Creator of The Untamed Wilds
... Cormorant drops his staff and launches himself, bodily, at the other Ansylin boy...
The girl sneers as her forearm throbs. "I don't need the knife for you, mud cake."... Antapkos intends to use the same strategy against his other opponent...
While mud grubber was the derogatory term used by those outside of the Flats to refer to those inside, mud cake was the local insult from one to another. Mud cake is the slang term for a sun dried brick. When used to identify a person, it is an intentionally hurtful method of calling someone stupid or incompetent. It means that they are only good for standing in the sun to provide shade for another person.
Cormorant: 59 + 100(movement) + 60(dazed) = 219
Antapkos: 146 + 100(bending) + 60(dazed) = 306
Girl: 133 + 100(bending) + 20(dazed) = 253
B1, 3: 83 + 50(pole) = 133
B2: 103 + 550(move) + 30(dazed) = 683
Antapkos: 146 + 100(bending) + 60(dazed) = 306
Girl: 133 + 100(bending) + 20(dazed) = 253
B1, 3: 83 + 50(pole) = 133
B2: 103 + 550(move) + 30(dazed) = 683
B1: 10 + 8 + 6 + 66 + 100(flank) = 190
B3: 90
Cormorant: 15(aggression) + 12(accuracy) + 12(fury) + 74(d100) = 113
Girl: 6 + 8 + 10 + 66 = 90
Antapkos: 13(finesse) + 14(accuracy) + 12(clarity) + 88(d100) = 127
B2: 10 + 8 + 6 + ... too slow
B3: 90
Cormorant: 15(aggression) + 12(accuracy) + 12(fury) + 74(d100) = 113
Girl: 6 + 8 + 10 + 66 = 90
Antapkos: 13(finesse) + 14(accuracy) + 12(clarity) + 88(d100) = 127
B2: 10 + 8 + 6 + ... too slow
Antapkos: 13(readiness) + 14(avoidance) + 12(analysis) + 60(d100) = 99, dodged
Mind: 2 + 1 = 3, dazed
Cormorant: 13 + 12 + 10 + 52 = 87
damage: 190 - 87 - 12(kilter) = 91% * 5 = 5, Mind: 2 - 5 = -3, unconscious
Girl: 6 + 8 + 10 +
Mind: 4 + 1 = 5, irritated, disarmed
B2: 10 + 8 + 6 +
B3: 10 + 8 + 6 + 41 = 65
damage: 127 - 65 = 62% * 2 = 1, Mind: 6 - 1 = 5, irritated
Mind: 2 + 1 = 3, dazed
Cormorant: 13 + 12 + 10 + 52 = 87
damage: 190 - 87 - 12(kilter) = 91% * 5 = 5, Mind: 2 - 5 = -3, unconscious
Girl: 6 + 8 + 10 +
Mind: 4 + 1 = 5, irritated, disarmed
B2: 10 + 8 + 6 +
B3: 10 + 8 + 6 + 41 = 65
damage: 127 - 65 = 62% * 2 = 1, Mind: 6 - 1 = 5, irritated
Girl: 9(bending) + 10(heat) +
Antapkos: 18 + 10(push) + 88 = 116
Cormorant: 14(conditioning) + 12(fury) +
B2: 10 + 6 +
Body: 6 - 1 = 5. Mind: 5 - 2 = 3 + 1 = 4, dazed, distance 3 strides
B3: 10 + 6 + 66 = 82
distance: 116 - 82 = 34 / 10 = 3 strides
Antapkos: 18 + 10(push) + 88 = 116
Cormorant: 14(conditioning) + 12(fury) +
B2: 10 + 6 +
Body: 6 - 1 = 5. Mind: 5 - 2 = 3 + 1 = 4, dazed, distance 3 strides
B3: 10 + 6 + 66 = 82
distance: 116 - 82 = 34 / 10 = 3 strides
Antapkos knocks his second opponent backward 3 strides, like he had the first, clearing a path to his fallen friend. He can clearly see that the girl is reach to grab hold of him. The malice on her face indicates a desire to kill, harsh attitude for such a young child.
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