The Long Journey Home

Arthur Campbell

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He leaned over to Rey and spoke quietly Is he always like this? intrinsically attracted to anything with a pair of X chromosomes? He took another look at Ray and does this always happen?
He responded to Jean So we've suffered casualties already? how tragic. He took another mouthful of food. Sounds like an unorthodox squad makeup by conventional standards, but I guess this isn't a conventional operation. So what weapons do you wield? Our captain has taken a shining to a rather large pair of metal fists, so I guess despite leading a shock trooper squad there's still merit to melee.
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Mikhail Zhukov

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Mikhail approached Sarah.

Ah greetings again comrade Sarah.He said jokingly.I see repairs are going well. What would you say if I proposed to you.... to help Starseeker out with a small research project?


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"<Not just X Chromosomes>" she said with a grin in french "He is quite pose-able especially when he is distracted by one of his war movie, I have pictured somewhere if you are interested" she softened her smile "I am glad we have such able soldiers on our side, I would love to see how you fight... Raymond over here is sooo boring with his firepower all the time, I tell him to use a sword once in a while but noooooo"

Ray Ray

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"You wanna pose me, huh?Wait...we?" He paused as he heard Rey's comment.
"Ey, my guns are the most interesting thing we own between us! Misha is far more useful than your little datapad will ever be."

J. D. Tsuba

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'Please, Dr Tsuba is fine. And who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?'

He extends an arm in greeting and takes a cursory glance round the facilities.
after she replies, he shows the required amount of respect for any woman while beginning his instructional monologue.

I shall begin work with the disabled robots brought in earlier by my squad, I assume your teams have by now managed to remove the outer plating and are stumped by what they found beneath. If you would show me where they are, I shall explain to you what you are looking at and why you are stuck.

Arthur Campbell

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Arthur raised his eyebrow at the response, having only a vague idea what it meant, he decided not to pursue it.
You're far too rash I must say, Mr morissete I'll think you'll find a little datapad could work wonders on your prized guns if you applied some know-how. Besides... He took another mouthful ​I think you'll find there are things far more interesting than guns.

Alexander gives a moment of thought to a potential locale, before snapping his fingers, smiling.

"I can think of somewhere, captain. The Armoury should be an excellent place. Seeing as the only people who are allowed in are personnel with military-grade clearance, it should be far away from civilian eyes. And as we have already seen today, it is plenty large enough for both our squads, with room to spare."

He then turned his gaze to the glowing being sitting beside Ghost, a warm smile on his lips as he consulted the angel, treating her largely like she was just another person, regardless of her status as a machine.

"A pleasure to meet you, Sarah. Such a dainty creature...While I predict that you must be a VI of some-kind, one cannot help but compare you to an angel on high, looking out for us in the void."

Chuckling softly, he turned back to Ghost, nodding his head.

"So it's settled. XXXX-hundred hours in the Armoury? Also, before you leave, the chief navigator wished to have your Comms details so that he could contact you. I think some of the navigators he has under his command are perhaps not quite qualified for the situation we have found ourselves in, and he was wondering if anyone in our teams would be able to help him. I've put forward one of my own, but I understand that many of your squad have a scientific bearing as well."


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Sarah laughs slightly, and creates a halo that appears around her head.

Someone has to watch over ghostie here, that was the reason I was created. Thank you captain.

Ghost growls a little at the use of the pet name, but does little else.

The armoury sounds ideal, do you have the name of the navigator so I can contact him? I have just the soldier in mind to help him out. I'll pass the message onto my squad and I'll meet you in the armoury later captain.

He nods at Alexander then opens up a comms link to the squad.

Sierra, the place for our debriefing has been moved. We will now be debriefed with echo squad in the armoury, at XXXX-hundred hours.

After the discussion with captain bauhdric and he takes his leave Ghost re-enters the bridge and approaches Naomi.

May I have a word in private with you ma'am?

Assuming she says yes Ghost will follow her to wherever she deems private. Once there

I would like to put myself up for evaluation with regards to my leadership of Sierra. I do not think myself fit for the duty. Whilst I was outside with chief engineer Taylor I froze up, not once but twice. In a combat situation that could get my team killed. I don't know why I froze up, I've never froze up in my life, but it concerns me. I've been responsible for too many deaths already, I don't need any more weighing upon my conscience.

His face remains unchanged, though Sarah knows there is genuine concern in his mind, but he would never betray that to anyone, that's just how Ghost is.

Mess Hall
Jean Michelle smiles at Arthur "A variety of weapons ranging from swords to hammers. Our MDAs compliment the use of close combat by either making us faster or more durable to close the gap between our enemies."

Ayla glares at Rey "Why should how interesting you fight matter in the battlefield? If he is more effective with guns then let him keep using guns. It's stupid to try something for the sake of style when it may get you killed."

Jean Michelle gives a worried laugh again. "You'll have to excuse Ayla, her battlefield techniques use pin point accuracy with knifes. Fascinating to watch though boring at the same time, she doesn't like expending useless movements."

Ayla replies to her friend dryly "Yes just as useless as explaining how someone fights..."

Jean Michelle chuckles as Ayla glares at him too.

Research Centre
The lady smiles graciously "My name is Dr. Kalina Ashwell, come this way. Yes you are right, we're not exactly sure what to touch without losing information just yet. It doesn't help that we don't exactly know what we are looking for." She guides you to the one that was shot by your captain, mostly intact except for the shot that severed it in two. A panel on its head has opened up, you can see a set of wiring and flashing lights coming from inside.
"You may undergo an evaluation yes, I will send you to the Medbay if you wish to visit one of the psychology doctors. However I have faith in the commodore on his choice in placing you as captain. So it might be a slip of the mind but unless the evaluation comes up that you do have some issues you shall stay in command of Sierra squad. If something does come up however you will likely by unfit for deployment at all. Understood?"

Ray Ray

First Post
He smirked as Ayla agreed with him, poking his tongue out at his sister.

"You see that Rey? Somebody appreciates me!" He makes a motion above his shoulder as if firing a rocket launcher at Rey, playful smile emerging on his face.

"No wastage, ey? I can't really talk about that. I wager I've wasted alot of bullets in my time, I'm no sniper. Get the job done though, don't we Rey?"

He looked down at his food, finally looking like hes about to give in to its tasty allure. He took one moment to glance at Ayla's glare to Jean Michelle and his final comment was thus:

"That expression doesn't suit you, doll. A pretty face should wear a pretty smile, ey?"

He then began the task of wolfing down the trays of food in front of him in a totally flattering and completely gentleman like manner. In his opinion, anyway. (alternative text: He eats like a pig.)

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