messenger is out of place, the stars themselves begin to move, past the Pillar and ending right next to the Sword. His mind races as to the meaning of this. Looking back it as if nothing had happened. The Messenger is back in its proper location. Had he seen this event? Or has his time in the Wyld had unexpected results?


First Post
The Mortal:

Upon reflection, Leon thought perhaps he was in trouble.

Here he stood on an open road on a bright and sunny day. Behind him the road moved towards picturesquely rolling hills and in front of him he could make out the dim haze that would be Nexus. The sky was a pleasant shade of blue and a slight breeze from the hilltops ruffled his sleeves.

In fact there was only one problem with this perfect setting on a beautiful day. And problem consisted of four armed thugs waiting just about a hundred feet down the road. It was almost as clear that they were waiting for him as it was that they planned to do some harm to him once they got to him. He looked them over, they wore red tunics and blue pants. They carried no bows, that was good. And the swords and maces they carried didn’t seem in the best condition. And as far as their training, well someone once showed them how to use those weapons. But not much past that. But then, there were four of them.

And he was by himself.


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Leon continued walking forward, his pace slowing to nearly a stop. His staff was across as shoulders, with his arms draped over it as if he were casually leaning against a fence. His nunchaku and tonfa were hanging from his belt, with a half empty waterskin and a small pack of rations. He came to a stop when he was about twenty yards away.

"Interesting... and one would think that somebody would have done something about pesky bandits on the road to Nexus by now. Oh well, somebody has to teach them a lesson."

Leon grinned as the bandits watched him, and he resumed his leisurely walk toward them again. Now, however, he was walking around them, as if to avoid them and continue on his merry way. While this is what his purpose appears to be, his true purpose is to make sure that there are only one or two of the thugs with a real line of attack on him, and to keep the others from being able to effectively come at him.

When he gets close enough that they start moving, he will speak. "Oh, no, fine gentlemen, do not trouble yourselves to move. I see that you much enjoy your spot on the road, and thus I am taking measures to walk -around- you, so that you do not -have- to move. So, you can stay right there if you'd like, I won't mind at all." His grin never leaves his face as he says this.

In fact, it seems to grow more confident with each passing step.


First Post
Spider starts to read the book. As he reads, he remembered what they told him about demon. The worst of it, was they were conjured by anathemas. It was them who brought them here in large quantity, or the most danegrous ones. There were a few that was brougth to the Creation by the Dragon-Blooded, but these were not powerfull and perfectly under control. A few mortal was able to summon them, but rarely controled them and generally get killed sooner or later by what they had conjured.

His memory brought him a flash. He had summoned a demon in another life. He knew the exact name, he was in perfect control. He was some kind of informant, telling to him what was happening in the demon world.

These memories was disturbing Spider who put the book down for a moment. After having waste so much time trying to become a sorcerer, he became a member of the Wyld Hunt. He generally gives information, on some rare time, he had to go with the Hunt as an advisor and his archery skill was quite good enough to give support. At that time all was clear and neat. There was no doubt.

Now, he felt doubt in all in what he believed. All that because of some memory that wasn't his, but the one of a previous life, and previous incarnation. The empire is putting there efforts in hunting anathema, or in trying to take control of the empty seat of the emperess. And they were blind to the true threat. DeathLord who had come into power during the empire era, the wyld who had taken over half the creation, the number of free demon raising. Or it was him who was corrupted by that exaltation... no, he doubt it was the case... he doubt everything... and time was passing.

Spider picked up the book and continue to read. He put aside all his questions, and he put aside teh idea of Mirror of Divinity wanting to speak to him, for that, he would quickly find out, but first, he needed to finish that book.


First Post

Guided by an inner compass he did not understand himself, Skies trekked southward, his back to the behemoth that was Mt Metagalapa. It was almost like going home really, except that now he had no home, and he was not the same man. Turning slightly westward, Skies headed for a city he had heard of in his bandit days, Nexus.

*****uneventful journey*****

The road to Nexus was nothing if not bustling. There were people leaving and entering at alarming rates. The city was truly alive, even though there was a taint on it, he felt. Then something caught his attention. A young man seemed to be on the verge of an encounter with some bandits. At 4 on 1 odds, it seemed like a pretty bad idea, but the young man carried his nunchaku and tonfa with an ease suggesting experience, and the bandits didn't look too sure of themselves. Skies stopped to take a seat on a nearby rock to watch the scene unfold.

Joey MacGuffin

First Post
Fifth Bodhisattva of Lost Heaven looked up at the stars, frowning. He knew what it meant, at one time, he had known all that there could be to know about the stars and the destiny of men. Now it was like trying to remember a dream, he thought he had it, but then it slipped away, like trying to catch eels with your bare hands. Cross-legged he sits, patiently, trying to remember the words of Haji, his old and strict master, Head Astrologer of Yane, who used to beat a young child with a cane every time he forgot some trivial procedure. He would not be happy with his student now, not at all... but then, it was so long ago, old man Haji was surely dead. A depressing thought, in a way, although as a child he never would've believed he'd miss him.

[sblock=OOC]Int+Occult roll to try and figure out the significance of what he saw: Int+Occult (1d10=9, 1d10=4, 1d10=2, 1d10=8, 1d10=6, 1d10=3)... two successes[/sblock]


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“It’s not that easy,” the bandit in the middle spoke. He and his men started moving a little off the road as well, blocking Leon’s path. “There’s a tax for using this road. And we’re tax collectors. Pay up and you won’t get hurt.” He held his club with both hand and started moving towards Leon.

False Skies made himself comfortable, no one had seen him yet, but from his vantage point, he could make out all the details.


First Post
Leon - Tax Collectors

Leon sighed, shaking his head, his arms still draped across his staff in a non-chalant manner. "It never is, it never is. However, as you may notice, I do not carry money on my person. I tend to scrounge up a bit of money here and there by performing. If you'd like, I could perform for you, but other than that, I'm not really sure what I could give you." Leon said as he smiled.

"Eh, no money you say?" The lead bandit looked Leon over. "Well, we could take those weapons off of yer hands for ya, couldn't we?"

Leon looked up at the bandits, his smile disappearing. "Oh, no, I'm sorry. I need these, you see, in case I'm attacked by bandits and what not on the road. I'm sure nice tax collectors like yourself would not wish to strip a man of his only defense against bandits, would you?" His voice became stern, in stark contrast with how he was speaking before, as he spoke to the bandits this time. He has stopped completely, and is staring daggers at the lead bandit. He has maneuvered to a position where the lead bandit stands between their target, Leon, and the rest of the bandits. Leon is relaxed, but ready to respond and fight at any moment.

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