The Lunaedriac


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 497. Day: 59 Season: Rebirth.
Ceo: 15(observe) + 89, 61(d100) = 107, 76
Falk: 15 + 89, 61 = 107, 76
Jei: 21 + 89, 61 = 113, 82
Jade: 13 + 89, 61 = 105, 74
Tori: 21 + 89, 61 = 113, 82
The Orngaddrins warn the young sailors that the next river outlet that falls between their village and Ceannbhrat Buaircineach has a very narrow mouth, strong currents, and a steep falls. If their small vessel becomes trapped in the current, it will likely be sucked into the river and destroyed over the falls, killing all of the youths. They recommend that, once reaching the eastern point of the cliffs, the party heads more south than east to avoid this possibility. It is sound advice.

It takes a day to reach the point of the cliffs, which is obvious. There is not a good mooring and the sailors secure the boat but remain on it to sleep through the night. Believing the warning from the Orngaddrins, another day crosses the narrow inlet to reach the eastern shore and avoid the risk of crashing. Eight more days, after that, are required to reach the Spiofthest village, including the extra spent at each stop to explore inland.

Perhaps Fortune smiled upon the group or perhaps Parakeet was blessed, because the party certainly began to collect more things after their newest member joined. Between Marmeren Heavel and Ceannbhrat Buaircineach, Jade discovers four opaque gray stones with streaks of semi-translucent red running through them, called bloodstone. They are often used in trinkets, giving them minor commercial value. If bodily carried by any member of the party, a stone will augment overall wellness (Fitness +1).

Misty and Falcon discover 8 total opaque, yellow stones, called sunstones. If bodily carried by any member of the party, a stone will augment personal interactions (Persona +1) or a stone can be sacrificed to enhance the mystical effectiveness of the Muddle task by double. Jay and Parakeet discover a total of 8 shiny, white, opaque stones, called milkstone. If bodily carried by any member of the party, a stone will augment overall willpower (Will +1).

Jade also discovers 4 ingots of a dark, shiny, highly malleable metal, called tin. If sacrificed by any member of the party, an ingot will enhance the mystical effectiveness of the Muddle task by double. Misty and Falcon discover 8 dull, whitish, rock-like metal ingots, called magnesium, which may be combined with iron to make a more weather resistant alloy, giving them some commercial value.

Additionally, better fish are captured in the trap and the party is able to collect the elytra from 20 large beetles. Though these beetles can be a trivial threat, they are only able to excrete a noxious aroma that can render a person unconscious. While annoying, it does not have a lasting detrimental effect.
Ceo: full wellness
Falk: full wellness
Jei: full wellness
Jade: full wellness
Tori: full wellness
shellacked elytrum: 160 pair: 2 coins per pair
large elytrum: 20 pair: 8 coins per pair

flint: 2: {shock x2}
bloodstone: 4: (Fitness +1): 10 coins each
heartstone: 2: (Confluence +1): 10 coins each
milkstone: 8: (Will +1): 10 coins each
slate: 7: {thump x2}
sunstone: 8: (Persona +1), {muddle x2}: 10 coins each

iron: 2: {shock x2}: 5 coins each
magnesium: 8: 5 coins each
tin: 13: {Muddle x2}
Bergbaulager: Maldrog community
Bird Island: Yahdram tombs
Ceannbhrat Buaircineach: Spiofthest community
Marmeren Heavel: Orngaddrin community
Recompensa-do-Rio: Rheini community
Vit Spira: Kozzog community
Yamamidori: Hebrian community
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

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Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Jade elects to keep one of the heartstones. Ceo decides to keep the other one. Everybody keeps a milkstone. Happy with the current direction of progress, the party disembarks at the Spiofthest village to visit with the parents of Ceo and spend some time visiting other members of the community to hear if any pertinent information is to be shared.

Ceo motions to the others. “We are not quite as lively as the Maldrogs, but come meet my folks. I am sure they will throw a feast. We also play music, not just percussion, we also have pipes. I cannot play much, but I have a near relative who is learning.”

Jade responds, “We have visited with our families at every other stop. This brings the boat full circle. I would love to meet your kin. Do not tell my parents but the Spiofthest cook much better than my people do.”
OOC: 52, 64


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 497. Day: 68 Season: Stasis.
Ceo: 15(observe) + 52, 64(d100) = 67, 79
Falk: 15 + 52, 64 = 67, 79
Jei: 21 + 52, 64 = 73, 85
Jade: 13 + 52, 64 = 65, 77
Tori: 21 + 52, 64 = 73, 85
The Spiofthests welcome everyone as if they were kin. Though they are not as physical or as boisterously festive as the Maldrogs, they are all very friendly and accommodating. The time within Ceannbhrat Buaircineach is pleasurable and relaxing. As to business, while the Spiofthests always seem to be working on something for one of the other communities, there is not currently a need for any special delivery, leaving the young sailors to, once again, make decisions for themselves.

It takes five days of sailing to reach Yamamidori from the Spiofthest village, giving a total of nine days due to the four inland excursions. The youths also pass within sight of Bird Island, helping to mentally mark its location. There is no reason to divert there at this time. The four excursions result in the collection of 100 more shellacked carapaces, but no more large beetles are discovered. No metal or special stone are found, but twelve more pieces of slate and 10 more pieces of flint are collected, since these may prove to be of use to the party, even though they are not much for trade.
Ceo: full wellness
Falk: full wellness
Jei: full wellness
Jade: full wellness
Tori: full wellness
shellacked elytrum: 160 pair: 2 coins per pair
large elytrum: 20 pair: 8 coins per pair

flint: 2: {shock x2}
bloodstone: 4: (Fitness +1): 10 coins each
milkstone: 3: (Will +1): 10 coins each
slate: 19: {thump x2}
sunstone: 8: (Persona +1), {muddle x2}: 10 coins each

iron: 2: {shock x2}: 5 coins each
magnesium: 8: 5 coins each
tin: 13: {Muddle x2}
Bergbaulager: Maldrog community
Bird Island: Yahdram tombs
Ceannbhrat Buaircineach: Spiofthest community
Marmeren Heavel: Orngaddrin community
Recompensa-do-Rio: Rheini community
Vit Spira: Kozzog community
Yamamidori: Hebrian community
OOC: Each character receives 9 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.
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Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
When arriving at the Hebrian village, Jei leads the group around and introduces Tori, the newest member of the party, to his parents, since she is the only one not yet known. The party will engage in polite conversations with the locals but does not inquire after any special deliveries, knowing that their next stop will be to delivery the elytra. Jade, who has developed a true interest in Jei, makes a deliberate effort to learn more of the local language, which is considerably different from her own.
OOC: 55, 67


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 497. Day: 64 Season: Stasis.
Ceo: 15(observe) + 55, 67(d100) = 70, 82
Falk: 15 + 55, 67 = 70, 82
Jei: 25 + 55, 67 = 80, 92
Jade: 13 + 55, 67 = 68, 80
Tori: 25 + 55, 67 = 80, 92
Ceo: 15(coerce) + 25(allure) + 67(d100) = 107
Falk: 15 + 25 + 67 = 107
Jei: 25 + 15(muddle) + 67 = 107
Jade: 13 + 15 + 67 = 95
Tori: 25 + 15 + 67 = 107
Jay’s parents make the same gesture toward the young sailors as they had on the previous arrival. Like all Hebrian people, they take great pride in their ceremonies of offering tea and food and bathing. Parakeet is a bit unprepared because she lacks familiarity, but the comfortableness of the party members to the ceremonies helps her relax.

It takes three days of sailing to reach the Rheini community, and an extra day is spent at each of the two stops in between for inland exploration. On these two particular stops, the party is fortunate enough to come across pods of large beetles, which yields 10 more pairs of the larger elytra.

At the village of Recompensa-do-Rio, the Rheini people greet the party with their usual friendliness. Seeing Parakeet, a child is sent to inform her parents. Her parents are elated at finding their daughter accepted within the group and invite the youths to celebrate with food and drink. The villages of the Lunaedriac do not use any type of currency. All trade is conducted on a barter system. The Rheini are elated with the amount of elytra and offer shellacked bracers for the entire party, in exchange. This seems like a fair trade.
Ceo: full wellness
Falk: full wellness
Jei: full wellness
Jade: full wellness
Tori: full wellness
shellacked elytrum: 160 pair: 2 coins per pair
large elytrum: 30 pair: 8 coins per pair

flint: 2: {shock x2}
bloodstone: 4: (Fitness +1): 10 coins each
milkstone: 3: (Will +1): 10 coins each
slate: 19: {thump x2}
sunstone: 8: (Persona +1), {muddle x2}: 10 coins each

iron: 2: {shock x2}: 5 coins each
magnesium: 8: 5 coins each
tin: 13: {Muddle x2}
Bergbaulager: Maldrog community
Bird Island: Yahdram tombs
Ceannbhrat Buaircineach: Spiofthest community
Marmeren Heavel: Orngaddrin community
Recompensa-do-Rio: Rheini community
Vit Spira: Kozzog community
Yamamidori: Hebrian community
OOC: Each character receives 9 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
The young sailors agree to the exchange and thank the Rheini for their generosity. After a brief discussion, they decide to continue sailing south, spending more time exploring the mountains at each stop, because no one else is known to do much of it. Jei says, “I am not yet ready to risk exploring one of the other islands. People may be afraid for no reason other than superstition, but there is the possibility of something more.”

Ceo responds first. “I agree. We should see what else we might discover before we test those fears for validity, especially if they are warranted.”

Tori adds her thoughts. “The southern mountains are not as steep as the northern ones. My people go down into the jungle following the river, all the time. I have been told that this river is the calmest to leave the lake. We should not have to do any strenuous climbing or need ropes.”

Jade nods. “I like it. The beetles gave us a good start, but maybe we can find some ore that will be worth more.”
OOC: 58, 70


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 497. Day: 67 Season: Stasis.
Ceo: 19(observe) + 25(affinity) + 58, 70(d100) = 102, 114
Falk: 19 + 25 + 58, 70(d100) = 102, 114
Jei: 25 + 58, 70 = 83, 95
Jade: 13 + 58, 70 = 71, 83
Tori: 25 + 58, 70 = 83, 95
The youths sail out for a day, which brings the vessel half the distance to the southern Maldrog village. Having stopped here before, it is relatively flat at the water’s edge and good for mooring. The mountains are far less steep at this location and more covered in vegetation. The southern latitude offers some varieties other than the conifers that grow in the northern part of the lake. The ambient temperature is fairly hot and there is little breeze. The songbirds are prolific and noisy. A campsite is selected and an area cleared for a fire, since the party plans to spend at least two days exploring.

With their newly discovered affinity with nature, Brook Mist and Falcon locate some herbs, called Soothe, that are excellent for making a calming tea. Despite the desire, no ore or mineral is located that would be worth collecting, but none of the party is particularly tuned to such, at least not yet. The snares and the fish trap are all productive, but the hunting is plagued with a bit of misfortune. Finding that they have become a little better at tracking animals, Brook and Falcon come across one that is not wanted. Hoping for a bit larger animal than can be caught in a snare, the two, unfortunately, corner a skunk, which promptly sprays them. The nasty spray which can be more harmful to some is not so detrimental for those two, and they instinctively realize that each of them can bend chemical waylines to negate the stench and its muddling effect.
Ceo: full wellness
Falk: full wellness
Jei: full wellness
Jade: full wellness
Tori: full wellness
shellacked elytrum: 160 pair: 2 coins per pair
large elytrum: 30 pair: 8 coins per pair

flint: 2: {shock x2}
bloodstone: 4: (Fitness +1): 10 coins each
milkstone: 3: (Will +1): 10 coins each
slate: 19: {thump x2}
sunstone: 8: (Persona +1), {muddle x2}: 10 coins each

iron: 2: {shock x2}: 5 coins each
magnesium: 8: 5 coins each
tin: 13: {Muddle x2}
Bergbaulager: Maldrog community
Bird Island: Yahdram tombs
Ceannbhrat Buaircineach: Spiofthest community
Marmeren Heavel: Orngaddrin community
Recompensa-do-Rio: Rheini community
Vit Spira: Kozzog community
Yamamidori: Hebrian community
OOC: Each character receives 9 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
The second evening, while relaxing around the campsite, Jade conveyed her dissatisfaction. “I really want to be better at finding useful ore. I know I can do this. Being this close to the southern Maldrog community, ore would be a profitable find. If we could find enough, they would travel this far to mine it. I am going to try a ritual in the morning and ask for guidance in this matter. Jei, perhaps you could help me? I know that Kio and Falk are more tuned to plants and animals. Tori, I do not know your affinity.”

Jei responded, “Of course I will join you. You are wanting to take another day, here?”

Tori answered. “I think I am more attuned to people and sound. I seem to get a sense of the lifeforce of others, and I hear really well. I do not yet know how I can make use of this.”

Ceo looks at Falk before responding. “We are good with staying here another day. It is a good location for food.”
OOC: 61, 73


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 497. Day: 68 Season: Stasis.
Ceo: 19(observe) + 25(affinity) + 61, 73(d100) = 105, 117
Falk: 19 + 25 + 61, 73(d100) = 105, 117
Jei: 25 + 20(ritual) + 61, 73 = 106, 118
Jade: 13 + 24 + 61, 73 = 94, 106
Tori: 25 + 61, 73 = 86, 98
Despite her emphatic desire, Jade is ill suited to developing an affinity with minerals or ore. Her amorous attendant, Jay, however, is developing just that talent. Paying homage to the faith of Jade, the two youths significantly increase their chance of success. During the next day’s exploration, Jade discovers a bloodstone and ingot of a dull, whitish, rock-like metal that happens to be magnesium. Jei discovers a bloodstone and an opaque brown stone with streaks of semi-translucent blue running through it, called waterstone. It is often used in trinkets, giving it minor commercial value. If bodily carried by any member of the party, it will augment overall movement (Motility +1). Jei also discovers a single ingot of magnesium and a larger stone that contains 7 ingots. These finds are not much in the way of commercialism, but they are an improvement.

While the snares and the fishtrap are again productive, Brook and Falcon are only able to separately track fowlers. Having learned from their first lesson, the two avoid being sprayed by a skunk. There does not seem to be a reason to capture one of them. Even though the hides are useful, they are a bit small and require too much skill to recover.
Ceo: full wellness
Falk: full wellness
Jei: full wellness
Jade: full wellness
Tori: full wellness
shellacked elytrum: 160 pair: 2 coins per pair
large elytrum: 30 pair: 8 coins per pair

flint: 2: {shock x2}
bloodstone: 6: (Fitness +1): 10 coins each
milkstone: 3: (Will +1): 10 coins each
slate: 19: {thump x2}
sunstone: 8: (Persona +1), {muddle x2}: 10 coins each
waterstone: 1: (Motility +1): 10 coins

iron: 2: {shock x2}: 5 coins each
magnesium: 17: 5 coins each
tin: 13: {Muddle x2}
Bergbaulager: Maldrog community
Bird Island: Yahdram tombs
Ceannbhrat Buaircineach: Spiofthest community
Marmeren Heavel: Orngaddrin community
Recompensa-do-Rio: Rheini community
Vit Spira: Kozzog community
Yamamidori: Hebrian community
OOC: Each character receives 9 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Jei has been considering the implication of the lack of results from their explorations for some time when he expresses his thoughts on the subject. “We are of the opinion that no one else from the villages is exploring the surrounding mountains, but we do not know this for certain. Maybe it has been done before our time which is why we are not finding anything of interest. While we are at this location where it is easier to climb, maybe we should travel farther away from the water.”

It seems to be sound reasoning. Jade is proud of the explanation and promptly kisses Jei to show her gratitude. The idea triggers thought for Ceo. “That could also explain why we are not finding better game. Animals are naturally afraid of people and are probably only coming down to the lake to drink. Since all of the peoples travel the lake extensively, the bigger animals may have moved farther away. We should go ahead and try moving our camp much farther inland.”
OOC: 64, 76

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