TUW: Welcome to the Jungle

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Day 238: Strategy

San-Bolo nod together at Vadin's plan. "That's good enough for us," Sannit says. "We can go right away and have a rest before the next conflict. What about these two?" he sticks a thumb at the Da'Roneh. "Should we cut their throats or bring them with us?"

Bolo says, "Whatever we do they won't need these anymore." She takes from the Da'Roneh all the trinkets, bracers, shin-guards, and lastly the snakeskin belt. She puts everything into party inventory except the snakeskin belt, which she will keep if no one objects.

While the people talk Turtle keeps his senses on the jungle. He likes this place, even more than his home forest, and the lake would provide plenty of fish.
Tor nods in agreement with Vadin. "Let's make haste then, and get to the ambush point as soon as possible."

Merin says, "Agreed. Let's get moving."
Saemund nods, and prepares to move out
Indigo walks toward the older Da'Roneh, resolutely draws her sword, and slices his throat. She currently lacks the skill or the strength to remove the head in a single blow, but his death is still assured. The other Da'Roneh just stares blankly into space, oblivious to the wold around him.

Indigo says, "We do not need prisoners and this clan has been wholly malevolent for generations. If we are successful in significantly reducing their numbers, perhaps those that remain will consider a different line than head hunting. Shall I dispatch the other one as well?"

[sblock=Character Data]
Saemund: full health
Da'Roneh Novice: dying
Sannit: full health
Bolo: full health
Da'Roneh Headhunter: dying
Merin: full health
Sheldon: full health
Da'Roneh Novice: stupefied (Persona = -24)(duration 7 hours)

Day 238: Preparing an Ambush

OOC: Earned Experience:
  • Vadin: 19
  • San-Bolo: 23
  • Turtle: 12
  • Merin: 22
  • Tor: 21
  • Saemund: 19


OOC: Given that no Seeker has any specific knowledge of the formation or movement of a war party, it was generally estimated that they would have 10 minutes at the most. It has been noted that items were taken from the two Da'Roneh. There was not yet time to examine them. A desired location for each character and any specific preparation should be stated. The general expected approach of the enemy is noted on the map. A visibly used path is indicated by each arrow. Other areas contain undergrowth, a low canopy, or both.

Also, let me know in LINE when characters are updated so that I can update their task totals.
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Bolo draws her kukri and cuts the throat of the other Da'Roneh. She nods to Indigo and says, "No need for you to have that task alone. Let's go."

OOC: I believe we are following the direction of the yellow arrow to prepare an ambush, correct?

Day 238: Sheldon and Indigo Prepare

Sheldon and Indigo look over the old battle site to gauge a suitable hiding position for the expectant approach of the Da'Roneh war party. In addition to physically attempting to hide, Sheldon will also manipulate Way to hide his appearance and Indigo will do what she can to mask her scent. Indigo, having no Theologic skill, cannot bend light.
OOC: Indigo will be at S12, Sheldon at S13.

OOC: Merin will be at V14, Tor will be at W14.

Both Merin and Tor will use Way to darken their skin, in addition to making an attempt to hide.
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OOC: Bolo will take o13. Sannit will take p13. Turtle will be at p12.

Before the battle, Bolo will increase Motility, and Sannit will increase Strength, on themselves.
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Day 238: Preparations

Sheldon and Indigo look over the old battle site to gauge a suitable hiding position for the expectant approach of the Da'Roneh war party. In addition to physically attempting to hide, Sheldon will also (bend light) to hide his appearance and Indigo will do what she can (including) mask her scent. Indigo, having no Theologic skill, cannot bend light.
OOC: Indigo will be at S12, Sheldon at S13.
OOC: Merin will be at V14, Tor will be at W14.

Both Merin and Tor will (actively manipulate mechanical Way to mask any sound they might make), in addition to making an attempt to hide. (Additionally, Tor and Merin will attempt to darken the area around them to augment the natural shadows.)
OOC: The previous quote has been edited to reflect changes in vocabulary from the beta version to the revised version.

  • Inversion (Collegiate Task) +
  • Body + Motility +
  • Commercial + Obscurative + d100
This active task is applied when attempting to obscure oneself from view or to dampen and, ultimately prevent sound while moving.
Sheldon: 35 + 46(inversion) + 51(d100) = 132
132 + 60(tunic) = 192
Indigo: 35 + 32(inversion) + 97(d100) = 164
164 + 10(height) + 30(vest) = 204
Merin: 29 + 47(inversion) + 97(d100) = 173
173 + 80(surcoat) = 253
Tor: 38 + 31(inversion) + 82(d100) = 151
151 - 10(height) - 10(build) + 70(surcoat) - 30(shield) = 171[/sblock]
Sheldon has not yet demonstrated his full potential with his skill in manipulating electromagnetic Way. His talent with bending light is yet beyond what Sannit or Saemund can do and they take note for they feel the weave and the direction of skill that they need to improve.
  • Essence + Adhesion +
  • Mind + Knowledge + Will +
  • Collegiate + Theologic + Philosophy
This active tasks uses the bending of light to cause the physical image of the Philosopher to become obscured as light seems to be able to pass through it. There is no random aspect to this task. The total effectiveness is added to the Commercial task of Stealth.
Sheldon: 89
Stealth: 192 + 89 = 281[/sblock]
  • Essence + Cohesion +
  • Mind + Knowledge + Will +
  • Collegiate + Academic
This active tasks alters the chemical composition of the Academic's skin allowing it to mimic the reflection of its environment. There is no random aspect to this task. The total effectiveness is added to the Commercial task of Stealth.
Indigo: 71
Stealth: 204 + 71 = 275[/sblock]
GM: Tor realizes, with a frown, that his ability to manipulate electromagnetic Way is very limited. He can darken the light around his head, but to affect is whole body would require multiple applications and expend too much energy. He is resolved to the idea that is not much suited for hiding, anyway.

[sblock=Darken]Range: Touch

  • Essence + Adhesion +
  • Mind + Knowledge + Will +
  • Collegiate
This can dampen an area of illumination around the touched object, equal to a sphere with a radius of up to 1 stride. This cannot be used to generate an absence of light. It will only darken natural light by 1 category so that full sun can be made to appear shaded, shaded light to look like dust, dusk to full night. If used in an area that is already dark it will negate night vision. The duration of the darkness is equal to 1 minute per cumulative Will ability.
Tor: 31: Stealth: 171 + 31 = 202
Merin: 47: Stealth: 253 + 47 = 300[/sblock]
GM: Merin, as he performs the same basic task, is suddenly inspired by a powerful epiphany. It is not so much that he needs to be able to hide as it is other creatures need to not notice him. His Aberrative skill has advanced enough that manipulates mystic Way to obscure his own existence rather than his own appearance. Once this technique can be applied to its full fruition, Merin realizes that he could stand directly in front of another person and say, "Boo," and that person would neither hear his words nor see his visage.


  • Essence + Adhesion +
  • Mind + Knowledge + Will
  • Collegiate + Aberrative + Manifest Will
This active tasks masks the existence of life, which may allow the Bender to be unnoticed by others even if standing directly in front of them. There is no random aspect to this task. The effective total is applied to the Commercial task of Stealth.
Merin: 47
Stealth: 300 + 47 = 347[/sblock]
[sblock=Character Data]Sheldon: full health
Stealth = 281
Indigo: full health
Stealth = 275
Tor: full health
Stealth = 202
Merin: full health
Stealth = 347[/sblock]
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OOC: Bolo will take o13. Sannit will take p13. Turtle will be at p12.

Before the battle, Bolo will increase Motility, and Sannit will increase Strength, on themselves.
[sblock=Stimulate]Range: Touch
  • Essence + Confluence +
  • Mind + Knowledge + Will +
  • Collegiate + Academic + d100
New Motility = Old Motility(100 + Effectiveness)%
By actively manipulating Way, this temporarily increase the effective Motility of the intended target. The duration of such is one minute per cumulative Health ability.
Bolo: 76 + 86(d100) = 162
Motility: 16 * 262% = 42, Duration: 10 minutes[/sblock]
OOC: It will be assumed that this augmentation will be applied at the first perception of the enemy, since it only takes 1 second to perform.
Some Collegiate tasks have been adjusted from the original beta version. The Theologic Skill does not allow for the alteration of Bodily developmental abilities or for their restoration. This is limited to the Aberrative and Academic skills. As this allows for and causes some flux in the beta characters, Sannit may alter his intention or switch his Theologic skill ranks for Academic or Abberative skill ranks.

[sblock=Character Data]Sheldon: full health
Stealth = 281
Indigo: full health
Stealth = 275
Tor: full health
Stealth = 202
Merin: full health
Stealth = 347
Bolo: full health
Motility = 42, Duration: 10 minutes
Sannit: full health
Turtle: full health[/sblock]

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