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The Long Journey Home

Alexander bows graciously, taking the data from the doctor, and putting it into his trouser pocket, a sheen of sweat glistening on his brow.

It is always a pleasure sir. It would be an honour to share my regimen; anything I can do to help the ship and it's crew is considered a sacred duty. If you want, we could go to the gym once this mess is sorted out, and we can have a friendly workout; though you'll have to show me where it is."

Alexander bowed his head, before turning to his squad, addressing Raymond first.

"I must admit, judging by the amount of rubble you were shifting, you're musculature is nearly as impressive as my own! Never did I think I would find another soul on this ship who valued the integrity of his body as highly as myself. Good work, Mr Mourissette."

He offered his squad-mate a salute, before turning to Arthur and Miss Mourissette, nodding his head in approval, picking up his shirt in one hand, and re-equipping it, doing up the buttons again. How exactly those buttons survived is a mystery; and something one suspects has something to do with a technique passed down the Bauhdric line for generations.

"Excellent plan, both of you. Miss Mourissette's coordination was excellent, and Arthur, your explosion saved the lives of 10 good men and women. You should feel proud of yourselves. As for our work? This job is done, but the duty of maintaining morale is something I want you all to continue, day and night. We are the men and women of Echo squad. I want every man and women on this ship to feel safer whenever they hear that we've been deployed. I want then to feel joy and resolve swell in their chest when they see us stride by in the corridors. In short? I ask of each of you that you don't merely do your job as soldiers, but that you do good wherever you go. We are the righteous, we are the just."

Buttoning up the last of his shirt, he saluted his team, the Edelweiss flower still intact through his neck button-hole.

Now, excuse me, I must see the commodore I am sure he would wish to get this data. If you wish to follow me, that is fine, but for now I simply ask you attempt to do good to the best of your ability. Stay in communication with me; if another threat arises, we'll need to mobilise as soon as possible. As for my...Encounter outside the ship, I will talk more of it as soon as we get a moment. I do not wish for you to be in the dark. I will also speak to sierra squad. They were outside with us, and they deserve to know just as much as you."

Nodding his head, he then made for the bridge, navigating his way throughout the vessel.

OOC: Merry christmas one and all! Sorry it's a long post, I got sidetracked while watching Megashark VS Giant octopus, and just kept writing
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Ray Ray

First Post
"Sir, yes, Sir!"

Raymond stood proudly; it was interesting to note that he certainly didn't -look- as well muscled as his captain, but,he supposed, had the muscle where it counted rather than, well...everywhere. Captain Baudric certainly was a sight to behold, like something out of the films that Raymond coveted so much.

"Ey, Rey, you fancy a bite to eat? All this work has got me starving. Maybe you too Arthur? We could go uh...'spread some morale' in the canteen?"

Aleksandra quickly decoupled from J.D once they were both in the airlock and briskly made her way to the armoury to unequip. Her new suit was remarkably easy to remove, two swift motions and the projection folded down into a compact stackable form. She handed the black box to Meia. "Thanks Meia. At some point when we next get R&R we should get some people together and analyse the changes in these suits, It may well tie into a discussion I plan to have with Tami Kreisky and some other colleagues about some of the abnormal Paksis behaviour on the ship. Anyway see you later."

She fell in step behind ghost happily noting the clear freedom of Ghost's VI. She gave him a little nudge in the side. "Looks like you might not be needing my help after all sir. You should probably do some basic exercises with it though at some point so that it isn't overwhelmed with new data. Also sir are you aware of the operational guidelines for non-combat VI use and management? If not we should probably go over that as well sir to help it bounce between combat and non-combat behaviour. We wouldn't want it trying to run multiple codes at once in a dangerous situation. Anyway sir where will the de-brief be?"

As Aleksandra talked her two VIs playfully hovered around the room, Olga soaring without care and Ula timidly following from behind. They stopped at Sarah and both waved. "Hey you," said Olga "Enjoying your new found freedom? There really isn't much better is there?" Olga laid casually in the air so that she was upside down above Sarah.
Ula watched them for a moment and then drifted back wards bumping into Human Sarah's head. She span around quickly. "Ah! I am I ...." Ula spluttered glowing from orange to pink once more. She covered her face with her fluorescent holo hands and sank into hero pose.

OOC: Super merry technically belated Christmas though as IT's earlier than 4 am as I'm writing this I'm going to count it. For reference Hero pose is a Yoga position and the only official name (other than the Spanish version) I could find for sitting with your knees together and your bum on the floor with your feet turned to either side of your bum by having your lower legs curled under you. If you google it you'll see what I mean, it's a very common position in anime.
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Arthur Campbell

First Post
That sounds like a good idea Ray, we'll finally get to see if this canteen's food is state of the art. Firstly though I need to return these to the armoury, He tapped the case holding what remained of the demolition charges. So go on ahead I'll meet you there momentarily. He turned and saluted to Alexander Good luck with the commodore sir, I assume you'll debrief us afterwards over some food? After that he turned and headed towards the armoury.
As he entered the armoury he called out Arthur Campbell reporting back, wishing to return some ordinance. As he laid eyes on the armourer he returned to normal speaking volume. How have you been faring Meia?
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First Post
Slightly turning his head, to look at aleksandra.

I didn't realise there was a difference between them. Though I guess that's why I'm not a VI engineer. Seems a little advice wouldn't go amiss, we will discuss it after the debrief. I'll be debriefing sierra in our quarters, after which you're free to do as you please. I have some business to take care of with the commodore before then, but a suggestion would be to grab yourselves something to eat. It's been a trying few hours and I need my squad in top shape should we need to defend the ship again. And make no mistakes about it private, we will have to defend this vessel again.

Sarah looks up to olga...

I love the fact I can fly, and I love the fact I'm going to get to see more of the ship. I've never seen ghost outside combat, so I'm curious to see what he's like, plus I get to annoy him some more *giggling*.

Sarah then turns to Ula and shouts over

Why don't you come joins us Ula, there's no reason Olga and I should have all the fun

A wide grin appearing on her face, as she continued to twirl, circling Olga who was laying above her. Ghost occasionally glancing back, hiding his own small smile.

One thing private, why did your hologram hit on Sarah when they first met? Something I have been wondering is do Holograms or VIs have emotions attached to them?

OOC: Going to the canteen. What a coincidence Ghost was thinking the exact same thing ^^

OOC: I'm replying to things that I can see I need DM input, if I have missed something just post an OOC comment. Sorry for slow replies, after New years should be quicker again.

Meia nods at Aleksandra and says: "When the ship gets moving again I'll be on R&R until a mission goes out. Would be happy to chat."
Meia then turns to Arthur and smiles. "Just fine you loon, now have you decided to do something else to the left overs you might have?"
Reaching the bridge you see that Bart is back in his seat with Naomi chatting with the commodore. A young man is heading off from the bridge, he is wearing quite large goggles on his head and has a white suit on with a German flag. He is currently holding a tablet in his hand as well. As he is about to leave he looks up at the tall German and starts a conversation in German. "A great German soldier, hmmm, captain. Good, can you tell me do you know any soldiers that would mind helping me out in navigation. Some of my navigators are starting to lose their nerve and well, I'd like someone braver. Perhaps you know someone?"

"That's very interesting. I'm almost surprised you were paying attention to them earlier but no technically they don't. VIs are capable of simulating a series of emotions in particular scenarios as long as they have been programmed to do so. Many users find it helpful for the VI to act as humanly as possible for the most part. The ability to experience what appear to be actual emotions make most users more comfortable." She turned to look at the VIs and smiled.


Ula slowly got up and gently floated toward the pair of VIs glowing a salmon pink. She looked up at the two of them and raised a hand. "Hi." she said barely above a whisper. Olga grinned and began to rotate in the air as Ula hung there shyly clamping her hands in front of her and kneeling down.

"So sarah" said Olga "Wanna do something?"

"Part of the core of a program as complex as a VI is that it can break spectacularly and as such a great many of their processes are designed to self repair as they go a long, much like an ordinary human mind but more prone to social collapse. The 'hitting on' is an aspect of programming designed to make VIs inclined to self correct through comparative experience. When they share information the two VIs are capable of far more comprehensive correction and thus perform smoother and more efficiently when they are able to share data often, the more they know about certain things gives them a wider database of events to draw from and compare. The process can often allow a VI to alter it's behaviour to react to unseen situations much better than otherwise." She turned back to ghost.

"Of course there are several schools of thought about how a VI should receive informational input for the sake of self repair/improvement. I ascribe to the self-evolving theory; where by the VI is given all the processes required to further its' own understanding and 'personality' by interacting with other VIs or people. The 'sharing data event' is crucial for this theory to function and as a result most VIs are capable of the function whether their programmer ascribed to the theory or not." She grasped her hands and looked to the floor and spoke fairly gently.

"It's a little silly to believe but I feel that the only way for VIs to achieve emotion and sentience and even living status is for them to be allowed to evolve." she looked back up at ghost a childlike gleam of hope in her eyes "There is another function to the 'sharing data event'. But...I'll talk about that after the briefing I think, I've gabbed on enough for now." She stood straight and saluted.

"I'll be happy to help and I'll see you at 1400 hours for debrief in the quarters sir." She gathered herself and marched to the canteen leaving her two holos behind.

OOC: Sorry massive post gooooo.
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Looks over the young man, a warm smile on his lips as he responded in german, much to the confusion of any non-Germans on the bridge.

"Ah, finally! Good to see another face from the fatherland. Well, I may have a couple of people who know one or two things about navigation. Perhaps Miss Mourissette may know something about it. She is a clever woman with a cool head. I'm sure she'd be more than willing to help a fellow crew-member, Mr..."

He tailed off, holding his hand out for the German before him to shake.

"Schäfer, Hans Schäfer. I am the Head Navigator of this here fine vessel." He looks you over once. "Would you happen to descend from the Bauhdric line my good friend? You do happen to have quite a lot of their, physique." He clasps his hand on one of your arms and lets out a hearty laugh. The navigator is not as well chiseled as Alexander by any stretch of the imagination, he is slightly overweight though his arms are quite bulky. Alexander thinks this man probably knows a thing or two about working out though doesn't do it in a well rounded fashion.

"Yes, so Miss ... what was that again? I think I've heard that name somewhere else as well. A paper some place, oh no matter I can look into it further when I meet this lady. Any others you might know of?" He asks positively beaming.

Arthur Campbell

First Post
Arthur laughed, Despite what you may think of my mental stability these particular charges are in the same state as you left them. Unlike the grenades these were perfect for the task I needed them for. Speaking of which, you mentioned a strange occurence regarding a grenade. He smiled broadly Have you managed to repair it?

Voidrunner's Codex

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