The Lunaedriac


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 497. Season: Rebirth. Day: 21
Ceo: 15(coerce) + 19(muddle) + 77(d100) = 111
Falk: 15 + 19 + 77 = 111
Jei: 19 + 15 + 77 = 111
Jade: 13 + 19 + 77 = 109
During the simple negotiation, Jei does most of the talking, adding a few words of Rheini to show politeness. The leatherworkers appreciate the beetles, but they are of little value, and there are few of them. Being that the sailors are yet adolescents, the Faethrins encourage them to keep trying and assuring them that all beetle carapaces are appreciated, especially if larger ones are discovered. In return, the youths are given some sea rations, which are truthfully worth about twice the value of the elytra.

As to special deliveries, since Recompensa-do-Rio is situated at the farthest river on the south end of the lake, which also has the least steep series of falls that lead down the mountain in a jungle environment. The jungle has a vast difference in vegetation from the cone bearing, evergreen trees that surround the lake. As a result of this access, the Rheini brewers make a variety of fermented beverages of various flavors and strengths, aged in barrels made by the Spiofthests. The drinks are highly popular with the lake residents. They are popular enough to warrant extra trade trips, especially for the smaller Maldrog village across the southern tip of the lake. This is performed by indirect trade, since the ore given by the Maldrogs is traded, again, to the Orngaddrins. Even a single barrel is worth the quicker trip.
Ceo: full wellness
Falk: full wellness
Jei: full wellness
Jade: full wellness
shellacked elytrum: 16 pair: 2 coins per pair
Bergbaulager: Maldrog community
Bird Island: Yahdram tombs
Ceannbhrat Buaircineach: Spiofthest community
Marmeren Heavel: Orngaddrin community
Recompensa-do-Rio: Rheini community
Vit Spira: Kozzog community
Yamamidori: Hebrian community
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

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Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
As the youths are preparing to set sail the next morning at first light, Jade and Falk carry the barrel, together, and secure it to the mast of the vessel. As the rigging is checked by Ceo and Jei as the two take positions on the ship while Falk and Jade prepare to push it out into the water from its mooring. Before the two even begin pushing, the four are approached by a young Rheini girl who is able to speak some Maldrog.

Parakeet or Corbertori in Rheini is the daughter of two archers from Recompensa-do-Rio who regularly adventure short distances into the norther end of the Sis’wa’alo Jungle to hunt for game. Corbertori or simply Tori to her friends and family learned of her innate affinity with animals and closeness to nature at an early age. Her parents are aware of her talent to manipulate waylines, including the ability to make fire simply by willing it. Though the Rheini people are superstitious, they are also faith oriented and her parents believed their daughter to be blessed by Ecologia, a daughter of The Wind, and expected great things for her that would take her away from their home. When the four youngsters with their own sailing vessels arrived, the parents believed it to be a prophetic occurrence.
OOC: 77, 89


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 497. Season: Rebirth. Day: 25
Ceo: 15(observe) + 77, 89(d100) = 92, 104
Falk: 15 + 77, 89 = 92, 104
Jei: 20 + 77, 89 = 97, 109
Jade: 13 + 77, 89 = 90, 102
Tori: 20 + 77, 89 = 97, 109
A single day or ten hours is needed to sail straight from Recompensa-do-Rio to the unnamed Maldrog village at the southern end of the lake. The Maldrogs are grateful for the alcoholic beverage and offer a feast for the youths in addition to trading a leather bag of raw ore. Not being asked to deliver the ore to the Orngaddrins, the young sailors return to the Rheini village the next day. This begins to establish a good reputation for the youths.

Having no mission at hand and after some discussion, the youths decide to sail to the southern tip of the lake between the two southern rivers, which requires most of another day. This area is not inhabited, but the cliffs are not nearly as steep as the northern part of the lake, and it is a good place for some extra-curricular prospecting. Though plant products are unavailable during the Rebirth season, there are mineral and metallic items of compelling interest.

The compulsion is such that the urge to retrieve the items from the ground seems guided. As the party spreads out to follow various game trails, Jade discovers a piece of slate, Mist and Falcon each discover a piece of flint, while Jay and Parakeet each discover an opaque, dark, burgundy stone. Later, Jade, Mist, and Falcon all locate an ingot of tin, while Jay and Parakeet discover ingots of iron.

The set snares are all productive for tiny rodents, which are about the size or mass of a person’s arm. Larger rodents, about the size or mass of a person’s head, but none of these are captured and it is not reasonable to attempt to take one with a projectile. The day is pleasant enough, but nothing of greater interest is discovered.
Ceo: full wellness
Falk: full wellness
Jei: full wellness
Jade: full wellness
shellacked elytrum: 16 pair: 2 coins per pair
Bergbaulager: Maldrog community
Bird Island: Yahdram tombs
Ceannbhrat Buaircineach: Spiofthest community
Marmeren Heavel: Orngaddrin community
Recompensa-do-Rio: Rheini community
Vit Spira: Kozzog community
Yamamidori: Hebrian community
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Having yet explored too little of the lake, the youths decide to sail to another area to explore the land there. The plan is to continue passed the small Maldrog community toward Vit Spira, mooring each day to explore the mountains.

Tori, as it so happens, talk as much as Jei and the two say so many words without imparting any information that Falk catches the two by the shoulder and says, “Frid, frid ni två. Prata mindre,” which is to say, “Peace, peace you two. Talk less.” It is too much noise for him.

The words are not really understood, but the message is conveyed. Jei holds up his hands in a gesture of peace before making a relevant suggestion. “Instead of spending more time on land here, we should sail on for another day, until we become more familiar with the lay of the lake.”
OOC: 80, 52


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 497. Season: Rebirth. Day: 30
Ceo: 15(alchemy) + 21(analysis) + 80(d100) = 116, success
Falk: 15 + 21 + 80 = 116, success
Jei: 21 + 15 + 80 = 116, success
Jade: 13 + 21 + 80 = 114, success
Tori: 21 + 15 + 80 = 116, success
Ceo: 15(observe) + 80, 52 = 95, 67
Falk: 15 + 80, 52 = 95, 67
Jei: 21 + 80, 52 = 101, 73
Jade: 13 + 80, 52 = 93, 65
Tori: 21 + 80, 52 = 101, 73
While not manning the rigging or the till, each youth is able to discover the motivation for collecting the mineral and metal items. Slate is a dull, opaque, dark-gray stone of moderate hardness that tends to break, naturally, into flat plates, often used by rudimentary peoples to form weapons and tools. If held in hand by anyone in the party, a stone will enhance the mystical effectiveness of the Thump task by double; after which, the stone disintegrates. This has no commercial value. Flint is a light-gray stone of moderate hardness, often used by rudimentary peoples to make weapons. It can also be struck against iron to make a spark for creating fire. If held in hand by anyone in the party, a stone will enhance the mystical effectiveness of the Shock task by double; after which, the stone disintegrates. This has no commercial value. Heartstone is often used in trinkets carried by indigenous and agrarian peoples who are unaware of its mystical potential, giving it minor commercial value. If bodily carried by anyone in the party, a stone will augment the impetus for resilience and vitality (Confluence +1).

Tin is a dark, shiny, highly malleable metal. It was prized for its malleability during the previous age of technology, but its usefulness is being replaced by that of iron. It still has some minor commercial value. If held in hand by anyone in the party, an ingot will enhance the mystical effectiveness of the Muddle task by double; after which, the ingot disintegrates. Iron is a shiny, hard metal but often reddish and rock-like in its natural state. When combined with magnesium, it makes the highly useful alloy called Harnin, giving it commercial value. If held in hand by anyone in the party, an ingot will enhance the mystical effectiveness of the Shock task by double; after which, the ingot disintegrates.

Deliberately passing the small Maldrog village, the first stop for the young sailors is in a place where the mountains are steep and inhibit explorations. Four more days of sailing brings them to Vit Spira with three functional stops for prospecting. At each of the three stops, two more pieces of slate are collected, bringing the total to seven, and two more ingots of tin are discovered, bringing the total to nine. The items may be trivial, at this point, but it provides inspiration that the youths may be able to supply their own expeditions once they start to recognize items of greater value.

Collecting edible animals in snares and the fish trap continues to be productive, even though only common creatures are acquired. Still considered to be beneficial, more shellacked beetles are discovered at each of the three explored locations, providing 30 more pairs of elytra.
Ceo: full wellness
Falk: full wellness
Jei: full wellness
Jade: full wellness
shellacked elytrum: 30 pair: 2 coins per pair

flint: 2: {shock x2}
heartstone: 2: (Confluence +1)
slate: 7: {thump x2}

iron: 2: {shock x2}
tin: 9: {Muddle x2}
Bergbaulager: Maldrog community
Bird Island: Yahdram tombs
Ceannbhrat Buaircineach: Spiofthest community
Marmeren Heavel: Orngaddrin community
Recompensa-do-Rio: Rheini community
Vit Spira: Kozzog community
Yamamidori: Hebrian community
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
The youths spend a day in Vit Spira, visiting with the parents of Falk, as a gesture of politeness and desire to create a good reputation. They depart the next morning at first light. Knowing where they are and where sailing northward would lead, even though they never sailed it before on their own. At each stop, further exploration will be made of the inland landing area. It Jade who initiates the discussion this time, having basically been raised on a Maldrog barge. “As much time as I have spent on the lake with my family, the Maldrogs do not make extra stops. I have never seen anyone explore the uninhabited areas. We seem just the ones to do this.”

Falk nodded. “You make a very valid point. The five of us all seem to have a particular talent that most people do not possess. I think it is this talent that draws us to locate these stones and ingots.”

Jei hold up both hands in his newly adopted peace gesture. “I have thought on this quite a bit. I think we may even be able to develop this inherent talent.”

Tori adopted the same gesture. “I agree. I have heard that the Orngaddrins have people that they call ore sniffers. Maybe those prospectors have the same talent. My parents believe that I am blessed by Ecologia or Nature as you would call her.”

Ceo merely says, “Let us get this plan in motion.”
OOC: 83, 55


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 497. Day: 41 Season: Rebirth.
Ceo: 15(observe) + 83, 55 = 98, 70
Falk: 15 + 83, 55 = 98, 70
Jei: 21 + 83, 55 = 104, 76
Jade: 13 + 83, 55 = 96, 68
Tori: 21 + 83, 55 = 104, 76
It takes five days for the youths to sail from Vit Spira to Bergbaulager, making it a full Tenday with a day spent exploring at each stop. During the time ashore, 10 pieces of flint are discovered, along with ten ingots of tin. The finds are a little disappointing but they are better than nothing at all. The set snares are not very productive, only capturing a few hyraxes; but with the addition of the fish trap, enough food is captured to sustain everyone without difficulty.

As a find of inspiration for the expedition, during the four days in between villages, 130 beetles are squashed and their elytra collected. The normal shellacked beetles are about the size of a person’s fist; but unexpectedly on two different occasions, larger beetles of about the size of a person’s head are discovered. These beetles have a slight ability to defend themselves by spraying a noxious gas in the area around them. This gas, while overwhelming, is not lethal; and though several of the party are rendered temporarily unconscious, eight of the larger carapaces are collected.

Arriving at Bergbaulager, the party is greeted with much greater revelry than at any of the other villages, especially different from Vit Spira, Falcon’s home town. The Maldrogs cheer the youths and the family of Jade invites them all to celebrate their successful circumnavigation with a feast.
Ceo: full wellness
Falk: full wellness
Jei: full wellness
Jade: full wellness
shellacked elytrum: 160 pair: 2 coins per pair

flint: 2: {shock x2}
heartstone: 2: (Confluence +1)
slate: 7: {thump x2}

iron: 2: {shock x2}
tin: 9: {Muddle x2}
Bergbaulager: Maldrog community
Bird Island: Yahdram tombs
Ceannbhrat Buaircineach: Spiofthest community
Marmeren Heavel: Orngaddrin community
Recompensa-do-Rio: Rheini community
Vit Spira: Kozzog community
Yamamidori: Hebrian community
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
The revelry is infectious for Jade, who encourages her new friends to join. Ceo and Jei have enough personality that they require little encouragement. Jade prods Falk to wrestle some of the younger Maldrogs. With the extra encouragement from Ceo, he agrees. Jade explains that Falk does not have to win. It is considered honorable to the Maldrog people to participate in a show of strength. The next day the youths ask after any special deliveries and prepare to depart.

As they are readying the boat, Jade says, “Before we leave, I am going to ask one of the smiths if they will give me a lure for the trap. It should help us catch different fish.”

Falk is a bit uncomfortable with the festive and outgoing personalities of the Maldrog people, but he becomes more comfortable after a couple of wrestling matches. He knows that he is not as strong as the other Maldrog boys, so he tries to use his greater mobility.
OOC: 86, 58


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 497. Day: 49 Season: Rebirth.
Ceo: 15(observe) + 86, 58(d100) = 104, 73
Falk: 15 + 86, 58 = 104, 73
Jei: 21 + 86, 58 = 110, 79
Jade: 13 + 86, 58 = 102, 71
Tori: 21 + 86, 58 = 110, 79
Being out of his element, Falcon looses the first wrestling match and could be surprised to find that the other youth congratulate him on his effort, and they sound sincere. After a few moments rest, he takes a second match and wins. The third match he again loses; but afterward, he is treated like a great friend.

The Maldrogs do not have any special deliveries but they wish the youths well in their venture. The request from Jade is of no consequence, and the smith simply gives her a lure, which is just a thin, shiny, and very flat piece of metal to dangle in the trap and reflect light. The reflection can attract fish that only eat live bait, mistaking it for the reflection from a small minnow.

Four days are required to sail from Bergbaulager to Marmeren Heavel. With an extra day for inland exploration at each stop, the young sailors take eight days. Nothing of greater significance is discovered than at any other location; but this being their first trip around the lake, it can be considered a cursory examination. On a positive note, more beetles are discovered at each stop, bringing the carapace total to 238.

When reaching Marmeren Heavel, the Orngaddrins are found to be far less stoic than the Kozzogs had been but not nearly as festive as the Maldrogs. They are happy to give the youths sanctuary for the night and even give them a tour of their forges showing samples of the alloys that they make.
Ceo: full wellness
Falk: full wellness
Jei: full wellness
Jade: full wellness
shellacked elytrum: 160 pair: 2 coins per pair

flint: 2: {shock x2}
heartstone: 2: (Confluence +1)
slate: 7: {thump x2}

iron: 2: {shock x2}
tin: 9: {Muddle x2}
Bergbaulager: Maldrog community
Bird Island: Yahdram tombs
Ceannbhrat Buaircineach: Spiofthest community
Marmeren Heavel: Orngaddrin community
Recompensa-do-Rio: Rheini community
Vit Spira: Kozzog community
Yamamidori: Hebrian community
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Jade suggests, “We might as well finish our circuit around the lake. ‘Kian-bra’ brings us back to where this boat started, but we still need to take our beetle shells to ‘do-Rio.’ After that, I do not know.”

Jei offers, “Maybe we can trade the beetles for another fish trap. No one ever talk about Bird Island where we made our first stop. Maybe we can make a deliberate fishing trip.”

Tori asks, rhetorically, “You have been to one of the islands? My people tell stories about them. They are afraid to step on land there.”

Ceo adds, “Yes, my people tell stories of the Yahdram. They say they use to live on those island and that they are now haunted because of the War of Heaven.”

Being more pragmatic, as is expected of a Kozzog, Falk concludes, “Whatever we decide, it has to come after we trade our fare. Perhaps we can even collect more between here and there.”
OOC: 89, 61

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