The Lunaedriac

Cycle: 497. Day: 69 Season: Stasis.
Ceo: 19(observe) + 25(affinity) + 64, 76(d100) = 108, 120
Falk: 19 + 25 + 64, 76(d100) = 108, 120
Jei: 25 + 64, 76 = 89, 101
Jade: 13 + 64, 76 = 77, 89
Tori: 25 + 64, 76 = 89, 101
Moving into the mountains for most of another day still does not bring any results that the party members would better desire. Jay and Parakeet each find a piece of slate and an ingot of tin, but Jade does not come across anything. Brook and Falcon still do not come across any larger animals good for food. It seems that the lack of success can be more attributed to a lack of experience rather than any particular misfortune.
Ceo: full wellness
Falk: full wellness
Jei: full wellness
Jade: full wellness
Tori: full wellness
shellacked elytrum: 160 pair: 2 coins per pair
large elytrum: 30 pair: 8 coins per pair

flint: 2: {shock x2}
bloodstone: 6: (Fitness +1): 10 coins each
milkstone: 3: (Will +1): 10 coins each
slate: 21: {thump x2}
sunstone: 8: (Persona +1), {muddle x2}: 10 coins each
waterstone: 1: (Motility +1): 10 coins

iron: 2: {shock x2}: 5 coins each
magnesium: 17: 5 coins each
tin: 15: {Muddle x2}
Bergbaulager: Maldrog community
Bird Island: Yahdram tombs
Ceannbhrat Buaircineach: Spiofthest community
Marmeren Heavel: Orngaddrin community
Recompensa-do-Rio: Rheini community
Vit Spira: Kozzog community
Yamamidori: Hebrian community
OOC: Each character receives 9 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

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At some point, Jade stops moving forward and stomps her foot on the ground. She is irritated at the course of events or rather the lack of events. “Ugh! I give up! AL of this walking and walking and we are finding nothing! I think…”

Before she can continue, Jei considers it taking a risk but walks up and grabs ahold of Jade’s shoulder. He does not say anything, a rare and marked occasion. When she turns to him, he hugs her. She immediately hugs him back and starts crying.

Falk, who is normally silent, responds. “Let us change the tenor of that frustration. We are terrible explorers. We have no choice but to get better. We should clear our minds and sail on the small Maldrog village. Maybe they will need our assistance for something.”
OOC: 67, 79

Cycle: 497. Day: 71 Season: Stasis.
Ceo: 22(observe) + 25(affinity) + 67, 79(d100) = 114, 126
Falk: 22 + 25 + 67, 79(d100) = 114, 126
Jei: 25 + 67, 79 = 92, 104
Jade: 13 + 67, 79 = 80, 92
Tori: 25 + 67, 79 = 92, 104
Continuing on to the smaller Maldrog village after returning to the boat only takes another day. Not really expecting an answer, when the Maldrogs are asked about any desired tasks, they are at first hesitant to respond, indicating that something is bothering them. They finally convey that some headhunters were spotted farther into the mountains to the west. The group was avoided and no conflict had resulted but with the impending danger, they were concerned about their younger children who ventured out to explore and play. Though it is completely out of their expected purview, it seems like the Maldrogs are asking the young sailors to look into the problem. “We sent some of our miners out, but they could not find the group again. The sneaky goat suckers never go away. They are naturally cowards and hunt children. You do not seem to be like other children. There is a power and a confidence about you.”
Ceo: full wellness
Falk: full wellness
Jei: full wellness
Jade: full wellness
Tori: full wellness
shellacked elytrum: 160 pair: 2 coins per pair
large elytrum: 30 pair: 8 coins per pair

flint: 2: {shock x2}
bloodstone: 6: (Fitness +1): 10 coins each
milkstone: 3: (Will +1): 10 coins each
slate: 21: {thump x2}
sunstone: 8: (Persona +1), {muddle x2}: 10 coins each
waterstone: 1: (Motility +1): 10 coins

iron: 2: {shock x2}: 5 coins each
magnesium: 17: 5 coins each
tin: 15: {Muddle x2}
Bergbaulager: Maldrog community
Bird Island: Yahdram tombs
Ceannbhrat Buaircineach: Spiofthest community
Marmeren Heavel: Orngaddrin community
Recompensa-do-Rio: Rheini community
Vit Spira: Kozzog community
Yamamidori: Hebrian community
OOC: Each character receives 9 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Jei bows in the custom of the Hebrian people. “It is an honor to me that you share this critical information with us, but do not speak for the party as to what we might be able to do. We should discuss this matter to see if we can help.”

The words he would have chosen are slightly different for Falk, but the concept for the Kozzog people are the same. When the party separates itself to discuss the matter, he says, “For me I find this to be a sign of respect that they would even mention this matter to us. We should look into this matter.”

Jade simply said, “I am Maldrog; of course, I could only consider helping my distant kin.”

For Ceo and Tori, their peoples, who were similar in attitude, did not gauge interaction as a sense of honor or respect. For them it was a sense of duty. The burden of responsibility fell to the one doing the asking, because the asker is never refused. Ceo says, “We are all in agreement.”
OOC: 70, 82

Cycle: 497. Day: 73 Season: Stasis.
Ceo: 23(observe) + 25(affinity) + 70, 82(d100) = 118, 130
Falk: 23 + 25 + 70, 82 = 118, 130
Jei: 25 + 24(tuning) + 70, 82 = 119, 131
Jade: 13 + 25(listen) + 70, 82 = 108, 120
Tori: 25 + 24 + 70, 82 = 119, 131
It takes two days of looking before the party of young headhunters is seen in the distance. Before this, some additional items of interest are located. Brook and Falcon discover some herbs, called Rend, that seem innocuous but can be fatal if consumed. In the society of the collective villages of the Lunaedriac, it is of no value. Jay discovers a dark, red, opaque stone with streaks of purple, called Ruddystone. It is used in trinkets worn by indigenous and civilized peoples giving it some commercial value. If bodily carried by any member of the party, it will augment overall wellness (Health +2). He also locates a dull, light-gray, light-weight, semi-hard metal, called Aluminum. It can be combined with zinc to manufacture the alloy called Ularin, used in the production of certain weapons, giving it commercial value. If held in hand by Jay, an ingot will enhance the mystical effectiveness of generating an electrical shock by triple; after which, the ingot disintegrates.

Brook, Falcon, Jade, and Parakeet, who are all becoming better at hunting, discover a pod of larger beetles with even harder carapaces than any previously discovered, and five of them are collected with everyone working together. A couple of viscachas are collected for food. The animal is considered a rodent, being related to the chinchilla, but it is twice to three times larger and excellent fare.

When the party of headhunters is seen, they are at a higher elevation than the party and about 50 strides distant. It is not an ideal situation, for they see the party as well and begin to hoop and holler, waving their crude weapons, indicating their desire for conflict.
Ceo: full wellness
Falk: full wellness
Jei: full wellness
Jade: full wellness
Tori: full wellness
lacquered elytrum: 5 pair: 12 coins per pair

flint: 2: {shock x2}
bloodstone: 6: (Fitness +1): 10 coins each
milkstone: 3: (Will +1): 10 coins each
ruddystone: 1: (Health +2): 20 coins each
slate: 21: {thump x2}
sunstone: 8: (Persona +1), {muddle x2}: 10 coins each
waterstone: 1: (Motility +1): 10 coins

aluminum: 1: {shock x3}: 10 coins each
iron: 2: {shock x2}: 5 coins each
magnesium: 17: 5 coins each
tin: 15: {Muddle x2}
Bergbaulager: Maldrog community
Bird Island: Yahdram tombs
Ceannbhrat Buaircineach: Spiofthest community
Marmeren Heavel: Orngaddrin community
Recompensa-do-Rio: Rheini community
Vit Spira: Kozzog community
Yamamidori: Hebrian community
OOC: Each character receives 9 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Since he found it, Jei keeps the ruddystone for himself. Seeing the headhunters, he suggests, “We should split off. The footing here is not always so good and we do not want them throwing boulders at us from above.”

Jade agrees. “Jay and I will take the right. You three should take the left.”

Ceo nodded. “I think Jay may be right, too. We probably need to move up as quickly as possible. We would not want to caught in an avalanche.”

Jade and Jei move as quickly as possible on the right flank. Jei mystically causes his image to blur and Jade obscures her presence. Planning to use his javelin for melee, Jei picks up a rock as he moves, with the intention of throwing it. Jade draws her mallet, hoping to crack some skulls.

Ceo and Falk both mystically camouflage their appearance, while Tori obscures her presence in the3 same manner that Jade does. Ceo readies an arrow, Falk readies a stone, but Tori plans to close to melee.
OOC: 73, 85

Cycle: 497. Day: 73 Season: Stasis.
Ceo: 14(readiness) + 24(speed) + 25(clarity) + 73(d100) = 136
Falk: 14 + 24 + 25 + 73 = 136
Jei: 14 + 24 + 24 + 73 = 135
Jade: 25 + 13 + 24 + 73 = 135
Tori: 14 + 24 + 23 + 73 = 134
Ceo: 25(camouflage)
Falk: 25(camouflage)
Jei: 24(blur)
Jade: 25(soullessness)
Tori: 24(soullessness)
Each group is unable to maintain a constant view of the other as they close toward one another. Once the distance is closed, the headhunters appear to have remained closer together than the party members. By coincidence, the bulk of the group is closest to Jay and Jade, when they are again seen. They make a great amount of noise as they brandish their crude bone weapons, indicating their intention to attack. They are about 5 strides distant.

They do seem to have a definitive language. As the other three of the party are seen on the other flank, only the two headhunters nearest notice their arrival, turning their attention without changing their war cries. These two are about 10 strides distant.
Ceo: full wellness
Falk: full wellness
Jei: full wellness
Jade: full wellness
Tori: full wellness
lacquered elytrum: 5 pair: 12 coins per pair

flint: 2: {shock x2}
bloodstone: 6: (Fitness +1): 10 coins each
milkstone: 3: (Will +1): 10 coins each
slate: 21: {thump x2}
sunstone: 8: (Persona +1), {muddle x2}: 10 coins each
waterstone: 1: (Motility +1): 10 coins

aluminum: 1: {shock x3}: 10 coins each
iron: 2: {shock x2}: 5 coins each
magnesium: 17: 5 coins each
tin: 15: {Muddle x2}
Bergbaulager: Maldrog community
Bird Island: Yahdram tombs
Ceannbhrat Buaircineach: Spiofthest community
Marmeren Heavel: Orngaddrin community
Recompensa-do-Rio: Rheini community
Vit Spira: Kozzog community
Yamamidori: Hebrian community
OOC: Each character receives 9 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Realizing that more of the enemies are nearer Jade and Jei, Tori runs to help them. Though she doubt her own effectiveness she decides to throw her javelin as she continues to move forward. Jade moves as quickly as possible straight toward her nearest enemy. Suddenly realizing that she can, she mystically augments her strength as she swings her hammer. Jei does not see the need to move closer as the enemy will come to him. He causes the rock in his hand to glow as he throws it which will emit a bright flash when it strikes. Jade says, “Time to test the mettle of our worth!”

Like the sudden realization of Jade. Ceo instinctively understands that she can mystically augment her athleticism as she fires her first arrow at her nearest enemy. Almost in synch, Falk causes the same augmentation as he prepares to loose his stone. Ceo says, “Catch this, you barbarian!”
OOC: 76, 88

Cycle: 497. Day: 73 Season: Stasis.
Jade: 500 - 135 = 365
Headhunters: 500 - 109 = 391
Ceo: 600 - 136 = 464
Falk: 600 - 136 = 464
Jei: 600 - 135 = 465
Tori: 600 - 134 = 466
Ceo: 25(athleticism, camouflage)
Falk: 25(athleticism, camouflage)
Jei: 24(blur)
Jade: 25(soullessness, strength)
Tori: 24(soullessness)
Jade: 24(aggression) + 18(accuracy) + 26(fury) + 76(d100) = 144 + 25(strength) = 169
Headhunters: 30 + 82 = 112

Jade: 25(readiness) + 18(avoid) + 24(analysis) + 76(d100) = 143 + 25(soul) = 168
212 - 168 = 44% * 5 = 2 - 1(soak) = 1 x 2 = 2
Ceo: 19 + 23 + 24 + 76 = 142 + 25(camo) = 167
212 - 167 = 45% * 5 = 2 - 1(soak) = 1
Falk: 19 + 23 + 24 + 76 = 142 + 25 = 167
212 - 167 = 45% * 5 = 2
Jei: 19 + 24 + 24 + 76 = 143 + 24(blur) = 167
212 - 167 = 45% * 5 = 2 x 2 = 4
Headhunters: 30 + 82 = 112
169 - 112 = 57% * 8 = 5
Ceo: 19(launch) + 24(accuracy) + 25(clarity) + 76(d100) = 144 + 25(athletics) + 100(range) = 269
Falk: 19 + 24 + 25 + 76 = 144 + 25 + 100 = 269
Jei: 19 + 24 + 24 + 76 = 143 + 100 = 243
Tori: 19 + 24 + 23 + 76 = 142 + 100 - 25(friend) = 217

Headhunters: 10(avoid) + 82(d100) = 92 + 10(2nd weapon) = 102
269 - 102 = 167% * 8 = 13
269 - 102 = 167% * 5 = 8
243 - 102 = 41% * 3 = 1
217 - 102 = 115% * 8 = 9
Jei: 30(bending) + 24(flash) + 88(d100) = 142

Headhunters: 20(conditioning) + 82(d100) = 92
142 - 92 = 50% * 3 = 2
H1: Mind: 8 - 5 = 3, confused. (jade)
H2: Body: 8 - 13 = -5, incapacitated. (ceo)
H3: Mind: 8 - 8 = 0, unconscious. (Falk)
H4: Mind: 8 - 1 - 2 = 5, dazed. (jei)
H5: Body: 8 - 9 = -1, incapacitated. (tori)
Jade swings her hammer downward, striking the left collar bone of her first opponent, possibly breaking it, because the significance of the blow causes real confusion in that Headhunter. Unfortunately, two other enemies reach Jade before anyone else can act. Both are able to club the Maldrog with their crude weapons, only causing minor bruising.

Two of the Headhunters crowd Brook before she can fire an arrow. She manages to avoid the first opponent, but the second hits her in the ribs with his bone axe. The blow is not enough to cause her to lose her arrow and she launches it at the first from only a stride away. The arrow buries to the fletching, causing that Headhunter to fall, unable to continue the fight. Two of the enemies also crowd Falcon before he can loose his stone. Like Brook, he manages to avoid the first but is struck by the second. HIs cotton tunic does not protect him from the blow, but it is still very minor. Releasing his stone from just a close distance, it strikes the first in the head, just hard enough to take his consciousness.

Jay is crowded by three of the Headhunters before he can throw his stone. He manages to avoid the crude weapon of the first, but is struck by the other two. As a result, he is a bit hurt but is till able to throw his rock. The stone strikes true but not with much force, however the bright flash that occurs when it strikes adds more to the effect.

Basically ignored by the Headhunters at this point, Parakeet launches her javelin at one of the Headhunters crowding Jay. The javelin sticks into the back of one of those opponents, dropping him to the crowd and taking him out of the fight. The seven Headhunters, who remain standing, seem fully intent on continuing the conflict.
Ceo: Mind: 10 - 1 = 9, irritated.
Falk: Mind: 10 - 2 = 8, dazed.
Jei: Mind: 10 - 4 = 6, dazed.
Jade: Mind: 10 - 2 = 8, dazed.
Tori: full wellness
lacquered elytrum: 5 pair: 12 coins per pair

flint: 2: {shock x2}
bloodstone: 6: (Fitness +1): 10 coins each
milkstone: 3: (Will +1): 10 coins each
slate: 21: {thump x2}
sunstone: 8: (Persona +1), {muddle x2}: 10 coins each
waterstone: 1: (Motility +1): 10 coins

aluminum: 1: {shock x3}: 10 coins each
iron: 2: {shock x2}: 5 coins each
magnesium: 17: 5 coins each
tin: 15: {Muddle x2}
Bergbaulager: Maldrog community
Bird Island: Yahdram tombs
Ceannbhrat Buaircineach: Spiofthest community
Marmeren Heavel: Orngaddrin community
Recompensa-do-Rio: Rheini community
Vit Spira: Kozzog community
Yamamidori: Hebrian community
OOC: Each character receives 9 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Jade steps in and pumps her hammer at the same opponent that she struck previously, hoping to reduce the number of her foes. Ceo moves around hoping to avoid being hit as she readies to fire a second arrow. Rather than attempt to sling another stone, when Falk loads another one, the plan is to simply strike an enemy in the skull by swinging the sling like a club, causing it to emit a foul aroma that should taint the mental capacity of the target as he is hit.

Having thrown his rock, Jei simply drops his javelin, which he is ill suited to use as a weapon, and causes his hands to glow, as he prepares to defend himself, empty-handed. Tori, having thrown her javelin but seeing that the headhunters do not turn from Jei, runs to join him, even though she too is now fighting without a weapon. She instinctively realizes that her touch can weaken or slow her enemy.
OOC: 79, 51

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