TUW: Welcome to the Jungle


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 238: Re-Engaging the Enemy, Bolo

Bolo will walk up and away (in map terms) from Sheldon and Sannit with an arrow nocked on her bow. If she has a good shot on a Da'Roneh she will take it. If it makes more sense to use Way she will use Befriend.
OOC: By up and away, I am hoping that means up and right on the last map posted, as up and left would remove Bolo from combat.

Moving in between and away from the positions of Sannit and Sheldon, Bolo finds herself heading toward Saemund's as he in turn is beginning to move toward Sheldon. Before she has moved very far, she notices a newly arrived Da'Roneh running quickly upon Saemund and quickly assessing that the foe is not well clothed, releases her readied arrow.
[sblock=Launch]Bolo: 44(launch) + 35(precision) + 51(clarity) + 84(d100) + 26(motility) = 240
Da'Roneh: 20(preservation) + 20(konokoro) + 50(d100) = 90
Damage: 214 - 90 = 150% * 10 = 15
Body: 10 - 15 = -5: incapacitated
Mind: 10 - 5 = 5: dazed[/sblock]
GM: Bolo's arrow wings passed Saemund and buries into the abdomen of the encroaching Da'Roneh, causing him to fall to the ground, incapacitated.

The second Blighter does not know the perpetrator for one of his Headhunters melting from fervent heat, but he understands the cause, being well able to do the same thing. Since he knows no specific target upon whom to focus he decides to utilize his most proficient skill and pulses out a damaging tone of sound. The sound is centered such as to end up affecting Merin, Sannit, Bolo, Turtle, and Saemund. Everyone else has move such as to be away from the damaging distance even though everyone in the whole valley could hear the sound.
[sblock=Thump]Blighter: 108 + 96(d100) = 204
Merin: 30(conditioning) + 68(bolster) + 30(quietude) + 53(d100) = 181
Damage: 204 - 181 = 23% * 10 = 2
Mind: 10 - 2 = 8: dazed
Sannit: 48(conditioning) + 58(bolster) + 72(d100) = 178
Damage: 204 - 178 = 26% * 10 = 3
Mind: 7 - 3 = 4: dazed
Bolo: 38(conditioning) + 62(bolster) + 91(d100) = 191
Damage: 204 - 191 = 13% * 10 = 1
Mind: 7 - 1 = 6: dazed
Turtle: 28(conditioning) + 90(d100) = 118
Damage: 204 - 118 = 86% * 10 = 9
Mind: 3 - 9 = -6: unconscious[/sblock]
GM: While the second used tone is mostly annoying to the Seekers, Turtle succumbs to the painful sound, losing consciousness.

At the same instant, Indigo continues on by her felled opponent toward the remainder of the original formation, coming upon one of the first group's Headhunters. The dazed opponent manages to get an arm in the way of the first sword. His jute bracer deflecting some of the blow, but Indigo is quick enough to also bring her second sword into play before he can react. The second blow is only partially deflected by the other jute bracer and continues on into the unprotected torso, incapacitating the foe.
[sblock=Sword Assault]Indigo: 37(attack) + 43(precision) + 43(fury) + 62(d100) = 185
Headhunter: 26(defend) + 30(defense) + 28(konokoro) + 85(d100) = 169
Damage: 185 - 169 = 16% * 20 = 3 - 2(bracer) = 1
Body: 10 - 1 = 9
Indigo: 37 + 43 + 43 + 72(d100) = 195
HH: 26 + 30 + 28 + 53(d100) = 137
Damage: 195 - 137 = 58% * 20 = 12 - 2 = 10
Body: 9 - 10 = -1: incapacitated
Mind: 5 - 1 = 4: dazed[/sblock]
Sheldon: 34 + 56(clarity) + 40(impetus) + 98(d100) = 228 - 10(dazed) = 218
Merin: 31 + 55(clarity) + 34(impetus) + 77(d100) = 197
Bolo: 44 + 51(clarity) + 35(impetus) + 85(d100) = 215 - 30(dazed) = 185
Blighter: 42 + 38(clarity) + 45(impetus) + 54(d100) = 179
Indigo: 39 + 42(clarity) + 43(impetus) + 84(d100) = 208 - 30(dazed) = 178
Tor: 31 + 21(clarity) + 36(impetus) + 98(d100) = 186 - 10(dazed) = 176
Vadin: 32 + 38(clarity) + 37(impetus) + 87(d100) = 194 - 30(dazed) = 167
Headhunters(2): 26 + 26(clarity) + 30(impetus) + 84(d100) = 166
Headhunter: dying
Body: 10 - 20 = -10
Blighter: unconscious
Mind: 10 - 3 - 8 = -1: unconscious
Saemund: 20 + 56(clarity) + 31(impetus) + 54(d100) = 161 - 10(dazed) = 151
Sannit: 44 + 44(clarity) + 36(impetus) + 50(d100) = 174 - 30(dazed) = 144
Da'Roneh(5): 18 + 18(clarity) + 20(impetus) + 73(d100) = 129
Da'Roneh: incapacitated
Body: 10 - 15 = -5
Headhunters(2): 166 - 50(dazed) = 116
Mind: 10 - 5 = 5: dazed
Headhunter: 166 - 80(injured) = 86
Body: 10 - 5 - 3 = 2: injured
Headhunter: incapacitated
Body: 10 - 11 = -1
Turtle: 27 + 27(impetus) + 95(d100) = 149 - 70(dazed) = 79
Da'Roneh(1): 129 - 60(dazed) = 69
Mind: 10 - 6 = 4: dazed
Feroz: 25 + 18(impetus) + 80(d100) = 123 - 60(dazed) = 63
Da'Roneh: 129 - 90(dazed) = 39
Mind: 10 - 9 = 1: dazed
Headhunter: dumbfounded
Mind: 10 - 17 = -7
Da'Roneh(3): incapacitated
Body: 10 - 14 = -4
Da'Roneh: dumbfounded
Mind: 10 - 19 = -9[/sblock]
[sblock=Character Data]Sheldon: Mind: 10 - 1 = 9: dazed
Stealth = 89
Indigo: Mind: 10 - 2 = 8: dazed
Tor: Mind: 10 - 1 = 9: dazed
Stealth = 202
Merin: Mind: 10 - 2 = 8: dazed
Stealth = 347
Bolo: Mind: 10 - 3 - 1 = 6: dazed
Motility = +26, Duration: 10 minutes
Sannit: Mind: 10 - 3 - 3 = 4: dazed
Turtle: Mind: 10 - 7 - 9 = -6: unconscious
Saemund: Mind: 10- 1 = 9: dazed
Feroz: Mind: 8 - 6 = 2: dazed
Vadin: Mind: 10 - 3 = 7: dazed[/sblock] [MENTION=6790669]Tellerian Hawke[/MENTION]
Tor is next.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
If possible, Tor will charge the Blighter who made the sonic attack; he will augment his charge with Way, using Thump (or whatever the higher level version of thump is) to make his shield bash more effective.

As before, if he can knock his opponent down, he will follow up with a quick sword stab to the abdomen.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 238: The Battlefield: Da'Roneh

OOC: Positions are indicative of the end of the first combat sequence.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 238: Second Combat Sequence, Tor

If possible, Tor will charge the Blighter who made the sonic attack; he will augment his charge with Way, using Thump (or whatever the higher level version of thump is) to make his shield bash more effective.

As before, if he can knock his opponent down, he will follow up with a quick sword stab to the abdomen.
As Tor is charging toward the original Da'Roneh formation, his intended target succumbs to blindness, but closer is another one of the Headhunters who seems just a deserving of a shield bash.
[sblock=Shield Bash]Tor: 34(attack) + 25(fury) + 36(precision) + 65(d100) = 160
Headhunter: 26(defend) + 30(defense) + 28(konokoro) + 55(d100) = 139
Damage: 160 - 139 = 21% * 8 = 2
Mind: 5 - 2 = 3: dazed
Fall: 160 - 139 - 30(balance) + 10(size differential) = 1[/sblock]
[sblock=Thump]Tor: 62 + 72(d100) = 134
HH: 22(conditioning) + 34(fury) + 30(quietude) + 60(d100) = 146[/sblock]
GM: Tor, due to his sheer size, is able to knock the Headhunter from his feet and cause further non-lethal damage, but his sense of balance and aptitude with manipulating mechanical Way prevents any further damage from either of those.

Even as the Headhunter lands, he rolls backward and over to regain his feet, undisturbed in his own manipulation of mechanical Way, hoping to hit Tor with an even greater force of air.
[sblock=Thump]Headhunter: 64 + 84(d100) = 148
Tor: 31(conditioning) + 25(fury) + 74(d100) = 130
Damage: 148 - 130 = 18% * 10 = 2
Mind: 9 - 2 = 7: dazed[/sblock]
Sheldon: 218
Merin: 197
Bolo: 185
Blighter: 179
Indigo: 178
Tor: 176
Vadin: 167
Headhunters(2): 166
Headhunter: dying
Body: 10 - 20 = -10
Blighter: unconscious
Mind: 10 - 3 - 8 = -1: unconscious
Saemund: 151
Sannit: 144
Da'Roneh(5): 129
Da'Roneh: incapacitated
Body: 10 - 15 = -5
Headhunter: 116
Mind: 10 - 5 = 5: dazed
Mind: 10 - 5 - 2 = 3: dazed
Headhunter: 86
Body: 10 - 5 - 3 = 2: injured
Headhunter: incapacitated
Body: 10 - 11 = -1
Turtle: unconscious
Da'Roneh(1): 69
Mind: 10 - 6 = 4: dazed
Feroz: 63
Da'Roneh: 39
Mind: 10 - 9 = 1: dazed
Headhunter: dumbfounded
Mind: 10 - 17 = -7
Da'Roneh(3): incapacitated
Body: 10 - 14 = -4
Da'Roneh: dumbfounded
Mind: 10 - 19 = -9[/sblock]
[sblock=Character Data]Sheldon: Mind: 10 - 1 = 9: dazed
Stealth = 89
Indigo: Mind: 10 - 2 = 8: dazed
Tor: Mind: 10 - 1 - 2 = 7: dazed
Merin: Mind: 10 - 2 = 8: dazed
Stealth = 347
Bolo: Mind: 10 - 3 - 1 = 6: dazed
Motility = +26, Duration: 10 minutes
Sannit: Mind: 10 - 3 - 3 = 4: dazed
Turtle: Mind: 10 - 7 - 9 = -6: unconscious
Saemund: Mind: 10- 1 = 9: dazed
Feroz: Mind: 8 - 6 = 2: dazed
Vadin: Mind: 10 - 3 = 7: dazed[/sblock] @redraider629
Vadin is next.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 238: Second Combat Sequence, Vadin

Vadin will again try to attack the Headhunter directly in front of him. He will augment (himself by manipulating) Way to quicken his attack.
[sblock=Stimulate]Range: Touch
  • Essence + Confluence +
  • Mind + Knowledge + Will +
  • Collegiate + Aberrative + d100
By actively manipulating Way, this increases the cumulative Motility in the intended target. The duration is equal to 1 minute per cumulative Health score of the Bender. This may not be applied multiple times. New Motility = Old Motility * (100 + effectiveness)%.
Vadin: 15 * (100 + 64 + 83)% = 37[/sblock]
As Vadin swings his sword, his movement seems to skip through space, like a blink and the sword that was once at the start of its swing is suddenly at the end of it.
[sblock=Sword]Vadin: 32(attack) + 37(precision) + 41(fury) + 70(d100) = 180
Headhunter: 26(defend) + 30(defensiveness) + 28(konokoro) + 30(d100) = 114
Damage: 180 - 114 = 66% * 20 = 13 - 2(bracer) = 11
Body: 2 - 11 = -9: incapacitated[/sblock]
GM: The previously injured Headhunter is too inept at this point to prove defensive. Vadin's sword cuts through the jute bracer and arm and into the unprotected torso, incapacitating the foe.

The other Headhunter tries something a bit more devious this time. Instead of manipulating mechanical Way, he delves into the mystic concept and tries to sap away Vadin's health.
[sblock=Sap]Range: Essence + Confluence
Damage: 20 * (Effectiveness - Resistance)%

  • Essence + Confluence +
  • Mind + Knowledge + Will +
  • Collegiate + Aberrative + d100
This active task causes the inexplicable loss of Health in the intended target. If health is reduced below 1, further reduction causes the loss of Body. If Body is reduced below 1, the target is incapacitated, though still conscious.
HH: 64 + 98(d100) = 162
Vadin: 41(fury) + 93(d100) = 134
Damage: 162 - 134 = 28% * 20 = 6
Health: 15 - 6 = 9[/sblock]
Vadin, unperturbed by the assault, steps to his left and follows through with his knife on the second opponent.
[sblock=Knife]Vadin: 32(attack) + 37(precision) + 41(fury) + 96(d100) + 64(luck) = 270
HH: 26(defend) + 30(defensiveness) + 28(konokoro) + 70(d100) = 154
Damage: 270 - 154 = 116% * 10 = 12 - 2(bracer) = 10
Body: 10 - 10 = 0: incapacitated[/sblock]
GM: Luck is with Vadin as he retaliates against his second foe. The quick flick of the knife barely glances the Headhunter's bracer as it stabs under the left arm, incapacitating the enemy.

Sheldon: 218
Merin: 197
Bolo: 185
Blighter: 179
Indigo: 178
Tor: 176
Vadin: 167
Saemund: 151
Sannit: 144
Da'Roneh(5): 129
Headhunter(2): 116
Headhunter: 86
Da'Roneh(1): 69
Feroz: 63
Da'Roneh: 39[/sblock]
[sblock=Da'Roneh Data]Blighter2: full health
Blighter: unconscious
Mind: 10 - 3 - 8 = -1
Headhunter: full health
Headhunter: dazed
Mind: 10 - 5 = 5
Headhunter: dazed
Mind: 10 - 5 - 2 = 3
Headhunter: incapacitated
Body: 10 - 5 - 3 - 9 = -11
Headhunter: dumbfounded
Mind: 10 - 17 = -7
Headhunter: incapacitated
Body: 10 - 10 = 0
Headhunter: incapacitated
Body: 10 - 11 = -1
Headhunter: dying
Body: 10 - 20 = -10
Da'Roneh(5): full health
Da'Roneh: dazed
Mind: 10 - 6 = 4
Da'Roneh: dazed
Mind: 10 - 9 = 1
Da'Roneh: dumbfounded
Mind: 10 - 19 = -9
Da'Roneh: incapacitated
Body: 10 - 15 = -5
Da'Roneh(3): incapacitated
Body: 10 - 14 = -4[/sblock]
[sblock=Character Data]Sheldon: Mind: 10 - 1 = 9: dazed
Stealth = 89
Indigo: Mind: 10 - 2 = 8: dazed
Tor: Mind: 10 - 1 - 2 = 7: dazed
Merin: Mind: 10 - 2 = 8: dazed
Stealth = 347
Bolo: Mind: 10 - 3 - 1 = 6: dazed
Motility = +26, Duration: 10 minutes
Sannit: Mind: 10 - 3 - 3 = 4: dazed
Turtle: Mind: 10 - 7 - 9 = -6: unconscious
Saemund: Mind: 10- 1 = 9: dazed
Feroz: Mind: 8 - 6 = 2: dazed
Vadin: Mind: 10 - 3 = 7: dazed
Motility = +22, Duration: 15 minutes
Health = 9, Duration: 8 minutes[/sblock] @Sylvar B.
Saemund is next.
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Sylvar B.

Saemund continues to pull to ingots from his pouch and use them to cause (the loss of self-awareness) in the enemy. As he sees the headhunters approaching, he moves closer to Tor so that if it comes to it, he can rationalize killing them as defending him.
OOC: Saemund will move to O-15


Gamer Extraordinaire
With his brain still reeling from the last attack, Sannit will move up to L5 to block the advance of the three Da'Roneh at O3, P3, and Q4. Sannit will attempt to manipulate Way to group Muddle the minds of the three opponents.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 238: The Second Combat Sequence, Saemund

Saemund continues to pull to ingots from his pouch and use them to cause the loss of self-awareness in the enemy. As he sees the headhunters approaching, he moves closer to Tor so that if it comes to it, he can rationalize killing them as defending him.
Sheldon: 218
Merin: 197
Bolo: 185
Blighter: 179
Indigo: 178
Tor: 176
Vadin: 167
Saemund: 151
Sannit: 144
Da'Roneh(5): 129
Headhunter(2): 116
Headhunter: 86
Da'Roneh(1): 69
Feroz: 63
Da'Roneh: 39[/sblock]
[sblock=Befriend]Saemund: 73 * 2(tin) = 146 + 65(d100) = 211
Headhunter: 34(clarity) + 73(d100) = 107
Damage: 211 - 107 = 104% * 20 = 21
Persona: 4 - 21 = -17
Mind: 5 - 17 = -12: dunbfounded[/sblock]
GM: Moving forward toward Tor and within sighting distance of an approaching Headhunter, Saemund burns through an ingot of tin as he completely steals the self-awareness from his already dazed enemy. The Headhunter stops moving forward and stands there, with his head cocked to one side, drooling like an infant.

[sblock=Da'Roneh Data]Blighter2: full health
Blighter: unconscious
Mind: 10 - 3 - 8 = -1
Headhunter: full health
Headhunter: dumbfounded
Persona: 4 - 21 = -17
Headhunter: dazed
Mind: 10 - 5 - 2 = 3
Headhunter: incapacitated
Body: 10 - 5 - 3 - 9 = -11
Headhunter: dumbfounded
Mind: 10 - 17 = -7
Headhunter: incapacitated
Body: 10 - 10 = 0
Headhunter: incapacitated
Body: 10 - 11 = -1
Headhunter: dying
Body: 10 - 20 = -10
Da'Roneh(5): full health
Da'Roneh: dazed
Mind: 10 - 6 = 4
Da'Roneh: dazed
Mind: 10 - 9 = 1
Da'Roneh: dumbfounded
Mind: 10 - 19 = -9
Da'Roneh: incapacitated
Body: 10 - 15 = -5
Da'Roneh(3): incapacitated
Body: 10 - 14 = -4[/sblock]
[sblock=Character Data]Sheldon: Mind: 10 - 1 = 9: dazed
Stealth = 89
Indigo: Mind: 10 - 2 = 8: dazed
Tor: Mind: 10 - 1 - 2 = 7: dazed
Merin: Mind: 10 - 2 = 8: dazed
Stealth = 347
Bolo: Mind: 10 - 3 - 1 = 6: dazed
Motility = +26, Duration: 10 minutes
Sannit: Mind: 10 - 3 - 3 = 4: dazed
Turtle: Mind: 10 - 7 - 9 = -6: unconscious
Saemund: Mind: 10- 1 = 9: dazed
Feroz: Mind: 8 - 6 = 2: dazed
Vadin: Mind: 10 - 3 = 7: dazed
Motility = +22, Duration: 15 minutes
Health = 9, Duration: 8 minutes[/sblock]
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 238: The Second Combat Sequence, Sannit

OOC: Sannit will move up to L5 to block the advance of the three Da'Roneh at O3, P3, and Q4.
Sannit will attempt to manipulate Way to group Muddle the minds of the three opponents.
Sheldon: 218
Merin: 197
Bolo: 185
Blighter: 179
Indigo: 178
Tor: 176
Vadin: 167
Saemund: 151
Sannit: 144
Da'Roneh(4): 129
Headhunter: 116
Headhunter: 86
Da'Roneh(1): 69
Feroz: 63
Da'Roneh: 39[/sblock]
[sblock=Muddle]Sannit: 63 * 2(tin) = 126 + 77(d100) = 203
Da'Roneh: 20(skepticism) + 22(clarity) + 62(d100) = 104
Damage: 203 - 104 = 99% * 10 = 10
Mind: 10 - 10 = 0: unconscious[/sblock]
GM: Moving quickly toward Bolo's new location, Sannit sees that there are three Da'Roneh approaching her position and hopes to impede all three by manipulating Way. While Sannit is pleased to find that he can affect the mind of another at a distance rather than having to touch, as before, he is disappointed to learn that he is only able to affect one, not all three. That one, nonetheless, is rendered unconscious.

[sblock=Da'Roneh Data]Blighter2: full health
Blighter: unconscious
Mind: 10 - 3 - 8 = -1
Headhunter: full health
Headhunter: dumbfounded
Persona: 4 - 21 = -17
Headhunter: dazed
Mind: 10 - 5 - 2 = 3
Headhunter: incapacitated
Body: 10 - 5 - 3 - 9 = -11
Headhunter: dumbfounded
Mind: 10 - 17 = -7
Headhunter: incapacitated
Body: 10 - 10 = 0
Headhunter: incapacitated
Body: 10 - 11 = -1
Headhunter: dying
Body: 10 - 20 = -10
Da'Roneh(4): full health
Da'Roneh: dazed
Mind: 10 - 6 = 4
Da'Roneh: dazed
Mind: 10 - 9 = 1
Da'Roneh: unconscious
Mind: 10 - 10 = 0
Da'Roneh: dumbfounded
Mind: 10 - 19 = -9
Da'Roneh: incapacitated
Body: 10 - 15 = -5
Da'Roneh(3): incapacitated
Body: 10 - 14 = -4[/sblock]
[sblock=Character Data]Sheldon: Mind: 10 - 1 = 9: dazed
Stealth = 89
Indigo: Mind: 10 - 2 = 8: dazed
Tor: Mind: 10 - 1 - 2 = 7: dazed
Merin: Mind: 10 - 2 = 8: dazed
Stealth = 347
Bolo: Mind: 10 - 3 - 1 = 6: dazed
Motility = +26, Duration: 10 minutes
Sannit: Mind: 10 - 3 - 3 = 4: dazed
Turtle: Mind: 10 - 7 - 9 = -6: unconscious
Saemund: Mind: 10- 1 = 9: dazed
Feroz: Mind: 8 - 6 = 2: dazed
Vadin: Mind: 10 - 3 = 7: dazed
Motility = +22, Duration: 15 minutes
Health = 9, Duration: 8 minutes[/sblock]
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