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White Mountain OOC Thread

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Gray Shade

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I spoke with Lazlow just a little while ago. All's well. The hurricane turned hard east just a bit before landfall and ended up missing his house pretty much altogether--they had some high winds last night and lost power for about 4 hours, but that's it. Oh, an old fence was blown down in the neighborhood. The area below the tree in his front yard wasn't even wet--so much for the 25 inches of rain "they" predicted! He said he's going to try to get back online today or tomorrow, but at latest it should be Monday when we see him again. So that's good! :)

Deuce Traveler: For your rolls, let's see: you rolled an 18 to hit. Regularly your attack bonus is +8, but you get +2 for your improved Str. (for raging) and +1 for The Padre's Bless and +1 for Haakon's Inspire Courage, so actually your total is a whopping 30! Even with the -4 penalty for attacking to subdue, that's still easily a hit! For damage, you rolled 4, plus 6 for your regular strength (whoops, I missed that, it's wrong on your sheet--like you point out, Str. damage bonus for 2-handed weapon is 1.5 times Str. bonus, so yours is +6 not +4) plus 3 for your rage (Str. bonus is +2 for rage, times 1.5), plus another point for Haakon's Inspire Courage, gives a total of 14! Not bad for rolling a 4! You can have the dice roller add in your bonus to hit and damage by typing 1d20+12 on your to-hit roll and 1d12+10 for damage roll (of course that will change depending on what's going on, raging, Bless, etc.) but you know what I mean.

Deuce Traveler

Good to know. I might have you just roll for me if I can't figure out all the bonuses. I also realized I didn't know the dragon's AC, but I figured a natural 18 would be good enough. ;)


First Post
Gray Shade said:
I'm going to give Bloodweaver a couple hours more before I post again, as his action could easily change what some people--The Padre especially--are doing).

I apologize for my absence. My motherboard on my computer has decided to take an unexpected and unwanted vacation. While I have successfully touble shooted the problem, I am not happy with the results. In the mean time my posts will be touch and go for a few days, hopefully no more than two. I will do my best to keep up and again I apologize for any inconviences this might cause.


Deuce Traveler

Glad to see you attacking the black tendrils, but I already went at it with an unmagical weapon and had no effect on it. If you attack it with a weapon make sure the weapon is magical.

Gray Shade

First Post
A slight *bend* in the rules

I went ahead and put a little curve in the rules to allow Mist to affect the creature with a non-magical weapon, since she was using it with a holy smite. I still gave the 50/50 miss for incorporeal, but she hit, so whatta you gonna do, eh?

Keep up as you can, Bloodweaver, the battle is over, so you and Lazlow being absent off and on for another couple of days should not hinder the steady march of progress as much as last week. I know you'll both post when you can so don't beat yourselves up over it. :)


First Post
Cool, thanks for the slight bend! Always appreciate a good blind eye every now and then.

I think I made a mistake on my character sheet. I should have added a side note for my lance that state double damage on charges as well 1-2 power attack ratio for it being a two handed weapon. I'll be sure to make the proper corrections before the next time I use it.


Gray Shade

First Post
Yeah, I have a character or two have used lances before, so I'm very familiar with the double damage on charge thing--probably why I didn't even notice it missing on the sheet (just added it in my head). :)

Gray Shade

First Post
I don't think Lazlow knows about this thread. He posted the following on the recruitment thread for White Mountain, which I found just by luck. I went back over to check it today, just to make sure no one came along after we started to ask something important. Today was the first day I checked it since we started the game. Weird. Anyway, I'll send Lazlow a link to this thread, but here's what he said:

Lazlow said:
Howdy folks! Thankfully, we got barely a drizzle 'round my place, although the winds were of 'tropical storm' strength (enough to blow the occasional weak tree limb and old rotten fence down).

However, BOTH Mrs. Laz and Baby Laz have come down with FREAKING PNEUMONIA in the last couple of days. Apparently it's going around - we had to wait for over a dozen other pneumonia patients at the clinic to get x-rays! As for me, I'm fine, by some miracle of healthy living (Dr. Laz' Amazing Cure-All: 16oz of unsweetened organic cranberry juice a day (not from concentrate, if possible); the quinic acid in it kills EVERYTHING and keeps ya healthy!). I'll be at home playing nurse for a couple of days, but I'll try to post if I can.

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