The Lunaedriac

Cycle: 497. Day: 73 Season: Stasis.
Jade: 365 + 500 = 865
Headhunters: 391 + 500 = 891
Jei: 465 + 500 = 965
Tori: 466 + 500 = 966
Ceo: 464 + 600 = 1064
Falk: 464 + 600 = 1064
Ceo: 25(athleticism, camouflage)
Falk: 25(athleticism, camouflage)
Jei: 24(blur)
Jade: 25(soullessness, strength)
Tori: 24(soullessness)
Jade: 24(aggression) + 18(accuracy) + 26(fury) + 79(d100) = 147 + 25(strength) = 172
Jei: 21(finesse) + 24 + 23(clarity) + 79 = 147
Tori: 20(aggression) + 24 + 24(fury) + 79 = 147
Falk: 21(finesse) + 24 + 25(clarity) + 79 = 149
Headhunters: 30 + 65 = 95

Jade: 25(readiness) + 18(avoid) + 24(analysis) + 79(d100) = 146 + 25(soul) = 171
195 - 171 = 24% * 5 = 1 - 1(soak) = ineffective
Ceo: 19 + 23 + 24 + 79 = 145 + 25(camo) = 170
212 - 167 = 45% * 5 = 2 - 1(soak) = 1
Falk: 19 + 23 + 24 + 79 = 145 + 25 = 170
212 - 167 = 45% * 5 = 2
Jei: 19 + 24 + 24 + 79 = 146 + 24(blur) = 170
195 - 170 = 25% * 5 = 1
Headhunters: 30 + 65 = 95
172 - 95 = 77% * 8 = 6
147 - 95 = 52% * 3 = 2
147 - 95 = 52% * 3 = 2
149 - 95 = 54% * 5 = 3
Ceo: 19(launch) + 24(accuracy) + 25(clarity) + 79(d100) = 147 + 25(athletics) + 24(kilter) = 196

Headhunters: 10(avoid) + 65(d100) = 75 + 10(2nd weapon) = 85
196 - 85 = 111% * 8 = 9
Jei: 30(bending) + 24(flash) + 51(d100) = 105
Tori: 30 + 24(paralyze) + 51 = 105
Falk: 27 + 25(taint) + 51 = 103

Headhunters: 20(conditioning), 10(resilience) + 65(d100) = 85, 75
105 - 85 = 20% * 3 = 1
105 - 75 = 30% * 3 = 1
103 - 85 = 18% * 3 = 1
H1: Mind: 8 - 5 = 3 - 6 = -3, unconscious. (jade)
H9: (jade)
H10: (jade)
H2: Body: 8 - 13 = -5, incapacitated. (ceo)
H6: Body: 8 - 9 = -1, incapacitated. (ceo)
H3: Mind: 8 - 8 = 0, unconscious. (Falk)
H8: Mind: 8 - 3 - 1 = 4, dazed. (Falk)
H4: Mind: 8 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 1 = 2, confused. (jei)
H5: Body: 8 - 9 = -1, incapacitated. (jei)
H7: Mind: 8 - 2 = 6, dazed. Motility: 6 - 1 = 5, slowed. (tori)
Stepping toward one of her opponents and upward in elevation, Jade punches her hammer toward the chest of a headhunter. The blow cracks bone and knocks all of the wind from the barbarian, causing him to lose consciousness. The other two continue to fight, though they coordinate rather poorly. The first one swings his bone axe but misses badly. The second one makes contact, but the force of the blow is soaked by the thin leather tunic of Jade.

Being down to two opponents, thanks to Parakeet, Jay avoids the swing of one but is struck by the second. It is barely a glancing blow, merely causing some irritation; though coupled with the first two blows, Jay is now a bit confused. This confusion is not enough to prevent him from retaliating. His left hand jabs forward emitting a bright flash as it makes contact with the same opponent he had hit with the rock. The flash is not as effective as the punch, which surprises Jay just a bit.

Parakeet reaches the second opponent facing Jay, almost at the instant the first was struck, rabbit punching the healthier opponent, aiming for his kidney. The blow is not quite that accurate, but it is effective. That headhunter turns to face his new assailant.

Brook manages to avoid being struck a second time by her remaining opponent and fires her arrow, but the advantage of firing from point blank is negated by the fact that she is engaged in melee. The arrow sticks deeply into the gut of that headhunter, just above the left hip. He falls to the ground, unable to continue.

Like Brook, Falcon has no difficulty avoiding the weapon of his remaining opponent, clubbing him with the stone in his sling as he does. Though they are faring poorly, the headhunters seem intent on continuing to attack. Jade is still facing two who are unhurt.
Ceo: Mind: 10 - 1 = 9, irritated.
Falk: Mind: 10 - 2 = 8, dazed.
Jei: Mind: 10 - 4 - 1 = 5, confused.
Jade: Mind: 10 - 2 = 8, dazed.
Tori: full wellness
lacquered elytrum: 5 pair: 12 coins per pair

flint: 2: {shock x2}
bloodstone: 6: (Fitness +1): 10 coins each
milkstone: 3: (Will +1): 10 coins each
slate: 21: {thump x2}
sunstone: 8: (Persona +1), {muddle x2}: 10 coins each
waterstone: 1: (Motility +1): 10 coins

aluminum: 1: {shock x3}: 10 coins each
iron: 2: {shock x2}: 5 coins each
magnesium: 17: 5 coins each
tin: 15: {Muddle x2}
Bergbaulager: Maldrog community
Bird Island: Yahdram tombs
Ceannbhrat Buaircineach: Spiofthest community
Marmeren Heavel: Orngaddrin community
Recompensa-do-Rio: Rheini community
Vit Spira: Kozzog community
Yamamidori: Hebrian community
OOC: Each character receives 9 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

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Jade grips her mallet and grits her teeth. Dipping her upper body, she uses her legs to put as much force into her hammer as possible. “ISS das, du Barbar!,” which is to say, “Eat this, you barbarian!”

Jei relaxes his fists and waves both of his hands, since they are glowing, clenching them only when he strikes. Now facing her own enemy, Tori, who is shorter than her opponent, strikes for his hip, hoping to hurt the bone despite her diminutive size. Since she is now free of opponents, Ceo moves to take aim at one of the enemies facing Jade. Continuing to whirl his sling like a club, Falk hopes to put down his remaining headhunter.
OOC: 82, 54

Cycle: 497. Day: 73 Season: Stasis.
Jade: 365 + 500 = 865
Headhunters: 391 + 500 = 891
Jei: 465 + 500 = 965
Tori: 466 + 500 = 966
Ceo: 464 + 600 = 1064
Falk: 464 + 600 = 1064
Ceo: 25(athleticism, camouflage)
Falk: 25(athleticism, camouflage)
Jei: 24(blur)
Jade: 25(soullessness, strength)
Tori: 24(soullessness)
Jade: 24(aggression) + 18(accuracy) + 26(fury) + 82(d100) = 150 + 25(strength) = 175
Jei: 21(finesse) + 24 + 23(clarity) + 82 = 150
Tori: 20(aggression) + 24 + 24(fury) + 82 = 150
Falk: 21(finesse) + 24 + 25(clarity) + 82 = 152
Headhunters: 30 + 68 = 98

Jade: 25(readiness) + 18(avoid) + 24(analysis) + 82(d100) = 149 + 25(soul) = 174
198 - 174 = 24% * 5 = 1 - 1(soak) = ineffective
Ceo: 19 + 23 + 24 + 79 = 145 + 25(camo) = 170
212 - 167 = 45% * 5 = 2 - 1(soak) = 1
Falk: 19 + 23 + 24 + 79 = 145 + 25 = 170
212 - 167 = 45% * 5 = 2
Jei: 19 + 24 + 24 + 79 = 146 + 24(blur) = 170
195 - 170 = 25% * 5 = 1
Headhunters: 30 + 68 = 98
175 - 98 = 77% * 8 = 6
150 - 98 = 52% * 3 = 2
150 - 98 = 52% * 3 = 2
152 - 98 = 54% * 5 = 3
Ceo: 19(launch) + 24(accuracy) + 25(clarity) + 82(d100) = 150 + 50(range) + 25(athletics) + -25(friend) + 24(kilter) = 224

Headhunters: 10(avoid) + 68(d100) = 78 + 10(2nd weapon) = 88
224 - 88 = 136% * 8 = 11
Jei: 30(bending) + 24(flash) + 54(d100) = 108
Tori: 30 + 24(paralyze) + 54 = 108
Falk: 27 + 25(taint) + 54 = 106

Headhunters: 20(conditioning), 10(resilience) + 68(d100) = 88, 78
108 - 88 = 20% * 3 = 1
108 - 78 = 30% * 3 = 1
106 - 88 = 18% * 3 = 1
H1: Mind: 8 - 5 = 3 - 6 = -3, unconscious. (jade)
H9: Mind: 8 - 6 = 2, confused. (jade)
H10: Body: 8 - 11 = -3, incapacitated. (jade)
H2: Body: 8 - 13 = -5, incapacitated. (ceo)
H6: Body: 8 - 9 = -1, incapacitated. (ceo)
H3: Mind: 8 - 8 = 0, unconscious. (Falk)
H8: Mind: 8 - 3 - 1 - 3 - 1 = 0, unconscious. (Falk)
H4: Mind: 8 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 2 - 1 = -1, unconscious. (jei)
H5: Body: 8 - 9 = -1, incapacitated. (jei)
H7: Mind: 8 - 2 - 2 = 4, dazed. Motility: 6 - 1 - 1 = 4, slowed. (tori)
Jade moves to her left, switching to a new opponent. She swing her hammer laterally as she stands to her full height, striking the headhunter in the gut, knocking most of the wind from him. He futilely attempts to retaliate. Even with the distraction of a comrade, the second opponent is not able to make an effective attack on the female Maldrog. The remaining opponent facing Falcon is only slightly dazed but cannot manage to hit him. The one facing Jay is more confused and slower to act. The one who switched to Parakeet is unable to hit her. The Headhunters have stepped into a losing situation for them.

The glowing blue hands of Jay almost have a hypnotic effect on his confused enemy. His second punch and the flash of light take away the consciousness of the headhunter. Tori punches her opponent as she intended, but the punch is not enough to break anything or take him down. A few tics after, Brook puts an arrow into the back of the uninjured enemy facing Jade, taking him down. The second blow from Falcon and the accompanying taint is enough to knock out his remaining opponent.

Only two headhunters remain standing, one facing Jade and one facing Parakeet. In only a few more seconds the girls subdue these also, leaving no enemies to fight.
Ceo: Mind: 10 - 1 = 9, irritated.
Falk: Mind: 10 - 2 = 8, dazed.
Jei: Mind: 10 - 4 - 1 = 5, confused.
Jade: Mind: 10 - 2 = 8, dazed.
Tori: full wellness
lacquered elytrum: 5 pair: 12 coins per pair

flint: 2: {shock x2}
bloodstone: 6: (Fitness +1): 10 coins each
milkstone: 3: (Will +1): 10 coins each
slate: 21: {thump x2}
sunstone: 8: (Persona +1), {muddle x2}: 10 coins each
waterstone: 1: (Motility +1): 10 coins

aluminum: 1: {shock x3}: 10 coins each
iron: 2: {shock x2}: 5 coins each
magnesium: 17: 5 coins each
tin: 15: {Muddle x2}
Bergbaulager: Maldrog community
Bird Island: Yahdram tombs
Ceannbhrat Buaircineach: Spiofthest community
Marmeren Heavel: Orngaddrin community
Recompensa-do-Rio: Rheini community
Vit Spira: Kozzog community
Yamamidori: Hebrian community
OOC: Each character receives 9 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Not wanting to leave any headhunters to continue, Jade strikes each of her fallen enemies once more in the head. “We should make sure the headhunters are dead so they can not recover and torment the locals again.”

Jei nods and sticks his javelin into the throat of the ones near him. Each of the party members then searches the bodies for anything of interest. Tori suggests that they take something from the headhunters to show to the Maldrogs to indicate their demise. “I am not saying a head or ears. That would be barbaric. Maybe something of their belongings that the locals might recognize.”
OOC: 85, 57

Cycle: 497. Day: 73 Season: Stasis.
Ceo: 23(observe) + 57, 85(d100) = 80, 108
Falk: 23 + 57, 85 = 80, 108
Jei: 25 + 57, 85 = 82, 110
Jade: 22 + 57, 85 = 79, 107
Tori: 25 + 57, 85 = 82, 110
Searching the bodies reaffirms the rudimentary nature of these people, if they even are people and not some monsters that look like people. Each is carrying some trail supplies, and a few other trinkets are distributed among them. Jade discovers a viper skull fetish, which can augment freedom of movement (Motility +1) for her or Jay or Parakeet, and an ingot of iron. Brook and Falcon each discover a fowler skull fetish, which can augment the inexplicable reason for autonomous life (Adhesion +1) in Jay or Jade or Parakeet, and an ingot of iron, each. Jay and Parakeet each discover a Bloodstone, which will augment overall wellness (Fitness +1), and an ingot of lead, each. Two of the headhunters are also found to be carrying a small wooden replica of a ram’s horn. It seems likely that these horns will suffice as proof of demise for the headhunters.

Having little experience with the Wilds in general, the Maldrogs of the small community are not familiar with the significance of the ram’s horns, but they deduce that they must have been of some importance. There is no reason to doubt the young sailors, and they are grateful for the accomplished task, offering a feast in their honor.
Ceo: full wellness
Falk: full wellness
Jei: full wellness
Jade: full wellness
Tori: full wellness
lacquered elytrum: 5 pair: 12 coins per pair

flint: 2: {shock x2}
bloodstone: 6: (Fitness +1): 10 coins each
milkstone: 3: (Will +1): 10 coins each
slate: 21: {thump x2}
sunstone: 8: (Persona +1), {muddle x2}: 10 coins each
waterstone: 1: (Motility +1): 10 coins

aluminum: 1: {shock x3}: 10 coins each
iron: 5: {shock x2}: 5 coins each
lead: 2: {Leach x2}: no value
magnesium: 17: 5 coins each
tin: 15: {Muddle x2}
Bergbaulager: Maldrog community
Bird Island: Yahdram tombs
Ceannbhrat Buaircineach: Spiofthest community
Marmeren Heavel: Orngaddrin community
Recompensa-do-Rio: Rheini community
Vit Spira: Kozzog community
Yamamidori: Hebrian community
OOC: Each character receives 9 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Jade tosses the viper skull, since it is not needed by anyone in the party. Jei and Corbertori are given the fowler skull fetishes. The bloodstones and iron ingots are kept for their minor commercial value. At one point when the party members have time to themselves, Ceo says, “I do not know what anyone may be thinking of doing from here, but I would like to return to ‘Kane brah’ as soon as reasonable.”

Jade looks around at the other before responding. “We should do that, then. Would our normal patter of sailing to one village at a time make it soon enough?”

Ceo looks over at Tori, “Yes, I think that will be fine.”

The party departs in the morning for Vit Spira.
OOC: 88, 60

Cycle: 497. Day: 82 Season: Stasis.
Ceo: 23(observe) + 25(affinity) + 60, 88(d100) = 108, 136
Falk: 23 + 25 + 60, 88 = 108, 136
Jei: 25 + 24(tuning) + 60, 88 = 109, 137
Jade: 22 + 26(clairaudience) + 60, 88 = 108, 136
Tori: 25 + 24 + 60, 88 = 109, 137
Spiders: 40(stealth) + 50(coloration) + 74(d100) = 164

Ceo: 23(observe) + 25(affinity) + 88(d100) = 136
164 - 136 = 28
Falk: 23 + 25 + 88 = 136
164 - 136 = 28
Jei: 25 + 88 = 113
164 - 113 = 51
Jade: 22 + 26(clairaudience) + 88 = 136
164 - 136 = 28
Tori: 25 + 24 + 88 = 137
164 - 137 = 27
Spiders: 60 + 74(d100) = 134

Ceo: 24(readiness) + 23(avoid) + 24(analysis) + 88(d100) = 159
134 + 28(ambush) = 162 - 159 = 3
Falk: 24 + 23 + 24 + 88 = 159
Jei: 24 + 24 + 25 + 88 = 161
134 + 51 = 185 - 161 = 24% * 2 = ~1
Jade: 25 + 22 + 24 + 88 = 159
Tori: 24 + 24 + 24 + 88 = 160
Spiders: 60(finesse) + 74(d100) = 134

Ceo: 24 + 24 + 25(clarity) + 60 = 133
Falk: 24 + 24 + 25 + 60 = 133
Jei: 24 + 24 + 24 + 60 = 132
Jade: 25 + 23 + 24 + 60 = 132
Tori: 24 + 24 + 23 + 60 = 131
Spiders: 60(dose) + 74(d100) = 134

Jei: 25(conditioning + 23(fury) + 60(d100) = 108
134 - 108 = 26% * 6(strength) = 1

It takes four and a half days of actual sailing to reach Vit Spira, and an additional four days are spent exploring inland at each stop along the way. Some light rain usually falls each evening during this trip, cooling the increasing temperatures from the day and often causing a fog to appear in the cliffs like some low settling cloud.

While exploring, Brook and Falcon discover some Itchweed, which can enhance the mystical effectiveness of generating a caustic burn (Ionize x2); after which, the measure disintegrates. Jay discovers an opaque, dark, burgundy stone called Heartstone, which will augment the impetus for resilience and vitality (Confluence +1). He also collects an ingot of iron.

When setting snares, everyone is successful at capturing a tiny rodent or two, but Brook and Falcon have the misfortune of losing one of their snares. While actively hunting, everyone except Jay is able to take a larger rodent, but each is still considered a rather small animal. Each also discovers that the entire skull or even just the two top incisors can be used to augment overall wellness (Fitness +1).

On a more detrimental note, the party is ambushed by a pod of spiders, containing five in total. A spider lands on each member of the party, but only Jay is actually bitten. At this instant, however, the venom has little effect, but it is still in his veins.
Ceo: full wellness
Falk: full wellness
Jei: Body: 10 - 1 = 9, irritated. Strength: 2 - 1 = 1, weakened.
Jade: full wellness
Tori: full wellness
lacquered elytrum: 5 pair: 12 coins per pair

itchweed: 2: {ionize x2}

flint: 2: {shock x2}
bloodstone: 6: (Fitness +1): 10 coins each
milkstone: 3: (Will +1): 10 coins each
slate: 21: {thump x2}
sunstone: 8: (Persona +1), {muddle x2}: 10 coins each
waterstone: 1: (Motility +1): 10 coins

aluminum: 1: {shock x3}: 10 coins each
iron: 6: {shock x2}: 5 coins each
lead: 2: {Leach x2}: no value
magnesium: 17: 5 coins each
tin: 15: {Muddle x2}
Bergbaulager: Maldrog community
Bird Island: Yahdram tombs
Ceannbhrat Buaircineach: Spiofthest community
Marmeren Heavel: Orngaddrin community
Recompensa-do-Rio: Rheini community
Vit Spira: Kozzog community
Yamamidori: Hebrian community
OOC: Each character receives 9 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Being the only one without an item to augment such, Falk is given the Heartstone.

Forsaking any semblance of decorum for form, everyone grabs ahold of his spiders and attempts to remove it by force. Ceo and Falk both try to generate a causic burn, making use of a measure of itchweed, while using momentum to sling the spiders away. Jay tries to electrocute his, enhancing it by utilizing a piece of flint, while hoping to sling it off. Jade generates heat while trying to slam the spider body into the ground. Tori does something out of character to the others. She mystically weakens the arachnid as she tries to slam it to the ground.
OOC: 51, 63

Cycle: 497. Day: 82 Season: Stasis.
Jei: 500 - 161 = 339
Tori: 500 - 160 = 340
Ceo: 500 - 159 = 341
Falk: 500 - 159 = 341
Jade: 500 - 159 = 341
Spiders: 500 - 134 = 366
Ceo: 23(finesse) + 24(accuracy) + 28(clarity) + 51(d100) = 116 + 100(attached) = 216
Falk: 23 + 24 + 28 + 51 = 116 + 100 = 216
Jei: 23 + 27 + 24 + 51 = 115 + 100 = 215
Jade: 23(aggression) + 23 + 28(fury) + 51 = 115 + 100 = 215
Tori: 23 + 27 + 24 + 51 = 115 + 100 = 215
Spiders: 60(finesse) + 57(d100) = 117 + 100 = 217

Ceo: 24 + 24 + 25(clarity) + 60 = 133
Falk: 24 + 24 + 25 + 60 = 133
Jei: 24 + 24 + 24 + 60 = 132
Jade: 25 + 23 + 24 + 60 = 132
Tori: 24 + 24 + 23 + 60 = 131
Spiders: 60(dodge) + 57 = 117
216 - 117 = 99% * 1 = 1
215 - 117 = 98% * 1 = 1
217 - 117 = 100% * 1 = 1
Spiders: 60(dose) + 57(d100) = 117

Jei: 25(conditioning) + 23(fury) + 63(d100) = 111
117 - 111 = 6% * 6(strength) = ~1
Ceo: 27(bending) + 28(corrosion) x2(itchweed) + 63 = 146
Falk: 24 + 24 + 25 + 60 = 133
Jei: 33 + 25(electrocute) x2(flint) + 63 = 146
Jade: 25 + 29(heat) + 63 = 117
Tori: 33 + 24(weaken) x2(lead) + 63 = 144

Spiders: 20(conditioning) + 57(d100) = 77
146 - 77 = 69% * 6 = 4
144 - 77 = 67% * 6 = 4
117 - 77 = 40% * 6 = 2
Despite his slightly weakened state, Jay reacts first, slinging the spider from him. As the spider is in the air, its body begins to shake vigorously, continuing to twitch involuntarily as it lands. The spider is dead. Parakeet acts nexts, only a single tic slower. She slams the spider to the ground with much less force than she would have liked to generate, but her mystical assault weakens the spider so as to cause it to die.

Brook and Falcon move next, spinning around and flinging their spiders from their bodies. Being agile, each lands fairly well, suffering little harm from being thrown, but their bodies begin to bubble and fester from within, killing them outright. Jade is the slowest of the party but no less effective at removing the spider. Even without the aid of an enhancing item, she is able to generate enough heat to incapacitate the arachnid. Only Jay was hurt during the ambush, and he is still infected with spider venom.
Ceo: full wellness
Falk: full wellness
Jei: Body: 10 - 1 = 9, irritated. Strength: 2 - 1 = 1, weakened.
Jade: full wellness
Tori: full wellness
lacquered elytrum: 5 pair: 12 coins per pair

flint: 1: {shock x2}
bloodstone: 6: (Fitness +1): 10 coins each
milkstone: 3: (Will +1): 10 coins each
slate: 21: {thump x2}
sunstone: 8: (Persona +1), {muddle x2}: 10 coins each
waterstone: 1: (Motility +1): 10 coins

aluminum: 1: {shock x3}: 10 coins each
iron: 6: {shock x2}: 5 coins each
lead: 1: {Leach x2}: no value
magnesium: 17: 5 coins each
tin: 15: {Muddle x2}
Bergbaulager: Maldrog community
Bird Island: Yahdram tombs
Ceannbhrat Buaircineach: Spiofthest community
Marmeren Heavel: Orngaddrin community
Recompensa-do-Rio: Rheini community
Vit Spira: Kozzog community
Yamamidori: Hebrian community
OOC: Each character receives 9 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Ceo immediately goes to Jei, knowing that she can mystically negate the venom from within him. Afterward, she will aid in his recovery. Jei also uses what little skill he has to enhance his own natural recovery. The others gather the spider carcasses and break off their legs to cook for food. They will also try to determine if any other parts of the spiders have any practical or mystical use.
OOC: 54, 66

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