Seeing the events transpiring before him, one Tamartamlin Quickfoot, makes the choices he had put off until just this kind of moment.
Before Lady Abigail, he says, as he kneels, not out of fealty, but of respect and friendship:
"Most dear, fair lady and goodly mistress of all dragonkind, I thank you for your wonderful gifts and the time you have shared with me to master my original "craft", as it were. Also, I will honor our oath to only use my craft against the most villainous, despicable and nefarious; but, I cannot give fealty to Bahamut, great and glorious as he is, for I must needs use equally villainous, despicable and nefarious methods to undo these evil ones and relieve them of their prized possessions.That being being said," Here, Tam-Tam pulls out a prized gemstone from one of his pouches, "please accept this gift to you, given in Bahamut's name that he may look kindly on me in a time of desperate need. I have assessed it at around 500 gp in actual value; but, if you look closely, you will see that this diamond is perfect, without flaw or occlusion, and thus may have an intrinsic value to you in imbuing it with your marvelous magicks." With that, Tam rises, all a-blush, adding, "I am in your thrall Lady Abigail and shall always do as you wish, willingly; however, I am free-spirited enough to insist on doing it my way. I pray you understand."
After waiting on Lady Abigail's response, if any, Tamartamlin Quickfoot, Slayer of Giant princes, Wolf Rider, Troll killer, Ogre's Bane, and sworn by oath to this party that so willingly adopted him, leaves the demesne of the Silver Dragon whom he considers a goddess equal, possibly greater than, his beloved Yondalla, who is an actual goddess, lesser god though she may be. And then there was Olidammara who has always kept him in good stead at his originally chosen adventuring profession.
But now he was an Outrider who did well enough to attain corporal status amongst the recruits. It was time to go to the stables and buy his "steed". He knew which one he wanted and damn the price. She was a half-wolf, a half dire wolf, named 'Dammara', or Traveler. The name was so close to Olidammara, god of rogues and travelers, that he felt an instant affinity with her. Everytime he rode her during drills and exercises, he excelled versus any of the time he rode the mastiffs, war dogs or other half-wolves.
Tam pays for Dammara and all the necessary accoutrements to ride her. He then goes before his drill instructor, a female halfling, comely, but in a ruggedly athletic and war-weary way. He explains that he will be leaving to go with his mates, whichever group that may be, and that he wished for voluntary decommissioning, with the hopes of coming back to learn more from her and serve on the local outrider scouting and guard forces of Hochoch for a time. No promise or oath, just as a personal desire to fulfill.
Next, Tam goes to Vale while in the heat of his forgings and asks, officially and hopefully, for the Horn of Calling. He explains that as an Outrider, now he can "call in the cavalry" as it were to help against all manner of beasties (monsters), baddies (villains/enemies) and bug-a-boos (undead). Tam, will not beg for it, but he will be extremely persistent in continually requesting it until Vale "graciously" offers/hands it to him.
Then, Tam goes to Respen and Nel's chambers. He coos and cuddles the twins for a bit before he comes to the point of his visit as he hand the twins back to Nel who takes them yo their respective cribs:
"Respen, I owe you much for being the first to bring me into this great party of adventuring heroes, for that is what you all truly are; and, I have come to banish my qualms about the Drow through the wondrous helps and works of your lovely wife and help-meet, Nelveranda; upon speaking her name, Tam-Tam bows with a flourish of the Hat Sylvar gave him toward Nel who was just returning from laying the children down for a nap. As he composes himself, placing the hat jauntily on his head, he finishes, "but, by a sworn agreement, and one done in the heat of battle where, as you know, all oaths or contracts between one to another are sacrosanct, I myself can only join you if Friend Sylvar chooses to go along on your quest. As you know, A halfling oath is equal to a business agreement or contract. It is why I call our esteemed Bard, Friend Sylvar. In the world of halfling business, calling a fellow who agrees to do business with you, is entitled "Friend" to differentiate him, or her, from any business opponent. I hope you understand."
After hearing Respen and Nel's response, Tam adds as he leaves their chambers:
"Now I must go to Friend Sylvar and council with him on his...our, intentions --- either to go with you and, maybe Nel, or back to the Steading with the others."
Lastly, Tam goes to Sylvar and says, bluntly, but with earnest eagerness: "We need to talk." Tam talks with Sylvar late into the night to determine 'their' plan of action.