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The Untamed Wilds: Caravan Campaign


Gamer Extraordinaire
Sannit will check for copper, gold, and silver deposits again.

Bolo will go over the stones they found, trying to determine their effects.

Turtle will see if he can catch any fish.

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Before leaving the cave, Tor collects a small bit of guano for both himself, and Merin.

Tor will aid Turtle in his fishing attempt, by testing out his newfound ability to manipulate Way at a distance. He will wait until he sees a good sized trout or bass swimming by, and then try to paralyze it with Way.

Merin will concentrate on more serious matters, trying to detect disease in himself, and his fellow party members.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Tasks before Nightfall

Kwargrow said:
Sannit will check for copper, gold, and silver deposits again.
[sblock=Detect Minerals]No penalty when using conduit.
Copper = 42 - 03 = 39: instantaneous
Silver = 42 - 46 = -4: 4 seconds
Gold = 42 - 77 = -35: 35 seconds[/sblock]
GM: Sannit is instantly able to determine that only a faint amount of copper exists in the soil here. Within a few seconds, he is able to locate an ingot of silver in the gravel at the bottom of the tiny tributary and within a few more seconds that no gold can be found in the area.

OOC: New Collection:
1 Silver Ingot

Kwargrow said:
Bolo will go over the stones they found, trying to determine their effects.
Sheldon will assist in this task.
[sblock=Identify Effect of Mineral]Essence + Mind + Adhesion + Knowledge + Will + Collegiate + Aberrative + Academic
Bolo = 51, Sheldon = 56
Shiny White Stone = 107 - 02 - 200(moderate item) = -95: seconds
Shiny Grey Stone = 107 - 11 - 200 = -104: minutes
Shiny Black Stone = 107 - 49 - 400(vauable item) = -342: days
Shiny Brown Stone = 107 - 26 - 200(moderate item) = -119: minutes
Shiny Yellow Stone = 107 - 09 - 300(complicated item) = -202: hours
Shiny Blue Stone = 107 - 79 - 300 = -272: hours
Shiny Green Stone = 107 - 29 - 500(treasureable item) = -422: weeks
Tin Ingot = 107 - 29 - 100(simple item) = -22: seconds
Zinc Ingot = 107 - 29 - 100 = -22: seconds[/sblock]
GM: Bolo and Sheldon sit close, each holding an identical stone or touching the same stone if only possessing one. The effect the white stone could be readily identified in seconds. The Grey and Brown stones take minutes. The Shiny Black, Green, Yellow, and Blue stones could not be identified. After testing 2 metals, it is determined that they offer no effects.

OOC: Effects of Stones carried on a person that can manipulate way:
White: Augment Willpower: Will +1
Grey: Bolster Health: Health +1
Brown: Invigorate Strength: Strength +1

[sblock=Identify Use of Mineral]Essence + Mind + Adhesion+ Knowledge + Will + Collegiate + Aberrative + Academic
Bolo = 51, Sheldon = 56
Shiny White Stone = 107 - 45 - 200 = -138: minutes
Shiny Grey Stones = 107 - 16 - 200 = -109: minutes
Shiny Brown stone = 107 - 34 - 200 = -127: minutes
Tin Ingot = 107 - 03 -100 = 4: instantaneous
Zinc Ingot = 107 - 36 - 100 = -29: seconds
Iron Ingot = 107 - 48 - 100 = -41: seconds[/sblock]
GM: After testing the iron ingot, Bolo is burned out and unable to further manipulate way. Sheldon could perform one more action, but it would be useless on his own.

OOC: Component Use of Minerals: components are destroyed during use
Shiny White StoneMechanicalSonic +1/+10%
Shiny Grey StoneElectricalShock +1/+10%
Shiny Brown StoneEssentialStrength +1/+10%
TinEssentialLeach +1/+10%
ZincEssentialHeal Body +1/+10%
IronThermalHeat +1/+10%

Kwargrow said:
Turtle will see if he can catch any fish.
Tor will aid Turtle in his fishing attempt, by testing out his newfound ability to manipulate Way at a distance. He will wait until he sees a good sized trout or bass swimming by, and then try to paralyze it with Way.
GM: Turtle and Tor are sorely disappointed. The tiny tributary is barely a stride wide and a fist deep. The small minnows are not worth any effort, but the fresh water is well appreciated by all, especially the pack animals.

Tellerian Hawke said:
Merin will concentrate on more serious matters, trying to detect disease in himself, and his fellow party members.
Indigo will assist Merin in this task.
[sblock=Detect Disease]Essence + Mind + Confluence + Knowledge + Will + Collegiate + Aberrative + Academic
Merin = 52, Indigo = 47
Detect = 99 - 36 - 100(unfamiliar) = -37: seconds[/sblock]
GM: It takes Merin and Indigo only a few seconds to make a determination on the disease. Only one attempt is necessary as everyone is within their combined range

[sblock=Resist Disease]Body + Essence + Health + Confluence
Sheldon = 31 + 43 - 66(# of bites) - 81 = -73: fail
Tor = 31 + 72 - 24 - 74 = 5: resists
Merin: = 28 + 41 - 80 - 60 = -71: fail
Indigo = 30 + 84 - 71 - 54 = -11: fail
Sannit = 32 + 32 - 75 - 93 = -104: fail
Bolo = 29 + 61 - 44 - 97 = -51
Turtle = 25 + 32 - 45 - 50 = -38: fail[/sblock]
GM: It is determined that everyone except Tor has contracted the maddening disease.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
OOC: well I think using the zinc is justifiable. I also still have blackberry leaves and sage if those help

Sannit curses when given the diagnosis. "We should destroy those bats before they can infect anyone else. Probably would be wise to do it before we heal ourselves." He starts collecting materials for a fire to start in the bat hollow.

Bolo rests having underestimated the strain of checking out a few rocks. She will keep the grey stone for +1 health if no one objects.

Turtle is hungry. He wants to go foraging for something good to eat.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
The Quiet Alto Voice

Sannit -
Sannit curses when given the diagnosis. "We should destroy those bats before they can infect anyone else. Probably would be wise to do it before we heal ourselves." He starts collecting materials for a fire to start in the bat hollow.
Indigo stands.
Wait. Sannit. We walked for several hours after leaving that cave. It is almost dark. We might not find it, again, unless it is light. Though Sheldon and Bolo are on burn out, the rest of us, even you, can link to see what we can do to rid us of this disease. I think now, not later. The incubation period could be one night.
Sheldon -
I had not thought about that Sannit, but you are right. A colony of disease carrying bats is an environmental danger, not a natural occurrence. We should not need fire material, though. I can sense the fluctuation of way on the guano. This stuff will burn better than lighter pine. I think if Merin and I coordinate, we could ignite the stuff from a distance better insuring the capture of all bats.
Bolo -
Kwargrow said:
Bolo rests having underestimated the strain of checking out a few rocks. She will keep the grey stone for +1 health if no one objects.
OOC: The Seekers have a total of 6 shiny grey stones, enough for each of the forefront members to carry one.

Kwargrow said:
Turtle is hungry. He wants to go foraging for something good to eat.
GM: Foraging is poor in the area, but prickly-pear cacti are plentiful. Sensing the disappointment in the bear, Bolo tells him she will cook up a batch of the prickly-pear fruit, which with some added salt and sugar as Indigo had previously done, makes a tasty drink and the residue an enjoyable meal for Turtle.

Indigo -
We should start trying to cure ourselves with Sannit, who is the most affected, then move through each in the order of who is showing the most significance.
[sblock=Cure Disease]Essence + Mind + Confluence + Knowledge + Will + Collegiate + Aberrative + Academic
Sheldon = 52, Tor = 42, Merin = 50, Indigo = 50, Sannit = 42
Sannit = 236 - 24 - 104(infection rate) = 108: success
Sheldon = 184 - 23 - 73 = 88: success
Merin = 184 - 08 - 71 = 105: success
Bolo = 184 - 46 - 51 = 87: success
Turtle = 184 - 23 - 38 = 123: success
Indigo = 184 - 55 - 11 = 118: success[/sblock]
GM: As it happens the zinc, nor any possessed herbs have no effect on curing disease and was not used up during the process. Everyone breathes a little easier as all are cured of the maddening disease.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
OOC: I didn't know we had moved that far away

Sannit rubs his beard. "We've come all this way and still haven't found what we set out for. Should we go back to report to Giodavi that there are no deposits out here? Only disease and madness?"
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Planning the Next Step

Sannit rubs his beard. "We've come all this way and still haven't found what we set out for. Should we go back to report to Giodavi that there are no deposits out here? Only disease and madness?"
Sheldon -
I'm not giving up just yet. I do think we should back track, in the morning, to rid the area of those bats. If I understand what the Maldrog we met were trying to convey, I think we can travel due north from here. It should be about 2 days to the main branch of the small river, a day, though, should bring us near where the copper should be.
OOC: Night has set in upon the Seekers. After the episodes with the bats, everyone feels as if they should sleep with one eye open, but rest comes, none the less.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 24: Returning to that Cave

OOC: With the rain season still upon the countryside, a light mist falls upon the scrub lands just before first light. It wakes everyone peaceably. It is cool and refreshing compared to the diurnal dry heat. The Seekers break camp and prepare a quick breakfast of fresh prickly-pear tea and some of the dried meat from the travel stores. The rain is light enough in this area that nothing and no one really needs to be dried before marching back to that ill-fated cave.

The return trip takes about 2 hours. Once the cave is spotted, the seekers wisely give watch for a time to see if there is any activity. Seeing none, the pack animals are left in the care of Aust and Revan while the others cautiously approach the target of the necessary deed. Angling to the north of the main entrance, both it and the side egress can be seen simultaneously.

Sannit and Bolo set up archery watch at this vantage point, Turtle staying at Bolo's side. Sheldon and Indigo stealthily approach the smaller egress point while Merin and Tor quietly take to the main entrance. Pausing and each opening, the pairs count to the pre-determined 120 listening. At the count, having heard nothing, Sheldon and Merin each enter leaving the Indigo and Tor as outside watch.

Once inside the anteroom, Sheldon quietly voices to Merin in the main room that all is clear. Merin stands at the opening between the rooms, Sheldon stands at the back exit. Each concentrates at this safe distance, for only a mere fraction of a second.

GM: The guano ignites with a fervor. Sheldon and Merin quickly dart back to their partners, and quickly still all head back directly to Sannit and Bolo. A low rumble can be heard from within the cave. As the returning pairs reach the archery guard 2 columns of flame shoot forth, straight up into the sky. Not a single bat is seen to escape.

Sheldon -
Whoa. There must have been a couple of vent holes back where the bats resided. That's quite a flame.
When the two columns of flame shoot forth, a loud scream is heard from farther east of the cave.
Tum sab kuchh barbaad kar diya.
The sound of a single person's running feet can be heard approaching from the East.

GM: What are your intentions?
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Gamer Extraordinaire
From their vantage point San-Bolo listen, trying to determine if the voice belongs to the bender that tried to kill them with a fireball. If they see her they will shoot on sight.

Turtle covers his head as the fire roars. These human powers are beyond his reckoning.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tor looks around, trying to determine the source of the voice. As soon as he knows the direction, he will charge, using sword and board.

As Merin is coming out, he also tries to determine the voice's source. As soon as any hostile is in range, he will try paralysis.

~Merin's thoughts: Probably the woman again, but if not, it still doesn't change anything. No one here is friendly. The first unfamiliar face I see is my primary target.~

Voidrunner's Codex

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